"Ask Not What SoD Can Do for You ..."

Soften the start. I know Shards already has made the start of the game easier than live was but soften the blow a little more would help for new players

This game is no way easier to start than live you have a full set of visible gear by the time you are level 10 in the tutorial if you do the quests. The time sink on this game is way too big to keep casual players especially when you cannot get decent without raiding and are competing with f2p games like the real EQ etc.
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This game is no way easier to start than live you have a full set of visible gear by the time you are level 10 in the tutorial if you do the quests. The time sink on this game is way too big to keep casual players especially when you cannot get decent without raiding and are competing with f2p games like the real EQ etc.
Well i guess i have not played live in years so you are probably right ( i quit before the tutuorial thingy was ever put in) I remember getting dropped in the world with 1-2 spells (if you could cast at lvl 1) and a crappy weapon. Much like how you start in shards (minus starting in the dream) and killing mobs that were DB at low levels also nearly killing me (i think i was a ranger or rogue so thats probably why later i made a druid and had less problems with this). Regardless the point stands make the beginning a little softer give 6man content that is lower teir for these players to get relics/ancients (have them only drop if someone needs them similar to the 4.3 weapons?)
This game is no way easier to start than live you have a full set of visible gear by the time you are level 10 in the tutorial if you do the quests. The time sink on this game is way too big to keep casual players especially when you cannot get decent without raiding and are competing with f2p games like the real EQ etc.
The time sink on this game is way too big to keep casual players especially when you cannot get decent without raiding and are competing with f2p games like the real EQ etc.

This. Seven years ago SoD was pretty cool because you could play for free and getting max AAs was a obtainable goal for non no-lifers (lifers?). Faster forward to today and you can play any of a dozen radical games for free and the prospect of getting deep into tomes is laughable for just about anyone with a job, school, family, friends, knowledge of outside's existence. In the hundreds of hours it takes to level to 65, lfg, buff, travel, grind AAs, lfg, buff, wipe recovery, grind CoP (or tomes w/change), vendor, grind more, etc... just to finish CoP you could become fluent in a foreign language or do p90x several times or talk to a girl or become a licensed masseuse or whatever. Probably all of those things. Then you'd be able to take said girl/s to a fancy restaurant and order in French followed up by a sensual massage and hours of intense gym body fornication. Oh, and you could probably find the time to play a modern MMO on the side too. Just sayin'.
True that. I finished CoP because I have been a casual since WR. I am not sure why Dragonkin still puts up with my slacking!
With 2.5 do a fresh server on EQEMU. Remove CoPs and give the effect across the board to all.
Really though just give it a try for a month. BAN ALL old accounts and let people make new ones. see how fun it is.
It definitely isn't lost on me that nearly all platinum is deliberately generated with the intent of spending on the supposed platinum sink. Let's face it, players wouldn't do this kind of monotonous, antisocial & endless farming if they weren't saving for charms.

Rather than merely complaining in this post - here is my suggestion although I have no idea how feasible it is: multiply platinum drops by the number of players in group/raid who are on aggro list.
Change mobs to drop 0 coin and instead on death, deposit plat into the characters on the aggro list. Should prevent the "you can come but no split for helping us kill shit" type of thing and would also help ensure that the players getting the $$$ are helping kill the mob? Not sure how popular that idea would be though. Sounds good in theory.

Edit: Daffie has a good point below.
I wrote a reply to then thought about it a little more.

The problem isn't just with PP drops, it is with item drops. When farming kaesora for instance, a ton of the cash comes from the thousands of stackable and the BoE items that drop. Upping the PP drop rate doesn't fix that issue.

With the COP changes in effect (which seem to be going pretty well), I'd say a majority of people are in a position where their exp to money ratio is not at a good state. People with COP bonus are still scrougning for the tomes which are now very inflated. Granted, tome prices will eventually settle down and maybe there will be balance once again.

For people who haven't completed COP5 and are in the process of buying some tomes for the first time, those people got hit HARD. Saving up for a charm for these newer people is unthinkable.

