It's a winged 6-man zone. The "out of the wing" thing applies to those special cases of 6man content in zones that aren't 6-man zones.
You shouldn't be buff/rez botting in that zone. Having buffbots just outside in Lake Starfall is fine, though.
HmalB question. I see it takes 6 people to claim a 6 man zone but it also says you can not enter HmalB if you did not trigger the instance. So if I have 6 people all ready to go but there is 2 people waiting around already in HmalB, who has claim? I can't go in the zone since he started it but he can't claim since there are only 2. Would I be in the right to have all my guys outside the stone terror and then ask him to leave?
That's fine as long as you didn't have 18 other people doing the map. Bringing in an outsider player that would be "19th man" helping out wouldn't be okay. If you were doing the map with 17 and brought in that 18th to bash it, that's fine.
That all said, since he wasn't "actively participating", he wouldn't be eligible for loot.
Okay, thank you. My brother and I are just doing VE-D maps, since it's just both of us two boxing, but I was thinking of just logging out one of my characters to load up my SK just to bash the chest once it pops. We're not doing any of the 18 people maps, and I don't have any intention of looting on my SK unless he was one of the people logged in and active for the fight.
Also, I had one more question. I tried doing a search for a thread but was wondering if there is any kind of way of transferring a character from one account to another. Sorry if i'm beating a dead horse on this issue, i just couldn't find anything through the search engine.
Tarutao: Could he switch in his SK for a certain "dig spawn" because he feels the SK would be more effective given that certain set of mobs? And then after the next dig more mobs spawn and he feels his Pally would be more effective with that mob set?
Is switching out toons after a dig allowed and if so, would both the camped toon and the active toon be eligible for loot provided both help win atleast 1 map round?
The "Character and Account Management" thread in the Policy Plaza forum (you were already so close to it!).
Here's a link:
This feels a lot like asking if you can camp characters for half of an encounter to avoid AEs and then load them back in for the kill. I'm going to say "no" because otherwise you could load several alts to Character, have each ccharacter other than the digger do one wave with the digger, then load any of them for the loot, and that really goes against the spirit of the 2box rule as well as against the spirit of the rule clarification a couple years ago that led to the "Out of Raid Looting" clause.
Short answer: "no". Have the characters doing the map be the ones doing the map.