Dalayan Pious Diety
This is unnecessarily harsh. He is saying that he is looking at spell damage as a singular event and not a statistical trend. He is not in a place of progression where he has spent entire fights casting lure, or if a mage blowing their mana bar into sequential resists then making a sandwich after their pet dies.
He's claiming that his spells are doing 600 less damage with the new system, but that he didn't get resisted enough in the old system to matter. In order for his spell to do 600 less damage, he would have to be casting on mobs that previously resisted the spells something like 20-30% of the time (can't say for sure since he hasn't supplied other numbers) so he is obviously either greatly exaggerating, incorrect, or found a bug with the new system. I don't think my calling him out on this is harsh when it's being considered valid feedback that could get a great change reverted.