Policy Questions Thread

I think it'd be much safer to assume it's not legal, I'm not a staff member, but that's the 'better safe than sorry' method.

Also, rule #1 is literally:

Ignorance of Rules
Willfully refusing to read the rules and policies of Shards of Dalaya is not an excuse, and you will be punished for any rule breaches regardless of ignorance.
is running past 4.1/4.2 to port to 4.3 illegal? or having a rogue sneak past the mobs in 3 to port your group into 4?
You have to kill those ~3 mobs in cmal3 because you can't get past them with invis. If 42 is active, you have to kill it to go for 4.3, because again, you can't get past it with invis. If its inactive (read: does not attack anyone. ROG that sneaks is not a valid test if it is active!) you can just walk past it.
I think it'd be much safer to assume it's not legal, I'm not a staff member, but that's the 'better safe than sorry' method.

Also, rule #1 is literally:

Ignorance of Rules
Willfully refusing to read the rules and policies of Shards of Dalaya is not an excuse, and you will be punished for any rule breaches regardless of ignorance.
After waiting over 2 months for a response I just thought that the staff assumed I was trolling in asking for clarification on something that most of my guild assumed is pretty straight forward. I was also unsure because a while ago I had a GM (Although he was on his player character) give me the okay to feign past an active 4.2 to port up to kill 4.3 so that we would not have to kill 4.2 and rot all of the loot that his group needed or wait for him. Based on that I thought I was safe in assuming that it was a legal maneuver.

Shout outs to Nwaij for clearing up my confusion.
You have to kill those ~3 mobs in cmal3 because you can't get past them with invis. If 42 is active, you have to kill it to go for 4.3, because again, you can't get past it with invis. If its inactive (read: does not attack anyone. ROG that sneaks is not a valid test if it is active!) you can just walk past it.
So you want people to rot all the gear from 4.2 just to get to 4.3? This seems sort of silly to me, not to mention kind of shitty for people who actually need the gear...
So you want people to rot all the gear from 4.2 just to get to 4.3? This seems sort of silly to me, not to mention kind of shitty for people who actually need the gear...
4.2 isnt always active when we go to fight the 6 armed J.O monster but when it is we get the displeasure of stealing a mob from dudes who need it and having to redo quite a few buffs
That seems like the wrong solution to this... 4.2 is like 4-5 tiers lower than 4.3, so while its not a big problem for a 4.3 group to kill 4.2, it just rots all the loot and denies the mob to any on tier groups that actually want to do the content. Additionally, 43 is done very consistently soon after it spawns, so this will result in 42 being perma camped as well, only all of its loot is rooted by players who have no need or interest in it...
Is there a list somewhere of all 6-man content restrictions? The list in the 6-man policy thread seems to be incomplete -- e.g., OG 6-man stuff isn't on there. And the wiki is suspect (e.g., Dojo has no 6-man restrictions but the wiki said it did).
Nothing stops you from doing OG 6mans with more then 6. Except, ya know, the mob scripts. (Atleast thats what I was told back then, might not be true for tunnels mobs, who knows!)
Clarification on 6man in OG, from Marza, Anything past infested room is considered 6man only. While there may be some mobs scripted 6man in that room it is considered free area for buffing.

GM Twist
If you have 17 in spires, is it legal for person A who is not in the raid to flag the ward in field of bone to let person B get into spires and join the raid?
As long as you have atleast one person who can open the ward in FoB in your raid while raiding spires, you can do whatever you like when it comes to FoB ward. Do not raid spires without atleast one flagged toon in raid though, thats considered content skipping.
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Classic BrendanSmith24. Makes a forum account 5 years ago and waits patiently for Nwaij to make a typo. Sees his opportunity and with his first post, STRIKES!

But thanks for the info, I was told explicitly that having someone camped in FoB to key in people is illegal, good to know!

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