I see all the necromancer spells, and even though I really don't like them, I don't think anything I say will change anybodies mind.
And, sense they are all relic/archaic, I'll never see them, so who cares lol.
Since this thread will likely be closed down soon (we'll be throwing up official threads in the Ikisith forum now, on a class by class basis), I'd like to take a time out and comment on this post. Also its a slow work day.
This is a prime example of a useless post.
It was clearly meant as a sort of sarcastic commentary, but I feel it falls flat for numerous reasons, which I shall Tarntino for no discernible reason.
I don't think anything I say will change anybodies mind.
Self depreciation. This isn't gaining you any sympathy, and is fairly unneccesary.
even though I really don't like them
Here we have something close to feedback. But it doesn't actually go anywhere. He's unhappy with the spells, buy why...
sense they are all relic/archaic, I'll never see them
Ignoring the obvious issues with this one, lets look deeper. We find an actual complaint lodged somewhere in here. He's worried that the spells will only cater to the raid game!
This post could be better writen as such.
After seeing all the Necromancer spells, I don't really like them. I doubt I'll change any minds with this but...
My major gripe is the names seem to indicate that they will follow the relic/archaic model, and thus I will never see them.
The follow up would then be some alternatives to your proposed problem. Perhaps a question asking if you could be told where they would be attained from, and then a suggestion on alternative means of acquisition for those who don't raid regularly, or don't like random fragment drops.
But all of this is fairly moot as, like the post infers, staff doesn't actually read the forums anyway.