Suggestions for Fixing Unnecessary Muflation

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why not just make all NPCs in starting cities invulnerable? There's no reason to actually kill them

I've really wanted to go through Halas and just rape the town, and I think i might tonight. Would suck if i couldn't kill those pesky barbarians man, they attacked the poor wolfie the other day and now I MUST KILL.
Psh i don't need to pledge Gradalsh, I *did* go murder a bunch of the halas population. It's surpisingly bad experience, as either the guild trainers don't give exp or I bugged out and didn't see it. But those barbarians BURNED and I couldn't have done it if they were invunerable (which would be silly)
One of the people who's disagreed with me in this thread was kind enough to message me in-game and explain that the people who don't think there's a problem are either being snarky or don't know what they're talking about. It's hard for me to gauge exactly what I need to explain to different people, so I appreciate the heads up.

I can only assume this was me since I talked to this guy the day before in game. I said nothing whatsoever to indicate the people opposing his ideas don't know what they are talking about. The closest thing I said was that he is getting more aggressive opposition than usual because he doesn't take the time to think ideas through that obviously would not work at all in SoD. I tried to explain why his argument method is extremely frustrating, but obviously since above quote is what he got out of it, it didn't work. This shouldn't really be any surprise to anyone who has read this thread. He consistently ignores reasonable explanations against his ideas, no surprise he would do the same in game: forget what was actually said and remember it as an ego boost to himself/his ideas.

And yes, I DO think endless bots and ringers are a problem. But, the fact of the matter is that SoD doesn't have the population to do anything about it. I don't post ideas because I don't think there is a solution. Not all problems have a solution, at least immediately. Maybe one day we will able to change something, but right now I don't see it happening. I don't like boxing, yet I do it frequently on FWF raids, because without it we might stop raiding entirely.
Was the afk exp thing broken down as a bad idea anywhere in this thread?

I mean, not just how easy it would be to cheat an idle time, but whether or not just getting exp while afk or not doing much is ok now that you can basically stay logged in until the next patch or whatever.

I mean, even though it's not accruing at the optimal 6 active person rate, even just 1 person on two characters can wrack up a decent amount of xp over a few to many hours.
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