I'm not sure if this is widely known, but I believe there are four different kinds of haste from eqlive. (assuming same here since it is the same client)
1.) Normal haste item
2.) Spell haste
3.) Bard song "Overhaste (V3)" stacks with spell haste, raidwide
4.) Bard song "Overhaste (V2)" stacks with spell haste as well as V3 song overhaste, group only (Link:
I played a bard and have often twisted V2 & 3 together stacking their effects. (in eqlive)
The reason I am explaining this is because someone suggested putting a haste component into Yalup 4 and sounds very reasonable as to improving paladin's DPS by a small yet noticeble margin. Consider the recent change in paladin's melee style Guarding Blade, which strips paladin's tankability to even lower than before when compare to the other 2 tank classes, it would help balance the paladin class a little and fulfill its purpose of "the DPS (not crazily) choice of all three tank classes". (Please do not go argue about pally shouldn't be DPS and what not, I linked a thread which made by Wiz in the earlier days explaining that paladin IS the DPS class of the tank choices, but significantly lower than true melee DPS)
Back to turning Yaulp 4 into haste topic -
1.) Add V2 haste component into Yaulp 4 (V2 as in reference to the bard V2 song haste which is group only) a 10% stackable haste with spell (V1) & bard song raidwide (V3) that is for GROUP only. It is but a slight improvement of DPS for a single paladin, but when it is used in group, it contributes a reasonable amount to a single group's overall DPS. This will also increase the desire of having more than 1 paladin on raid encounters when planning a pure melee group.
2.) Another option is to consider completely changing an existing spell that's within a Paladin's spell arsenal into this V2 overhaste effect. (such as, flame of light)
3.) If changing Yaulp 4 into an overhaste. clerics would be thinking - what of Yaulp 5 and 6, a 75% and 100% haste respectively?
They remain unchanged, as to give cleric an option to choose between Yaulp 4 and 6 depending on situation. Such as melee cleric would not sacrifice Yaulp 5 or 6 when he has no other spell haste already cast on himself, but would throw in the Yaulp 4 if he already had a spell haste. Making Yaulp 4 and 5 or 6 overwrites each others to mitigate the possible abuse.
Would this be a reasonable and doable option?