Class Top 5 List (Thade version)

i'll get this updated tonight. Sorry lots of rl crap going on atm (yeah like anyone ever expected THAT) but yeah i'll patch it up tonight.
Shimone versus Kindri for Mage number 5 spot

Shimone v Kindri
HP: 6207 v 5778 Shimone
Mana:8773 v 8769 Shimone
Ft: 19 v 20 Kindri
AC: 1297 v 1095 Shimone

Str: 196 v 186 Shimone
Sta:380 v 334 Shimone
Agi: 334 v 262 Shimone
Dex: 146 v 193 Kindri
Wis:293 v 289 Shimone
Int: 490 v 528 Both capped
Cha:510 v 541 Both capped

Magic 301 v 247 Shimone
Fire 238 v 242 Kindri
Cold 209 v 297 Kindri
Poison 225 v 133 Shimone
Disease 246 v 208 Shimone

DI 7 v 7
MC 8 v 7 Shimone
Range 7 v 7
DurI 7 v 7
CSI 7 v 7
Companion Str 7 v 7
Companion Hlth 8 v 7 Shimone
Bane 0 v 0
Cold 0 v 0
Fire 7 v 6% Shimone
Magic 6 v 6%
Heal Crit 10% v 13 Kindri
Spell Crit 8% v 8 %
Disease 7% v 0 Shimone

Stun Resist: 19 v 16 Shimone
Mind SHield: 12 v 25 Kindri
Spell Ward 2 v 10 Kindri
Aggro: -10 v -10
Deity 121% vs 15% Kindri
Dam Red 21 v 10 Shimone

Class Tomes
Word of Power 1 and Empowered Storm 1 for Shimone

Archetype Tomes
4 tomes for Shimone

Clear win for Shimone in my opinion
Pagloac vs Shaltang.
more mana
less hp
less FT

then it gets bad when you realize pag has MC8, CSI8, HI8, supreme focus, vs shalt 7s and eternal

shalt has some cool EF tomes, but he just cant compete with the far superior focuses and mana pool of the PAGLOAC
cleric should be

1. eisley
2. eldorath
3. asura

kedrin should replace yelsie for #5 ranger, FUCKING TRAGEDY
Jraul vs Jenks

HP 9550 vs 9444 Jraul
AC 2331 vs 2321 Jraul
Mana 7554 v 7565 Jenks
FT 18 v 12 Jraul
Haste 47% v 45% Jraul

Jraul wins

Str 390 v 435 Jenks
Sta 485 v 485 Tied
Agi 419 v 461 Jenks
Dex 330 v 362 Jenks
Int 336 v 382 Jenks
Cha 497 v 353 Jraul

Jenks wins Agi/Str/Dex/Int/Cha, Tied on STA, Jraul wins Cha, Jenks wins the stat race due
to more AGI(For a tank), But the diffrence is minor.

Mr 270 v 223 Jraul
FR 213 v 288 Jenks
CD 269 v 290 Jenks
PR 256 v 219 Jraul
DR 316 v 269 Jraul

Jraul absolutely and unequivocally stomps him on resists for anything even remotely useful.

Diety Spec 17 20 Jenks

-Advabced Item Effects-
Stun 40 v 40 Tie
Mind 21 v 16 Jraul
Crit 10 v 10 Tie
Agression +10 v +10 Tie
DR 25 vs 24 Jraul

Jraul wins

-Skill mods-
1hs 14 v 0 Jraul
2hs 25 v 0 Jraul
Parry 12 v 10 Jraul
Riposte 25 v 10 Jraul

Total domination of skill mods

-Focus Effects-
HI7 v Hi7 Tie
DI7 v Di7 Tie
RI7 v 0 Jraul
MC7 v Mc7 Tie
CS7 v CS7 Tie
AE7 v 0 Jraul
6% Focus to Cold/Disease Tie
4% vs 6% Magic Fpcis Jenks
Both have Runes of Supremacy

Jenks has 2% more MR focus from items, Jraul has Worn Range inc atm, Tied everyware else

Both have Codex of power finished. Both also have, Agressive Stances and Dodging.
Now here where it gets intresting, Jraul has over Jenks: Understanding and Working With Runes,Treatise on Armor Optimization, Avoidance 1 and 2, Resilance 1 and 2,
Lifetap 1 2 and 3, He has MR 1/2/3 Done, FR/CR 1/2/3 Done, PR/DR 1/2/3 Done, Vitaility 1 and 2 Done, Tome of the Swift 1 and 2,
Racing Thoughts 1, Magic Mastery 1, and Tome of Striking 1

The XP the better tanking stats makes jraul the hands down better tank

Jraul has, Murk,Shout,Refugee,Runic
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Eyate vs Draeos

HP 8004 vs 7496 Draeos
AC 1762 vs 1551 Draeos
Haste 47% vs 47% tied
Attack 1363 vs 1340 Draeos
Worn Attack 150 vs 150 Tied
Deity Spec 20% vs 20% Tied

Stun 40% vs 36% Draeos
Mind 14% vs 21% Eyate
Crit 10% vs 10% Tied
Agression -3% vs -7% Eyate
Damage Reduction 24 vs 22 Draeos