But for now, it seems like a great time to implement something of what Fuwok/Breigon were bringing up. Exp already scales with the number of people in group, there's no reason money shouldn't either. Maybe start the $ scaling with 3 or more people, to discourage people from 2-boxing. Also, make it so you have to be on the aggro list for the $ scaling to happen (to prevent $ leechers).

Now obviously, something like this doesn't fix everything (as people have mentioned the issue that in most zones, a majority of the $ comes from selling droppable items). But it is at least a start to encourage people to group together rather than 2-box their way to supremes. An advanced solution might tinker with the drop rates of tomes & random BoEs, increasing the drop rate in groups of 3 or more, making even more scaling incentive to group together.
Enasc I've played SoD on and off just like the next guy. I pay attention to some patch notes. I, like most really don't want to spend 3 nights a week raiding and 2 nights a week getting exp/cash farming. Drehar is like T8 ish, and I know it has a little to do with my class and a little with the low pop, but there really isn't a place for a paladin tank. The only time I was ever able to be a main tank is in guilds that I created around me being the main or 2nd tank. SoD Now is a lot different of a game then it was when I started playing. More content is always good to have but at this point its walking all over it's self. When I started SoD it was a lot more like EQ. You raided what ever with as many people as you wanted to, farmed Dropable gear and exped/ farmed upgrades. Now its a little less EQ and more mainstream MMO's.

TLDR I'm all for a fresh server if that is ever an option. I would come back and play again.
Enasc I've played SoD on and off just like the next guy. I pay attention to some patch notes. I, like most really don't want to spend 3 nights a week raiding and 2 nights a week getting exp/cash farming. Drehar is like T8 ish, and I know it has a little to do with my class and a little with the low pop, but there really isn't a place for a paladin tank. The only time I was ever able to be a main tank is in guilds that I created around me being the main or 2nd tank. SoD Now is a lot different of a game then it was when I started playing. More content is always good to have but at this point its walking all over it's self. When I started SoD it was a lot more like EQ. You raided what ever with as many people as you wanted to, farmed Dropable gear and exped/ farmed upgrades. Now its a little less EQ and more mainstream MMO's.

TLDR I'm all for a fresh server if that is ever an option. I would come back and play again.

With some of the changes to paladin agro, tanking is quite viable. Doing my 20aa -magic resist glyph also made life a little better. I think everyone would still rather have a warrior or SK tank the big boss mob, but Daffie was quite fine a second tank. I'd like to add some true comedy: Daffie has tanked shit down that killed Fuwok (missed heals from teh slackers killed the ringer box...) This has happened a while ago in torment and NDHK (maybe water too?)
now that codex of power is out of the way what are the dirty casuals going to complain about next?
With some of the changes to paladin agro, tanking is quite viable. Doing my 20aa -magic resist glyph also made life a little better. I think everyone would still rather have a warrior or SK tank the big boss mob, but Daffie was quite fine a second tank. I'd like to add some true comedy: Daffie has tanked shit down that killed Fuwok (missed heals from teh slackers killed the ringer box...) This has happened a while ago in torment and NDHK (maybe water too?)

Whaa? You mean to say you weren't spamming Remedy on Fuwokbot? You must have skipped the paladin raid tutorial.
Whaa? You mean to say you weren't spamming Remedy on Fuwokbot? You must have skipped the paladin raid tutorial.
I never said I wasn't slacking on heals too! At least 1 time in torment I was boxing my shaman along with duck lol...
now that codex of power is out of the way what are the dirty casuals going to complain about next?

The big problem in the game wasn't the CoP's, its primarily gear and how it is obtained. This change will likely do little to nothing, other than jack up the demand for tomes and run people out of them. I don't know how many times I have to say this, People quit or don't play because they cannot or are unwilling to commit the time needed to do what it takes to get somewhere in this game. This game caters to one type of player...Do all the nonsensical changes that sound sensible to you all you want, but until you change the paradigm of the game, your stuck with this audience.

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