Suggestions for Fixing Unnecessary Muflation

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Stupid question about leech exp: is it more common nowadays than it was? I don't recall seeing "leech exp spot" being requested or advertised in ooc very often before 3-4 months ago, but it's pretty common now. Is it new or just something that didn't catch my attention till recently?
Actually I just thought of a nice way to end leech exp and that is to change SoD's system back to the old system where exp is lowered for every additional member of the group! Great idea guys let's make it happen.
Actually I just thought of a nice way to end leech exp and that is to change SoD's system back to the old system where exp is lowered for every additional member of the group! Great idea guys let's make it happen.

Reminds me of on live when people wouldn't want more group members for fear they were draining more xp than they produced.
let's just instance all of the zones so we don't have to play together anymore. it is becoming a pain in the ass. all problems: solved.
Reminds me of on live when people wouldn't want more group members for fear they were draining more xp than they produced.

I'm swayed by argument that xp leeching isn't so bad for the game because it promotes player interaction. Additionally, a viable solution hasn't been proposed, so I'm willing to drop the idea.
I am not weighing in yet but I am pretty dissapointed at the name calling andand sarcasm. This idea is not near so far fetched to deserve the derision and incivility given in this thread.

Out of every forum balance discussion calls for the most politeness. People should be able to post bad ideas here expecting at worse a "I disagree because blahblah."
By disincentivizing guestlock by pairing it with explock, a useful tool to help protect shared accounts (that active players are finally starting to use on a regular basis) would be rendered useless. For the sake of the players, I think not adding a penalty to guestlock that would make it moot would be preferable to keeping active players from sharing their information (somewhat) safely.

I disagree. The result of adding explock to guestlock would be to disincentivize the use of guestlock for the purposes of gaining free exp. However, it would remain useful for the use of ringers, buffbots, and raidbotting.

As a matter of course, the staff is generally *not* in the business of encouraging players to share information. If we could avoid it all together, we'd do so: because the mass sharing of information leads to less player interaction and social immersion.

If we had the playerbase to support it, we wouldn't allow 2boxing either. But the numbers we have had on this server have necessitated a certain amount of boxing and a certain amount of account sharing that has been unavoidable.

I am always 100% in favor of any change that promotes player interaction, increases player immersion, and culls zombiebots from the system. Guestlock performs an important function, but unfortunately it has had other unintended effects as well. I believe that adding explock would help mitigate those unintended effects.

Additionally, factionlock would be a great benefit if added to guestlock, IF the coded 'faction lock' was to prevent you from engaging with a faction you were ally to. (Exactly like a sworn player in their home plane cannot engage a mob).
Additionally, factionlock would be a great benefit if added to guestlock, IF the coded 'faction lock' was to prevent you from engaging with a faction you were ally to. (Exactly like a sworn player in their home plane cannot engage a mob).
This would have saved quite a few giant/dragon augs that went poof, atleast 3 that I know off.
Additionally, factionlock would be a great benefit if added to guestlock, IF the coded 'faction lock' was to prevent you from engaging with a faction you were ally to. (Exactly like a sworn player in their home plane cannot engage a mob).

There's ups and downs to this. Yah less stress over stuff poofing (especially since staff wont refund it) but i mean like Say miffane for instance. I think 3 people have his info's? me being 1 of those 3. i Asked miffane if i could share his info's with my officers when i was running TNC and he ONLY said no because someone fucked his giant faction and he didnt wan't anyone screwing up say his Athica gate neck. So yah it would help but i also think it would also make ringers more linient on giving out their info's which most people dont want at all.

So there's my ups and downs. personally i say +1 i hope this gets added. Exp lock too.
I should clarify my stance on ringers. I actually don't really have a problem with somebody taking his uber-geared T11 tank to DHK and helping a bunch of newer players stomp out a bunch of dragons. One of the pleasures of SoD is going back to content that used to pwn you and absolutely destroy it. I myself have killed over 10,000 orcs in eastern wastes largely because of this. For the same reason, I generally don't support the idea to scale back a ringer's power if brought into a lower tiered zone, or to engage a certain lower-tiered mob. It reduces to nothing the hard work you've put in to progress your character. This would be fine if SoD wasn't based around character progression, but that's not the case.

What I do have a problem with are old accounts that never cycle out of the game, years after the original players have left the game. Oeovoilo was an old guildmate of mine who left the game a couple of years ago. Since a few people had his account information, that info has been shared further and he's since been used for countless JBs and Emps over the years. Both of these buffs last three hours+ and give players a tremendous boost in capability. How much experience has been gained serverwide as a result of this buffbot, and how much has that additional capability for numerous years altered the relation of player progression against the game itself?

People have called the use of inactive accounts like these "victimless crimes," as though to imply that to do something about it would be to target a real person who's innocent of wrongdoing. But that person left the game ages ago, so "victim" is not a term that can apply. What remains is his soulless avatar, who is now only a tool that other players use to progress.

