"Ask Not What SoD Can Do for You ..."

The problem with exping with new/low tier tanks is that they are are just too squishy with not enough aggro. Honestly lower end War/Pal/SK gear or easy to obtain war/pal/sk only gear should just get bumped in stats so that a tank can be better than garbage tier before raiding like tier 7 or 8. Also piggy backing on what hugh said, why would i invite a lower tier tank when my monk will just end up tanking anyways?
The problem with exping with new/low tier tanks is that they are are just too squishy with not enough aggro. Honestly lower end War/Pal/SK gear or easy to obtain war/pal/sk only gear should just get bumped in stats so that a tank can be better than garbage tier before raiding like tier 7 or 8. Also piggy backing on what hugh said, why would i invite a lower tier tank when my monk will just end up tanking anyways?
Let's be honest, lowako isn't tanking anything.
I think until end game guys stop camping everything for the alts and quests, fresh 65's will get burned out competing for an exp group let alone gear. How to fix? I'm serious, server wipe for any toon made over a year ago. It's progressing that keeps people going. Make everyone start from square one. The full-timers will piss and moan, some will quit, some will make a new toon and get over it. New players will be on a level playing field.

When i logg on during daytime GMT +2 theres a whole 20-30 ppl online (usually on a saturday/sunday) When i logg on for raids its evning for me and the server population is anything from 50-90. How in earth are the high end ppl camping everything ? What do you mean kill everything is it that lower tier targets are not up ? Cause theres tons of content that ppl dont kill. Or did you mean exp zones are full so they cannot progress their chars by AAs/Tomes ? Witch quests are you speaking off ? The vah ? Well you can do the first steps hard part is to find parcelan up but when your at that stage you are prolly in a guild or playing with new friends who will help you track it and get a timer for it. 2 of the assasinations are a bitch cause alot of ppl are on that part and some ppl farm em for cash but still i have several ppl in my guild that has managed to get past thoose parts and found the right mobs up. As exp grps in general when i was fresh (before the whole awsome BoE gear and tradeskill items) i had 3200mana i used to form grps with what ever persons who where lfg. We did ew orcs cause that wasnt hard and we got 1aa/hr sometimes a mage pet tanked sometimes a hybrid or a real tank in scrap gear thats how i meet ppl and suddenly i was in a guild called Venerate. The fresh ppl needs to get into 1-2 exp grps or form their own meet ppl who they can exp with again. There are several guilds who accept lvl 65 into their rank for exp/social/maybe a raid its all about being abel to being social with the ppl you meet.

A server wipe would kill the server.
As someone who virtually no longer plays, it's the low server population that did it for me. That and the lack of meaningful content to do once you have 2x1.2M charms and completed all the moderate difficulty 6 man. This leaves the very difficult 6 man that requires specific combos of players and everyone to be on at the right time. Competition is probably easier now but there are so few top geared people on at any given time the effect is the same.

There are many things one could od but my favourites are:

The single most pressing issue is the new client; obviously eliminating the graphic bugs was a major improvement but you log onto Live now and see the difference in the quality of the graphics. Unless there is a trick I don't know anybody with a 1920x1060 screen i.e. anybody with a monitor less than 2-3 years old will have all the text in the dialogue boxes squashed and unreadable at times. Despite the sterling work done by the Devs the client is the limiting factor on so many issues including bag size, inviting players to group outside zone, seeing your group on the map etc. I know work is progressing but if the server is to survive you must absolutely prioritise this.

Would you consider revamping the loot system so that everyone gets some reward a la Live where you get awarded tokens and can save up to get your gear that way? I know you might consider it would make the game too easy but if say Saitha dropped 1 piece of gear instead of 2 and everybody in the raid got 10 tokens and 100+ tokens got you 1 piece of Saitha level gear would that be that much easier?

Would you consider lockout timers on some of the 6 man where mobs spawn fairly soon after being killed but anybody who killed the mob is locked out for 3, 5 or 7 days. That way people with jobs, girl friends and lives can get in on the action.

Just my 2 cents
As someone that plays sporadically now, a server wipe would entice me to come back full time.

I'm sure many veterans don't share that opinion, though.