Skill Mods
1hs +24 vs 0 But not needed for eyate
Backstab +25 vs +25 tied
Dodge +2 vs 0 Draeos
Double Attack +1 vs 0 Draeos
Hide +15 vs 0 Draeos
Piercing +17 vs +10 Draeos
Riposte 0 vs +5 Eyate
Throwing 0 vs +15 Eyate

Focus Effects
Healing Inc 7 vs Healing inc 7 Tied
Damage inc 7 vs Damage inc 7 Tied
Bane Enhancement 7 vs Bane Enhancement 7 Tied
Magic Focus 7% vs 4% Draeos
Cold Focus 0% vs 7% Eyate
Fire Focus 0% vs 6% Eyate
Runes of Eternity vs Nothing Draeos

Cold and Fire focus do nothing for either of us, Magic is useful and i have a higher mod

Str 468 vs 442 Draeos
Sta 396 vs 375 Draeos
Agi 448 vs 490 Eyate
Dex 505 vs 485 Draeos
Cha 320 vs 268 Draeos

Everything but agi i win

Mr 290 vs 352 Eyate
FR 176 vs 238 Eyate
CR 225 vs 180 Draeos
PR 301 vs 353 Eyate
DR 263 vs 248 Draeos

Hes got me on resists =(

Tomes Both hve CoP done, Both have Striking 1 and 2 done, Both have MR 1 done, Both have Refugee Tome done.
Eyate has Rapid Recovery i do not.

I have: Secrets of the wee Folk, Dodging, Passive, Armor Optimization, FR/CR 1, MR 2 and 3 Vitaility 1 and 2, Crit Evo 1, Avoidance 1, Magic Mastery 1 and 2, Insidious Stab 1 and 2, Dodging 1 and 2, Sinister 1. Over eyate

All and All with all the mods tomes and various focus from the tomes and whatnot, I completely crush any kinda dps eyate can put out. He wins the resists obviously. But overall i am just a DPS machine with high survivability.
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Nuchre versus Tyrone

Hitpoints N 6262 T 6146 N+116
Mana N 9019 T 8963 N +56
AC N 1241 T 1135 N+ 6
FT N 24 T 19 N+5 +3 in actuality
Str N 292 T 171 N+121
Sta N 313 T 326 T+13
Agi N 329 T 300 N+29
Dex N 275 T 239 N+37
Wis N 254 T 373 T+119
Int N 564 T 610 T+44
Cha N 528 T 506 N+22
Mr N 411 T 343 N+68
Fr N 185 T 177 N+8
Cr N 225 T 185 N+40
Pr N 186 T 192 T+6
Dr N 205 T 205 tie
CSI N 7 T none N win
Dmg Inc N 8 T 7 N win
Dur Inc N 7 T 8 T win
Reag C N 8 T 8 tie
MC N 8 T 7 N win
Cold Dmg N 7 T 7 tie
Fire Dmg N none T 7 T win
Bane Dmg N none T 7 T iwn
Poison Dmg N 7 T 7 tie
Comp Str N 8 T 7 N win
Comp Hlth N 8 T 8 tie
Tomes N 22 T 6 N big win
Charm N Eternity T Genocide N win

Think case for Nuchre pretty overwhelming
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Memu vs Woldaff

Hp 9628 vs 9535 Memu
Ac 2168 vs 2168 Tie (Wtf wierd)
Haste 46% vs 42% Memu
Worn Attack 112 vs 150 Woldaff
Deity Spec 15% vs 17% Woldaff

Str 443 vs 441 Memu
Sta 485 vs 485 tie
Agi 441 vs 396 Memu
Dex 417 vs 389 Memu

Advanced Item Effects

Stun 24 vs 39% Woldaff
Mind 4 vs 2 Memu
Crit 10 vs 10 Tie
Aggression 10 vs 10 Tie
Damage Reduction 25 vs 25 Tie

Skill mods

1hs 24 vs 0 Memu
2hs 25 vs 15 Memu
Parry 22 vs 23 Woldaff
Riposte 5 vs 0 Memu
Dodge 0 vs 4 Woldaff

Focus Effects
Healing 7 vs Healing 7 Tie
Damage 7 vs Damage 7 tie
Affliction 7 vs 0 Memu
Runes of Eternity vs Runes of Eternity Tie


Mr 248 vs 218 Memu
Fr 221 vs 198 Memu
Cr 224 vs 224 Tie (Even weirder)
PR 193 vs 196 Woldaff
DR 238 vs 264 Woldaff


Both have CoP done (Ok woldaff doesn't but by the time thade reads this Tol will have finished it), Woldaff as Aggressive stances and Armor opt Memu does not.
Memu has Vitality 1 and 2, Resilience 1 and 2, Avoidance 1 and 2, Crit 1 and 2, Refugee tome, Crippler 1, Berserk 1 Over Woldaff

Memu has more HP same ac, Also has Avoidance and Resilience tomes done Memu is clearly the better raid tank. ( And as a mained warrior he actually will be swapping his shield in and out alot if you don't catch him with it off for your own comparison just throwing it out there.)
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