Council of Innovation quest megathread

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Adrenix said:
I was. I'm not going to spoil the quest, but I definitely know most of their locations.

I was there for waaay more than 1.5 hours; I gave up at 1:10 pm. 8:43 a.m to 1:10 pm.

I just went over there to make sure it works and it works so V:what:V
Wtf. I was alone in WPL from 10:30 to 11:30 or so.

Edit : Gated to WPL as soon as I read your post ; two of them were up at the exact same locations I was looking at earlier, so /shrug.
Oh man. It's me again.

I gave Branral Iceforge 60 Kobold Ears two days ago, but it didn't close the quest and he stilll wanted more ; so I went back to Sorc's Lab today and got 16 more but he won't accept them.

Still have the quest in my active journal, it says that "I have retrieved some ears for Granral, but I could still use more".
Adrenix said:
Oh man. It's me again.

I gave Branral Iceforge 60 Kobold Ears two days ago, but it didn't close the quest and he stilll wanted more ; so I went back to Sorc's Lab today and got 16 more but he won't accept them.

Still have the quest in my active journal, it says that "I have retrieved some ears for Granral, but I could still use more".

Your flags are just messed up from the last time I chagned his QST. The quest is completed, you can move it to your inactive.
Were the bits that can spawn at each location randomized? They seemed to be static before the fix but I went to the exact same 4 locations I did before the fix and got a duplicate lore item deleted at the 3rd location.

Yes they were the same locations, they are the only 4 I know about.The only other thing I can think of is I lagged and clicked more than once trying to pick up the bag so it assumed I had 2? :what: If so it deleted the one on my cursor as well.
Kinda Feel cheated now...

I started the quest the very night it went live ran into a few bug problems but could still progress. However instead of contiune I felt it was best just to wait for the bugs to be fixed then do the quest.

however... now everything has been made harder, Longer spawn times more time sinks etc.

So basicly if i had done what many did and just plow throw them at first I would have a nice new Aug. Instead I waited for the bugs and issues to be fixed and got the shaft.

I'll still do the quest, but I felt it was important to mention that many got a free Ride on this quest.
Kirin Folken said:
many got a free Ride on this quest.

The drops were made only marginally rarer. The non-farm quests were not made harder at all. Your assertion is false.

If anything, it's a tradeoff: early adopters had to deal with bugs and instability, after all.
Thinkmeats said:
The drops were made only marginally rarer. The non-farm quests were not made harder at all. Your assertion is false.

If anything, it's a tradeoff: early adopters had to deal with bugs and instability, after all.

Prehaps...I'll make a final judgement after completing all of the quests and compare it to what others went throw for theirs.

I do have to say right off the top 1.5 hour respawn compared to instant respawn is a HUGE difference in time required to conplete. Considering you need to do this part like 3 times thats a major increase in time investment.
Allielyn said:
I did it when it first came out and there never was an instant respawn . . . .

There were different spawns at night or something. During the day it was definitely instant respawn.
Eldorath said:
There were different spawns at night or something. During the day it was definitely instant respawn.

That was the bug. I'd done /cm itemspawn ITEMID REPOPTIME, which is incorrect. The actual command is /cm itemspawn ITEMID NIGHTITEMID REPOPTIME or somesuch.

Kirin Folken said:
Prehaps...I'll make a final judgement after completing all of the quests and compare it to what others went throw for theirs.

I do have to say right off the top 1.5 hour respawn compared to instant respawn is a HUGE difference in time required to conplete. Considering you need to do this part like 3 times thats a major increase in time investment.

If I had my way, it would have been a 1.5 hour respawn from the first time. I don't know why players thought it was a great plan to have a fetch quest bring you to the same spot over and over again, but that's hardly fun or sane.

At any rate, I'm getting the sense that this thread has run it's course since there hasn't been a new bug report in quite a while. I'll close it soon, as 90% of the information in it is out-of-date.
Thinkmeats said:
If I had my way, it would have been a 1.5 hour respawn from the first time. I don't know why players thought it was a great plan to have a fetch quest bring you to the same spot over and over again, but that's hardly fun or sane.

NGL this is probably because you know where the spawns are. I ran across WPL for hours upon hours and I still only know about 7-8 spawns. It's certainly nowhere near as easy as you make it sound TM. I guess this is just supposed to be a hard line of quests though.

All in all I'm lovin' this pimp aug though. Thanks TM!

BTW Kirin you need to do it 4 times for him to be satisfied, but I heard its 5 turnins for it to be completed.
Emiljon said:
NGL this is probably because you know where the spawns are. I ran across WPL for hours upon hours and I still only know about 7-8 spawns. It's certainly nowhere near as easy as you make it sound TM. I guess this is just supposed to be a hard line of quests though.

Indeed. Specifically, it's supposed to be as hard as the Silver Crown augment quests.
Emiljon said:
NGL this is probably because you know where the spawns are. I ran across WPL for hours upon hours and I still only know about 7-8 spawns. It's certainly nowhere near as easy as you make it sound TM. I guess this is just supposed to be a hard line of quests though.