What about an entirely new server that runs along side SoD Malath Server; maybe SoD "Faydark" Server. (FYI it's 9pm EST and the server population was 100+ :)when I signed on to check out the server name). This would leave the veterans alone; yet create a wiped server. I use to see 2 servers listed on the server select screen so I believe this is entirely possible. However, I can see it creating a need for a huge donation drive. Just an idea though...
The single most pressing issue is the new client ...
So why has p99 900 players while SoD has 90?I dont think it has anything to do with the client.
Also UO is still quite popular,now talk about a horrible unconvenient client and outdated graphics,people even playing a monthly fee for it.
What about an entirely new server that runs along side SoD Malath Server; maybe SoD "Faydark" Server. (FYI it's 9pm EST and the server population was 100+ :)when I signed on to check out the server name). This would leave the veterans alone; yet create a wiped server. I use to see 2 servers listed on the server select screen so I believe this is entirely possible. However, I can see it creating a need for a huge donation drive. Just an idea though...

Would Play.....
So why has p99 900 players while SoD has 90?I dont think it has anything to do with the client.
Also UO is still quite popular,now talk about a horrible unconvenient client and outdated graphics,people even playing a monthly fee for it.

Unless I am mistaken P99 uses a much newer client, apologies if I am wrong but the graphics seem a lot better.
If starting the game over, doing the leveling game and progression again, is something that interests a number of people, what's stopping you from doing that right now?

Sounds like someone who is really motivated to do that could try to get those people organized, perhaps start a new progression guild or something. Make up your own rules for it. Whatever seems reasonable. If you don't want your characters powerleveled, or leeching, or twinked, or raids with ringers when the time comes, then just don't do those things. It's not like there's a lack of content for the 1-65 game on this server, or low-to-mid tier raid content either.

Doesn't that seem a whole lot easier than setting up a new server, or wiping the current one?
If starting the game over, doing the leveling game and progression again, is something that interests a number of people, what's stopping you from doing that right now?

Sounds like someone who is really motivated to do that could try to get those people organized, perhaps start a new progression guild or something. Make up your own rules for it. Whatever seems reasonable. If you don't want your characters powerleveled, or leeching, or twinked, or raids with ringers when the time comes, then just don't do those things. It's not like there's a lack of content for the 1-65 game on this server, or low-to-mid tier raid content either.

Doesn't that seem a whole lot easier than setting up a new server, or wiping the current one?

I ran with a group of people on live that we had alts like that, then they came out with the progression server. It was kinda fun.
Most people that have done basically everything had the most fun when they started off. Back when nobody had a huge ego and everyone was on the same playing field.
I'm not sure I quite understand the different playing field thing. Perhaps I just don't fit into the group of people who have done basically everything.

I started playing in early 2011 and I don't really remember any big ego bad guys having any impact whatsoever on what I did, in a positive or negative way. tbh I'm not sure either of us were aware the other existed. I lived in my own little pre-raid-game world and was blissfully ignorant of all the high end dealings and drama. Setting a few progression-guild rules could easily start everyone in the guild out on an identical playing field. Just doing a no-twinking with gear beyond what the guild has currently killed, no ringers, and no xp leeching could be an easy way to do it.

I don't see why it couldn't be the same way today. I don't see any high-tier guys stomping on low-end or pre-65 exp zones just to hurt the game.

Just looking for solutions that don't require huge amounts of effort (or any effort) from staff that would get people playing who are interested in playing.
The best point someone made with regards to a new separate wiped server is that it basically splits the already low population on the current server. Sure some would come back, even if only for awhile, and add to that population, but imo (a phrase not used nearly enough on these boards, heh), it would effectively deal a death blow to this already low population. (not to take anything away from the idea. It's not a bad one at all. A cool idea. It just has potentially devastating side-effects)
Personally i think a new SoD server that launches with the 3.0 client along with being put on the eqemu login would do ALOT for the sod community. Hype it up for 2 weeks prior to the launch so people know about it then when sod gets added to the eqemu login you will see the new server have over 200+ players, EASILY.

The only issue that can arise is when the new server gets 200+ population, all the people on the original server would be so butthurt about having no one to play with that they would want a transfer or merge to happen asap.
I have access to a server that is capable of running an EQ server + several hundred clients. It is currently host to "A Quiet Place" EQEMU server where my friends and I screw around. If we wanted to we can attempt to start another SOD server and see how it goes. Would be a fresh start for all.
I fail to see how a new server would help the community any. I think the server being listed eqemu and putting a little hype behind the server would help. Also there is not many people that have fun toys that are willing/wanting to go back to not having these toys. Thats why many people feel this way about a server wipe.
I fail to see how a new server would help the community any. I think the server being listed eqemu and putting a little hype behind the server would help. Also there is not many people that have fun toys that are willing/wanting to go back to not having these toys. Thats why many people feel this way about a server wipe.

"Many People"? Last time i checked there was only at 100 players online and this was during prime time.
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