New PC, Windows 10, SOD runs like poop

If you're zone crashing it typically means your internet is bad and the client is dumb. I've heard second hand that using a VPN will fix that. Still waiting for people who have actually used one to recommend 1 pubicly:

For the OP, not sure anyone has tested directx 12 with SoD on Windows 10? Directx 11 would probably be safer but I can't say for sure.
i don't run windows 10 (i don't upgrade until the first SP1 update (ALWAYS))
But from my understanding, Windows 10 comes baked with DX12, so he may not have a choice at all.

you can try repairing dx12 or try reinstalling it if there is a source to install it from.
other than that, others are running windows 10 at the moment, albeit, some have had issues, but a lot of them are working, which leads me to believe that
this is probably all driver related and you may have to periodically check your manufacturer for updates until something gets corrected.
alternatively, you could contact your manufacturer for troubleshooting, they may have a stash of beta drivers for certain people to try. who knows.
I feel like its just not recognizing the video card somehow. idk the gameplay is just so bad. under options ingame it says intel hd graphics but it only recognizes 1 of my 4k ram. its prob some kind of driver issues like u said I just have no idea we tried everything
the on board video card (intel-hd graphics) will probably only use up to 1GB of your 4GB of ram as the rest of it will be used for windows booting up, windows applications etc) the maximum is probably set to 1GB/1024mb. Expect that to be normal, as you wouldn't want the video card to use anymore of it anyway.
I tried the beta graphics drivers but it gave me some weird eror saying minmum system requirements for installation not met =/
Those of you having issues with windows 10, are you using the windows firewall? If so, have you tried disabling it? Also, if you run an anti-virus, make sure to whitelist sod/eq, as it can cause an issue also. (For example, AVG thinks the sod patcher is a virus, and quarantines it when you try to run it.)
Sounds like a config issue. You're using the laptop you linked xfx? All I see is the intel HD graphics on the site...When you go into your device manager that's the graphics card you see right?


You could probably set the amount of system memory available to your IGP in the BIOS but I seriously doubt that EQ uses anywhere near 1gig
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alright well i returned the computer i first described with windows 10. i got a very similar one but with windows 8. and its having like the same exact issue which makes me think its the video card and not the operating system

this is a link that describes the new computer i am currently using

its just a hp 4gig ram 500gighard drive intel celeron n2920 (quad core supposedly) processor and a intel hd integrated graphics card with windows 8

the problem i am having is very poor fps issues choppy framerate. i tried updating the graphics drivers and running the sodpatcher in compatability mode, bind to affinity 1-4 with and without eqw and nothing fixes the problem. i saw some post about a graphics bug fix but i cant seem to figure out what the graphics bug is. does the graphics bug fix pertain to me?
the graphics bug fix is for the n-vidia texture clipping issue, not for this.

my laptop is an intel-hd graphics 4000 running windows 8 and i'm able to 2 box on there just fine. so im scratching my head here, maybe its something to do with the way you are initially setting up tthe first running and selecting options?

in your EQ/SOD folder, there is a eqdevice.txt file, can you paste what is in it?
Should only be a short line. (with the type of vid card SOD/EQ think you are using)

i.e mine from my laptop is

I n t e l ( R ) H D G r a p h i c s 4 0 0 0

forgive me if you already tried too
but can you disable (at least just for testing)
windows defender, anti-spyware, web security software and firewalls?
the line in the document just says
I n t e l ( R ) H D G r a p h i c s
i tried disabling all that stuff and still having the same problem, i am starting to regret getting such a similar pc to the one i was having problems with before lol. i am thinking of just returning this one and getting one with a different kind of video card, or different brand of computer, i dont know i just have such bad luck with computers this is ridiculous
change your desktop image to a solid color ? I run windows 10 on my tablet and i can two box, but low FPS for sure. when i hit F10 to get rid of my UI, the game runs smoooooooth as hell.. i've gotten to the point that when im on autofollow or running around to just toggle my UI on and off.. it's lame but it works...
The problem is the graphics card.. or lack thereof. I n t e l ( R ) H D G r a p h i c s is the absolute worst, bottom-line, total crap you can get. You will constantly have issues using computers/laptops with that "graphics card", and then trying to game on it. Really, calling that a graphics card is an insult to all real graphics cards.
The problem is the graphics card.. or lack thereof. I n t e l ( R ) H D G r a p h i c s is the absolute worst, bottom-line, total crap you can get. You will constantly have issues using computers/laptops with that "graphics card", and then trying to game on it. Really, calling that a graphics card is an insult to all real graphics cards.

I kinda have to disagree- to a certain extent. Yes, you are correct- integrated graphic cards can really suck but in this case, Shards of Dalaya, it should be more than sufficient. I paid $1,200 for my dell inspiron 9400 back in 2006-2007 and it can still 2box smoothly.
i believe your right andari , even though it is sufficent to play 2.5 smoothly there is some issue for some reason with the current client. i was looking at this other computer that is similar but instead has this "video card", AMD Radeon HD 7500G Discrete-Class Graphics with up to 2033MB total graphics memory

maybe someone has heard of this video card or computer i dont know but is this video card better than the intel hd one?
2.5 is coming out next week isn't it? If you're able to play 2.5 smooth but not the current client I would guess the problem is you're running software rendering with the current client. It might not really be worth spending time trying to fix it if next week it will fix itself.

As to the laptop you linked I am fairly certain it's running integrated as well, it's not discrete. Still, it would offer better support driver wise(probably wouldn't use software rendering on 2.0) and it's also not an atom CPU so it would be better all least for games. How much is it anyways? It just tells me it's not available where I live.
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