While I'm at it, the new druid spells which I'm not nearly as happy with as the mage ones. What I said before my other post still applies.
-Dominate Animal: Animal based 5 second stun, decrease attack by 50, 25% slow, lower all resists by 25, lower current hate by 200 for one minute. 5 second cast, 450 mana, -10 MR check.
Hrm. I don't like banes for obvious reasons that I've gone into like a million times before. This is just a bane stun debuff. Short time in concept so far, very limited usage, but then again appears to be just a regular spell rather than a runic or artifact. I don't feel it would deserve runic or artifact status honestly. It's okay, but not great.
-Runic: Overwhelming Empathy: Single Target heal for 4300 base, 780 mana cost, 3.75 second cast time
I like the idea of a bigger heal. Double mana cost seems to be the trend with the heals though. I don't think it really should be. Healing has a limit, whereas dps does not. Thus while a high cost for high damage still has value in terms of dps v efficiency, on heals this does not follow the same trend due to constant overheal problems, that would definitely occur.
-Runic: Cascading Vim: 100 range group heal for 1780 base, plus leaves a 500/tick HoT lasts 12 seconds, 1010 mana cost, 4.12 second cast time
Fast cast time woo, same base as circle of vitality but a hot. so basically its a groupheal that takes a long time, when one considers the hot component. Honestly it does not impress me.
-Artifact: Warp Nature: Target based 1225 DD, 400/tick DoT and 2% slow for 18 seconds, 880 mana cost, 8 second cast, -70 MR check, requires a reagent.
I kind of like this. I'll still probably use nightfire far more however and overall be better off. I think it tries to hit too many areas really. If you want a lure, make a lure, if you want a dot, make a dot, if you want a better dd, make a dd, this just tries to do all of those, and suffers in quality as a result. I personally want it to do one or two things, and do them well.
Now another class I play!
-Crippling Surge: Target based AE debuff, lowers AC, STR, DEX and AGI (kobex doesn't want to show the numbers just yet) for 5 minutes, 435 mana cost, -25 MR check
I like the idea. I like duration. I like the - check. It definitely needs to be respectable and stacking issues need to be worked out prior however. There's certainly no need for another fatebind.
-Runic: Spiritual Attuning: Group based Torpor (600 healed per tick instead of 300) for 24 seconds, 850 mana cost, 6 second cast
Neat, but not really exciting honestly. You're looking at torpor first of all. I'm hoping you mean torpor line (rather than just a group torpor itself), more in line with ancient slumber of the beast, so there would be actual value to this as a spell. Torpor is a hot, and good for the shaman, it would be good for other healers and casters as well. It would be absolutely awful for melee's or tanks. Unless we're talking about no snare or atk speed decrease component.
-Runic: Convalesce Spirit: Target based heal for 2850 base for 885 mana, 3.85 second cast
A little more exciting...but woundbane beats it hands down honestly in terms of what shamans do. I'm guessing it's supposed to be an inefficient big drop heal, but see my comments relating to overheal for why I think it's bad, its not even close to as bad as druid or cleric problems with newer big heals, because shamans just don't have the kind of instant healing power of either. Shamans are really about efficiency and duration. I don't see this doing either.
Some other assorted comments
-Runic: Aura of Destruction: Target based Illusion: Imp, increase spell crit chance by 1% (might be higher, Kobex parser hates this effect) and 35 cha for 18 seconds. 350 mana cost, 2 second cast, 15 second recast.
No. Please. Just no. Unless of course the Illusion: Imp is going to all of a sudden stack with the Necro lich form, and the Mage Elemental form aa's. Otherwise from a dps caster perspective it's a significant mana regen hit, and unless the benefits are extremely significant, is definitely not worth the hit, and I personally would probably end up yelling at the enchanter casting it on me and then using blockbuff. I'd like it if it didn't fuck these up, which I'm assuming it will, as many other illusions already do. Really it would only be useful raidwise on 3 classes. Restarting a lich might seem trivial after fight, but you're losing mana regen the entire time, and a significant amount of it, elemental form? Well hope you enjoy losing your 6 mana regen and the other assorted effects of it for generally the next 15 min (depending on zone and other raidbuffs available, for example airform not working in the majority of zones, earth being pretty much useless due to not stacking with combine and being less worthwhile, fireforms stacking issues and seemingly odd benefits which cause the stacking issues. Most of the time you're stuck with just water form.)