What class do you like to see in a group?

A shit-hot monk, 3 rogues, a beastlord, and a (relic shaman/good druid/cleric) HOORAY FOR BUFF BOTS! Meditation wut?
If your looking to start a group and can get whatever classes you want to fill the other spots bard hands down followed by either a shaman, paladin, or both would be my vote.
What do I like to see most in a group? ME! (Of course.)

Beyond that, a tank/puller with a clue, and a non-bot healer is best. The actual classes matter little to me, any well-played class is better than an "iffy" person of a "prime" class.

I'm often LFG, so if you want a good non-bot bard/beastlord, look me up :)
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