All in all I'm lovin' this pimp aug though. Thanks TM!

BTW Kirin you need to do it 4 times for him to be satisfied, but I heard its 5 turnins for it to be completed.

Yeah those spots are not "easy" to find.. a few of them someone was being very very evil in there placement. Not for the diff of removing said mobs near by but for just being very very hard to spot (aka if you blink you might miss it).

As to the 4th time... yeah I know.. unfortunely when they were instant spawn he refused to take a 4th set from me. Whats worse... at some point when this quest was fixed.. the set of the drops I had in my bank Poofed. So I will have to do the 4th set the hard way (1.5 hour spawns).

Honestly wasting time in WPL waiting for 1.5 hour ground spawns to pop is hardly fun or sane. Makes me think of some of NeverLevels Quests honestly.

I do tip my hat to TM however for all his hardwork in this. I know you been doing a lot of work getting this quest in the game and fixing the bugs with it.
Kirin Folken said:
Honestly wasting time in WPL waiting for 1.5 hour ground spawns to pop is hardly fun or sane. Makes me think of some of NeverLevels Quests honestly.

If you're lazy to the point where you'd rather wait on the ones you know about than hunt for more then I have no sympathy for you. Surely despite their 'evil' placement (what? that the bag is behind some mobs is irrelevant considering the hard part is finding the bag. if you can consistently predict what sorts of areas the bag will be in, you should be able to find several of spawns just by looking at the map) you can still find one before the 1.5 hours are up, and still come back and tag the first spawn for the bag.

Really, there's no reason for it to take that much time. If it's giving you that much trouble, do other quests instead. There are lots for a reason.

I'll leave this thread open till the end of the week, I think. That should be enough time for any remaining straggler bugs to show up.
It might help if the pieces for bits and pieces were not lore (if thats a possibility). I was losing a ton of pieces when I went to pick them up and it deleted the lore item, thus making it impossible to grab the piece at that spot for 1.5 hours despite the fact that I found it.
For the event in ebadlands the mobs that spawn are not flagged as undead, yet you can't land undead spells on them. Usually if a mob is not flagged as undead you get a message like "This spell can only be used on undead". In this case you can cast the spell, it uses mana, but nothing happens.

I also noticed this happened in inner sanctum, for undead only and element only type spells.
Eldorath said:
For the event in ebadlands the mobs that spawn are not flagged as undead, yet you can't land undead spells on them. Usually if a mob is not flagged as undead you get a message like "This spell can only be used on undead". In this case you can cast the spell, it uses mana, but nothing happens.

I also noticed this happened in inner sanctum, for undead only and element only type spells.

That's really bizarre (especially the PS parts). I'll look into it.
I'm curious if anyone has completed the "Bits n Pieces" quest in wplaguelands since it was reimplemented?

I am currently completing it for the 3rd time (I did the other 2 before the change) and I have the claw, eye thing, and the golden node thing, and I am missing the last piece which I believe is a gear.

So I've scoured the entire zone at least three times and I've found 8 locations for the three items I currently have, but I can't find any of the last item. The especially tricky part is that I got all of the 4 pieces from the same 4 locations when I did this quest the first two times, however with the latest changes one of the four locations is NEVER up. This includes checking at 4am EST twice now (when the zone was dead for a while), along with various times in the day. All of the other spawns that I know about in the zone are up at these times so I doubt its someone sniping the one piece. I also have second hand information about another location in the zone where there was a spawn before and there is no longer a groundspawn there.

I'd be happy to disclose the two locations I am thinking of via PM or something if this seems to be a legitimate probably Thinkmeats.
Eldorath said:
I'm curious if anyone has completed the "Bits n Pieces" quest in wplaguelands since it was reimplemented?

I am currently completing it for the 3rd time (I did the other 2 before the change) and I have the claw, eye thing, and the golden node thing, and I am missing the last piece which I believe is a gear.

So I've scoured the entire zone at least three times and I've found 8 locations for the three items I currently have, but I can't find any of the last item. The especially tricky part is that I got all of the 4 pieces from the same 4 locations when I did this quest the first two times, however with the latest changes one of the four locations is NEVER up. This includes checking at 4am EST twice now (when the zone was dead for a while), along with various times in the day. All of the other spawns that I know about in the zone are up at these times so I doubt its someone sniping the one piece. I also have second hand information about another location in the zone where there was a spawn before and there is no longer a groundspawn there.

I'd be happy to disclose the two locations I am thinking of via PM or something if this seems to be a legitimate probably Thinkmeats.

Would it be possible to indeed look into it?
I also found 3 pieces pretty easily, then spent a few hours (a bit more than 2) and found their 2nd spawn (3x lore item, thus destroying them for anyone else that would look :dumb:). But still no 4th item, at all. There were 80 people connected on the server, I was alone in the zone for the whole search, and I still can't find anything.

Maybe there's a problem on the spawn timer (more than 1.5 hours?), or maybe they don't spawn at all. I don't know.
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