OK, after hemming and hawing about "do we replace peoples' icons," I think we agreed the best thing is to give folks the option in the patcher if they want it.
SO, when I get a bit of time, I will make an "Advanced" option in the patcher for folks who want to change their video fix or icon settings. The other concern we had is making the patcher too busy or complicated; this sort of reduces that. If you want the new icons, great, hit Advanced, check the box, you're off and going.
I will try to get this done sooner rather than later, lest I forget.
This reminds me of a question I had relating to 2.5/3.0. Am I right to assume we'll be using Live's current spell icons? Our old ones could presumably be copied+pasted strategically over the modern ones without losing any new icons we may get in the process if the ones we've used all these years are deemed too important to abandon. If we are going to upgrade to a newer set of icons, would it be worthwhile for someone to upload the modern icons for use with our current client so that people can get a preview of what's to come and so that the big switch (whenever it happens) won't be that little bit less jarring?I am hoping this will end up giving us some feedback on which icons we should migrate over to the "official" spell set, and maybe integrating the two as we go. Hopefully I get yelled at less this way, too.
You probably know about this already, but many people seem to be unaware that the viewport can be customized to mimic the boxed-in look of the original UI. The command is /viewport followed by some X and Y offset coordinates, I believe, but I don't dare mess with it myself for fear of accidentally shifting the entire field of view way offscreen and not knowing how to retrieve it!Back when we had to share our screen visibility with buffs. Having like 6 blue boot icons, and a couple flexing arms. Shame I don't have a pic of buffs up on the top right of screen.
You probably know about this already, but many people seem to be unaware that the viewport can be customized to mimic the boxed-in look of the original UI. The command is /viewport followed by some X and Y offset coordinates, I believe, but I don't dare mess with it myself for fear of accidentally shifting the entire field of view way offscreen and not knowing how to retrieve it!
No joke on the inventory space issues lolThat is really interesting. I guess if I had the time or desire I could change up my UI so that all the area(s) I have boxes and chat windows could lay in a particular area, and never again get in the way of looting. (Well if I ever looted anymore. 4 bags and 4 open inventory slots. No room for looting anymore.)