I am still pretty unimpressed with the bard songs, and as far as the self buff song, I would rather just have Song of Sustenance because at least that one is funny.
The charm still seems fairly out of place for a bard, but it may be usable if the changes Wold was intending making goes live. The rune would get "knocked off" if the melee absorb shield is used up. It seems expensive, and very situational (enough so that I would hardly ever keep it up). In my post pages and pages ago, I said that beneficial songs for bards are just not good enough. We have plenty of beneficial songs that are insanely good and fit many niches. The songs in Ikisith seem to be so situational, that they will be in spellbooks instead of spells bars 99.99% of the time.
I would have to see the final versions of the songs before I make a strong commitment, but I would assume by that time, it will be too late to change them. The ideas of these new songs is pretty ho-hum and doesn't really give the bard a lot of variety as far as songs go. Two of the three songs use a bunch of mana, and most bards do not have large mana pools.
The rune and the charm I would have to see in action, though on paper they look pretty bad. The self buff will never be used, even with a soloing bard, because bards are about making groups better. I never used the self only buffs leveling up, and I would not use one now (with so many other options). Lilt of Frenzy needs a massive overhaul, because it will be about as used as Song of the Mindflayer, IE, never.
I have made other suggestions for songs in this thread. They might not be the best idea, but it is a start. Beneficial songs are NOT the way to go for bards.