Jraul vs Jenks
HP 9550 vs 9444 Jraul
AC 2331 vs 2321 Jraul
Mana 7554 v 7565 Jenks
FT 18 v 12 Jraul
Haste 47% v 45% Jraul
Jraul wins
Str 390 v 435 Jenks
Sta 485 v 485 Tied
Agi 419 v 461 Jenks
Dex 330 v 362 Jenks
Int 336 v 382 Jenks
Cha 497 v 353 Jraul
Jenks wins Agi/Str/Dex/Int/Cha, Tied on STA, Jraul wins Cha, Jenks wins the stat race due
to more AGI(For a tank), But the diffrence is minor.
Mr 270 v 223 Jraul
FR 213 v 288 Jenks
CD 269 v 290 Jenks
PR 256 v 219 Jraul
DR 316 v 269 Jraul
Jraul absolutely and unequivocally stomps him on resists for anything even remotely useful.
Diety Spec 17 20 Jenks
-Advabced Item Effects-
Stun 40 v 40 Tie
Mind 21 v 16 Jraul
Crit 10 v 10 Tie
Agression +10 v +10 Tie
DR 25 vs 24 Jraul
Jraul wins
-Skill mods-
1hs 14 v 0 Jraul
2hs 25 v 0 Jraul
Parry 12 v 10 Jraul
Riposte 25 v 10 Jraul
Total domination of skill mods
-Focus Effects-
HI7 v Hi7 Tie
DI7 v Di7 Tie
RI7 v 0 Jraul
MC7 v Mc7 Tie
CS7 v CS7 Tie
AE7 v 0 Jraul
6% Focus to Cold/Disease Tie
4% vs 6% Magic Fpcis Jenks
Both have Runes of Supremacy
Jenks has 2% more MR focus from items, Jraul has Worn Range inc atm, Tied everyware else
Both have Codex of power finished. Both also have, Agressive Stances and Dodging.
Now here where it gets intresting, Jraul has over Jenks: Understanding and Working With Runes,Treatise on Armor Optimization, Avoidance 1 and 2, Resilance 1 and 2,
Lifetap 1 2 and 3, He has MR 1/2/3 Done, FR/CR 1/2/3 Done, PR/DR 1/2/3 Done, Vitaility 1 and 2 Done, Tome of the Swift 1 and 2,
Racing Thoughts 1, Magic Mastery 1, and Tome of Striking 1
The XP the better tanking stats makes jraul the hands down better tank
Jraul has, Murk,Shout,Refugee,Runic