If there was nothing wrong with the use of these tools, then I would simply recommend that the devs set up a few NPCs in each city to give players whatever buffs they want whenever they want. At least that way, the capability to maximize a character's power would apply to everyone equally, not just the people who've lucked into still having the account information of a player long-gone.

As other posters have pointed out, my proposed solution to the issue of inactive accounts may not be technically feasible, although I wonder why GMs administer IP bans if IP identification serves no purpose.

Here is another idea to tackle the problem: e-mail each player every six months, and ask them to confirm their account is currently active. If a player doesn't respond or responds in the negative, that account is suspected until further notice.

In any of these instances, a problem arises, it has taken some of us since Ikisith's release (almost two years ago) to get where we are today, and another 1-2 months of strictly backgearing is a nauseating thought. If we didn't have access to retired players (or "ringers" to the rest of the server) people would quit and we would fall apart. Meaning no one would be where we are today for at least 1.5 years if not more, that hardly seems like a good thing for the server.

It's true that it hadn't crossed my mind that FWF's existence is dependent on inactive accounts. That isn't true of CW (although we use lots of old buffbots, particularly for SB Emps). If FWF as a guild has devoted a lot of time into a character from an inacive account and they cannot continue without him, then it seems to me that they've assumed de-facto ownership of the account. Perhaps an exception should be made for raiding toons that a longstanding guild has essentially claimed ownership of.
I couldn't be bothered to read the entirety of this silly thread but I caught "explock with guestlock" and I have no fucking clue as to why this isn't implemented already.
As other posters have pointed out, my proposed solution to the issue of inactive accounts may not be technically feasible, although I wonder why GMs administer IP bans if IP identification serves no purpose.
It's just an extra measure beyond a character ban when someone is deserving of losing access to the server entirely. There are ways around it though and the GM staff has to stay vigilant to sniff out people trying to circumvent it.

Here is another idea to tackle the problem: e-mail each player every six months, and ask them to confirm their account is currently active. If a player doesn't respond or responds in the negative, that account is suspected until further notice.
What happens if you have lost access to the e-mail you made the account with (Ask Tao how often this happens).
What happens if you have lost access to the e-mail you made the account with (Ask Tao how often this happens).

I dunno, dude, I don't have all the answers. The best solutions are created by a community, not a single brain trying to fend off every argument. If you agree that this is a problem that could use solving, maybe you can help to answer that question.

Even if the e-mail thing isn't feasible, then perhaps a periodic security question can be posted to the user of the account or the person trying to log in, in much the same way that banks or Facebook occasionally ask you to verify your information for security purposes.

Surely there's a solution to be discovered if we think it's in the interest of the community to implement.
I am always 100% in favor of any change that promotes player interaction, increases player immersion, and culls zombiebots from the system. Guestlock performs an important function, but unfortunately it has had other unintended effects as well. I believe that adding explock would help mitigate those unintended effects.

Cat herding 101: If you open a can of tuna and put it in front of a cat, just because you're holding a squirt gun isn't gonna stop that cat; they're still gonna go after the damned tuna, they're just gonna wait till you turn around.

Translation: everyone stops using guestlock entirely except for ringers and buffbots because everyone is more greedy than they are cautious, and one guy will have a headache a month from now with an inbox full of deleted item appeals.

If the idea is to stick it to ringers, why not get rid of guestlock altogether instead of screwing over everyone but ringers, and screw over everyone instead. I lacked a good cat analogy for this statement.

"I'm retiring, what lower tier guild doesn't have a ringer enchanter yet for while I'm gone because my entire character is static if I just press this button here, so you literally couldn't break anything (not even faction!) so here play stral for 6 months."
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Cat herding 101: If you open a can of tuna and put it in front of a cat, just because you're holding a squirt gun isn't gonna stop that cat; they're still gonna go after the damned tuna, they're just gonna wait till you turn around.

Translation: everyone stops using guestlock entirely except for ringers and buffbots because everyone is more greedy than they are cautious, and one guy will have a headache a month from now with an inbox full of deleted item appeals.

I don't think people would ever stop using guest-lock because there are too many ways to inconvenience your character that the GMs (I assume this still holds) won't fix for you.

If the idea is to stick it to ringers,

It's not.

"I'm retiring, what lower tier guild doesn't have a ringer enchanter yet for while I'm gone because my entire character is static if I just press this button here, so you literally couldn't break anything (not even faction!) so here play stral for 6 months."

I'm not sure this is a plausible scenario. Why would you give your character info to a lower tiered guild? Out of spite for your current guild? So that your character is even further behind the curve should you ever choose to unretire? And finally, there are already ringer toons that out there that lots of people of different tiers have access to, some guest-locked and some unlocked.
There's no way to say this without coming off like a dick but I'll try real hard. I haven't read 95% of your posts for a lot of reasons, but the most recent being that you think the content of what is being discussed somehow relates to you beyond the fact that you initially suggested it. Sorry.

Also I, and probably at least 2/3'rds of the server, don't use or didn't use guestlock prior to the whole grupo thing because they didn't know it existed or completely forgot about it. Something to keep in mind before a good thing arbitrarily gets ruined for what sounds like a good idea.
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