i bug reported this at the start of 2.5 but nothing happened.nah its not intended but since it hasn't been fixed in a year + id say its fair game..... taesh belts for everyone.
If custo isn't up and taeshlin hasn't died, you can petition to have the ward respawned, This has been done in every guild I've ever been in, Exo,fwf,sf,handle,ringers, by staff ranging from nwaij to marza to slaar to just about anyone who can do it.Looking for clarification on the Taeshlin ward. I was under the impression that the ward was up for some time:and when the ward re-popped it means you could no longer attempt Taeshlin. Is this correct?12-24 hours I thought
You may have only 18 characters actively benefiting a raid at any time.
After a wipe, you may NOT log in a 19th person to fill a class role that is not present on your raid. I.E. No logging in a bot mage to DS/mod rod while you rebuff. Swapping in a mage and swapping him back out afterwards is not a clever way to get around this. This also means logging in a 19th person to rez the raid is disallowed.
You may have more than 18 people in the zone ONLY IF they are coming to replace someone that is leaving, and the above rule still applies.
No bueno. You should rez with a guy that is (and stays) in the raid.Seeking clarification on this rule:
How does this action fall on the spectrum:
1) You have a raid of 18 people and wipe.
2) Someone was going to replace the raid is at the wipe spot.
3) You drop a member on your raid (down to 17) and add the new member who was at the wipe spot.
4) The new member rezzes the 17 remaining members of the raid (not rezzing the player who dropped previously).
Preparation: run a clericbox to your out of the way raid zone.As long as that rezzer joins the raid and participate, I don't see how that scenario would break the rules
Preparation: run a clericbox to your out of the way raid zone.
Form raid, move raid to out of the way raid zone, wipe.
Drop that one boxed cleric you have in the raid, rez on the conveniently camped CLR you ran to the out of the way zone, put him in raid.
To prevent any scenario like this, your answer is still no rezzing on toons outside raid.
To prevent any scenario like this, your answer is still no rezzing on toons outside raid.