Council of Innovation quest megathread

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Thinkmeats said:
"No faction or xp" does not mean "No faction xp", as faction xp is a wholly seperate thing from faction or xp.

.... I recived Nothing....That I could see.
No Xp
No Faction
No Faction xp

Turn in items... got dialogue.... no mention of anything be effected at alll.
Faction Con remains the same, if it is indeed giving Faction xp, there is no visual way of telling that you are.
Kirin Folken said:
.... I recived Nothing....That I could see.
No Xp
No Faction
No Faction xp

Turn in items... got dialogue.... no mention of anything be effected at alll.
Faction Con remains the same, if it is indeed giving Faction xp, there is no visual way of telling that you are.

That's not what faction xp is. I'll find you in-game.
Thinkmeats said:
That's not what faction xp is. I'll find you in-game.

Faction xp is when your rank with the NPC group increases (at least that was my understanding)
Its been awhile since I did my CoI missions but I thought it made mention about your faction Rank blah blah has improved when doing there quests. Thats why I was confused with this since it didn't seem to have anything happening.

I just want to know its working.... I hate to have to bash another 100+ skeletons for more stones to find out its not recording any of them.
Char name: Tinkaa

I've done all of the available quests in Shadowdale & Storm Sea, & I still can't advance in rank (can't receive any quests in Thurgadin yet)

Oceanwalker Gargan (Storm Sea) still offers me the gnoll quest in starfall though he told me before that it was completed & it is flagged as completed in my journal.

All of the other NPCs (Shadowdale - Shar-El, Gimble // Storm Sea - Vicky) say they have nothing for me til I advance.

I failed to guide Rinbo through Whisperling & I can't re-attempt this or ask him for other quests (the quest is flagged as active in journal still)

These are the quests I have in my journal pertaining to the CoI quests:

Spirit Ore
Bits and Pieces
Study the Locals
A Bug on the Wall
Deepocean Exploration
Gnoll Wisdom

To Play in the Forest (failed this)
Until Death us do Part (completed but not flagged as such)
Spirit Call (completed but not flagged as such)

If anyone has any ideas as to if I'm missing anything, or if this is bugged any feedback will be appreciated. I'll be on as 'yale' on irc, or 'Tinkaa' ingame & will read any replies here.

EDIT: Definitely completed the heartlands quests & cannot use faction clickies ('Alliance' on Ambassador's Writ) on Councillor Shar-El.

[blue]Meat edit: Fixed.[/blue]
Gargan should still offer the gnoll quest as long as there's any quests left to do in the gnoll area (ie: even ones you need a promotion to get). Till Death Do Us Part not flagging completed is intended. Spirit Call I'll take a look at.

As for not promoting, if you completed all of those quests you definitely should have earned a promotion by now. When I get home from work, I'll take a look at your character and see what's up.
the gnoll priestess allowed me to do the Spirit Call quest again, & it worked this time - flagged as completed in journal etc :)

However, I still can't advance in rank :(

btw I con kindly, if that helps any

[blue]Meat edit: Fixed.[/blue]
for the quest study of zaranath i have all 4 spots searched and returned to the guy and it didnt complete the quest.

[blue]Meat edit: Worked when I was watching. If someone else has the problem, post.[/blue]
the quest for the tarot cards it works and everything but the end turn in returns the cards. thought this might be unintentional

[blue]Meat edit: Fixed.[/blue]
Been doing the statue quest and I'm pretty sure I know what set I need to get a message from but I'm not getting it. I went back to all the others and have not gotten a message from them as I have already gotten it. So I'm at a loss, I don't know what to do and i'm tired of dieing all the time.

[blue]Meat edit: Caught up with him in-game; he was searching the wrong area.[/blue]

Also I just tried handing in my council badge for the senior assistant badge but got the old badge back. The person asked for it so it could be upgraded but nothing happened.

[blue]Meat edit: He had been promoted twice without turning in his badge. Fixed.[/blue]
For people who got all the way to max rank but still want to do some quests / did more quests than they needed: Councillor IX now offers to the option to convert your faction xp into real xp. Don't expect a huge bucket of xp, but you do get a nice little summin-summin.
Didn't receive the flag for Grave Robbing after completing Oceanwalkers underwater exploration quest, but someone else in my guild did.
Pharaun said:
Didn't receive the flag for Grave Robbing after completing Oceanwalkers underwater exploration quest, but someone else in my guild did.

I'm not sure what this means. Wha?
sorry, apparently he has another quest after you complete his first one (finding all the statues), that takes you to shrouded isle. He did not give me this quest when I completed the first one, but he gave it someone else in my guild when they completed it.
Pharaun said:
sorry, apparently he has another quest after you complete his first one (finding all the statues), that takes you to shrouded isle. He did not give me this quest when I completed the first one, but he gave it someone else in my guild when they completed it.

your guildmate is mistaken about which npc and in what order they recieved their quests :toot:
Got another problem. Started doing the thurg CoI quests and he gave me the ice kobolds and the crystal caverns one. I got the items from CC but when I go to turn them in they get rejected and I get them back.

[blue]Meat edit: Fixed.[/blue]
I got the feedback quest from Rinbo Strongfoot, and went and killed the mobs requested while prodding them. I received the message that I had learned all I could about them, after doing enough, then went back to talk to him again... He said thanks, and I got faction experience, but my quest "Study the Locals" did not complete or update. So I hailed Rinbo again, and he said he had to go, but not to someplace bad. I gained more faction exp and it said I completed a quest "To Play in the Forest", but I had never been given that quest. My journal says I've done that one but not completed the 1st one from him, and I still have my feedback prod.

[blue]Meat edit: Fixed.[/blue]
yaemz123 said:
I got the feedback quest from Rinbo Strongfoot, and went and killed the mobs requested while prodding them. I received the message that I had learned all I could about them, after doing enough, then went back to talk to him again... He said thanks, and I got faction experience, but my quest "Study the Locals" did not complete or update. So I hailed Rinbo again, and he said he had to go, but not to someplace bad. I gained more faction exp and it said I completed a quest "To Play in the Forest", but I had never been given that quest. My journal says I've done that one but not completed the 1st one from him, and I still have my feedback prod.

that's really weird. looking into it.
Nurgock reported a nasty bug with Rinbo where he wouldn't hone in on Lirra correctly. Fixed this and reset everyone's Rinbo attempt (if they failed it).
Having a problem turning items in to Gimble in Shadowdale. When I turn in the scitterous mechanopendages that I pick up from WPL, he wont accept them. I tried following the quest dialogue through again and then handing them in, but he keeps handing them back to me. I also tried, because I could think of nothing else, to delete one set of scitterous mechanoapendages and pick up another to hand in, that did not work either.

Not sure what i'm doing wrong. :psyduck:
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