@Haenir - In that folder there are 'd3dx9_24.dll' through 'd3dx9_36.dll' and 'D3DX9_37' through 'D3DX9_43.dll'. Why do you ask?
Try running as admin, also remove the built in fps throttling built into the EQ client when in background mode.I'm having a similar issue.
Specs: i7-7700k, Nvidia 1050Ti, 16GB ram, EQ is installed on SSD, cpu & gpu temp 34-40C, the build is about a month old and everything works fine, as it should.
I upgraded Win8.1 to Win10 today because my cpu is too new to support Win8 updates and I started getting mouse lag.
The upgrade to Win10 fixed the mouse lag, but now I lag terribly when playing SoD, especially when boxing; I'm getting just a few fps. I tried updating and reverting the drivers back to old, fiddled around with vertical sync, disabled AV and background services (not that it should give me lag with these specs). The beforementioned files are all safe and sound in my windows/system32 dir.
Any suggestions for what to try next?
At this point, I'd probably either start uninstalling everything else that is not critical (like windows defender), or try to run the game off of a VM. If you really need help setting up a VM environment, I could potentially assist, but there is a lot of information out there at this point for it.Win updates could no longer be deferred and now I have lag again. Windows defender, firewall, search are all disabled. Even after setting all CPUAffinity in eqclient.ini to -1, it's still processed by a single core (100% of that core, about 13% total cpu per EQ client). It looks like a lot of people have this problem, and most "solved" it by downgrading to Windows 7. My CPU, however, won't support anything older than this POS Windows 10, and I have other problems in earlier versions.
It's a lot worse when there are mobs or players in my field of sight, so technically I could always just turn my back to everything. But then I couldn't raid. I guess there's no solution for me :/
Edit: Xbox dvr is turned off, vsync is off, gfx settings set to max performance. It doesn't matter if I play at old models, have all filters turned off, clip plane set to minimum, lag is the same. Playing with or without UI is the same, laggy.