I've searched all over the forums trying to find an answer to this, but what is the protocol for suspected 3-boxing? I recently had something like six of my accounts jailed when 3 characters were technically "logged in" (two trackers linkdead by me, one tracker actually online by my roommate)
I was never sent a tell or asked to test if I was 3-boxing (which has happened to me before, which we did pass the test) but in this case attempts to communicate with the person who jailed me was met with "I don't need to see any proof to know you were 3-boxing" and then jailing of that character as well.
Being the holidays I expect to just eat the jailings, and it doesn't exactly break my heart, but it'd be worthwhile to clarify the rules - because it does appear that if you are a person who is known and cleared to have two actual players on the IP (thus 4 characters allowed) but do some sort of activity that may be construed as "suspicious" - in this case, tracking with more than 2 characters - you may still be labelled a 3 boxer and jailed. Consider a scenario where two people are tracking with 4 characters while periodically afk - would this be illegal? Even more confusing is that if I were considered to be a confirmed 3-boxer by this particular Admin, I should have been banned on my 2 highest characters, according to the rules as I see them written. (and in this case - what happens to my roommates characters? things get murky, to say the least) Either the rules were changed officially somewhere along the lines or are made up on the spot (not pointing any fingers here, just curious)
Some sort of consistency is all I'm looking for here - situations like this now have my roommate & I concerned about logging in to anything for fear we will get more things jailed. The person who jailed me refuses to speak with me due to previous incidents that occurred between us, so I am left sort of mystified by the whole thing. For example, I logged on a beastlord I have logged out in Overgrowth as a buffbot and haven't played in days, and was jailed on that as well. That is, one character on an IP cleared for four. Again, never given a chance to prove (again) that there are two people who play on this IP.
Also, there isn't a whole lot of clarification on the 2-boxing rule easily found in the Policy Plaza at all. I think that with any sort of decision like this, communication is key and can avoid a lot of further headaches and involvement/investigation by other people whose time could be better spent. If I were simply sent a tell and asked to prove the presence of two actual players, I would have happily done so, and I wouldn't have had to read through all this policy stuff and contact the other admins to handle this. The policy could probably use some updating. At the least, maybe this will serve as a warning to others in similar situations. Thanks for any info!