Why doesnt sod recognize camps yet? Isnt this the same thing as anti douchbaggery ?
That's why we don't need to make a rule for camps. We expect players to respect each other.
Player Conduct
Show proper conduct in dealing with other players. Deliberate training, killstealing, griefing, excessive vulgarity or otherwise being a prick to other players will result in severe repercussions to yourself. We try to maintain a friendly attitude and expect players to show respect to one another.
The Decency Policies
We strive very hard in Shards of Dalaya to keep the game full of players who are respectful to each other. These are policies that are used by the staff as a way to mitigate discourteous or disrespectful actions without adding unwieldy legalese that would have repercussions beyond our intent. Petitions for these policies will normally be discussed by staff online on a case by case basis. Basically do not be shitty to each other and you will not have a problem - but multiple cases of these sorts of instances will get you serious jailtime.
- We are fine with the spirit of competition. If you are racing someone else for a mob every once in a while that's fine. If you go out of your way to steal named at every opportunity using any means possible you will find yourself in jail.
- Using higher level characters than the area is designed for to monopolize an unreasonable amount of mobs for the size of your group when there are others looking to hunt in the same area (for instance, a powerlevelling player pulling every mob in an area when there is also a group hunting there, or a player clearing every single mob in BB for faction while people are trying to EXP there)
- Try to show general courtesy to players when hunting in the same zone. Excessive leapfrogging, pulling a named after another group kills its placeholder multiple times etc are all fun and games until it's done to you, and it promotes an infected atmosphere between players.
- Engaging players in pvp by rezzing a player's corpse just to kill them again is considered griefing. PvP interactions are still social interactions, and a level of decorum is expected even when taking 4 characters to gang up on and kill a PvP flagged character during his/her raid.
In short, try not to be a jerk. When in doubt, communicating politely with the other players involved is a good start.
These are why we don't need to recognize "Camps". We handle each petition on a case to case basis regarding KS'ing. If it's one trash mob then your most likely answer is going to be get over it. There are many aspects that go into the decision of how to respond to these petitions that will decide the punishment. As stated if you continually KS from people you don't like or rival guilds then yes expect punishment. Don't log in if your intent is to make someone else's game play un-enjoyable. Some-time's Groups/person come in contact with another unintentionally. Maybe one decides to move to another place in zone and all of a sudden find out another group is there and you didn't see them zone in. It happens. Maybe you did a /who before you buffed and went to a zone and found out someone got there before you. It happens. Each situation is regarded as unique and will be handled by the GM answering the petition. It will be discussed among other GM's. The punishments will be decided by the GM's on a case to case basis on the severity of the situation.
In short. Respect other players in the game. It's not hard to be polite and send someone a tell and say "Hey, we are hunting here in elites (or whatever place) and have a rotation set up mind finding a different area?" Everybody wants to have fun, and it's not to much to /shout "Camp Check?". These are people you probably play the game with everyday. And at a high tier generally it's never a problem because it's a waste of time to go into someone's area and kill mob's close to another group. It's not beneficial to anybody and generally why it isn't done and why we don't have to make a "camp" rule. Simply because what you are petitioning about will fall under these rules and handled accordingly under these rules.
And finally.
Ignorance of Rules
Willfully refusing to read the rules and policies of Shards of Dalaya is not an excuse, and you will be punished for any rule breaches regardless of ignorance.
So basically. No. We are NOT going to recognize "Camps". But we do expect a common level of decency among players.