The Grand Athenaeum - Plane of Lore Issues/Bugs thread.

pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen. Currently the population of erudin is currently wailing ass on the gatekeeper of lore. He's pretty much just standing there ignoring them, to no net effect, and while hilarious, I am again, reasonably sure its not intended.
pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen. Currently the population of erudin is currently wailing ass on the gatekeeper of lore. He's pretty much just standing there ignoring them, to no net effect, and while hilarious, I am again, reasonably sure its not intended.

They won't agro on each other normally. No idea what caused this, but fixed.

Also, some changes were made to the Wyvernfang event that affect overall stability and difficulty level. If you do it, please let me know the feedback. As part of the these changes, Scout Krazir has relocated to an area nearby his previous home, for safety reasons.

Also, I am told that progress is being made on the fact that Jayla hates dirty pariah non-believers. Will post when it is fixed.
A few more changes to Wyvernfang event. I have hopes this is the final version. It should be stable. Let me know of any issues and give me feedback!
I have advanced far enough in the quests to the point where The Voice of Jayla was porting me to the senior lorekeepers area. I have done quests from Cerre and Jaxos in that area. As of last night the Voice was no longer porting me there. When I hail him I get the prompt [D1]I wish to go speak with the Senior lorekeepers but upon entering /cm d1 or the text string nothing happens. No port. No next line of dialog from the Voice. I had Gerick who is behind me in the progression test it and he is ported as he should be. Could someone please check my flags to see why I am unable to proceed. Thankyou.
Can you verify if there are no faction hits throughout the entire Wyvernfang event, before I go asking people ally to the opposite faction to assist? It would be greatly appreciated.
I think there were faction hits when I did it. The giants/dragons were definitely kos to people who were not aligned, so it does appear the raid needs to be the same faction as the person doing it.
I can't seem to get the book from Newport. I've hailed both the north and south possibilities. Is there something I'm missing or is it broken?
Eria is bugged for me, after her very first turnin. She gave me credit, xp, and the next step. Will not take next questpiece, and will not respond to hails. Journal still on 1st part. Character is Imeriaz.
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There was an issue with the control system for the event in Wyvernfang. This has been fixed. My apologies!
Why are quests so vague?

I mean seriously, I'm told to go talk to a Taldorian. Doesn't give me a clue where. How many zones are there with taldorians? Would be nice if there was a little hint as to where to go. I've hailed every one in sadri and erimal so far and nothing. I know I have a few other zones but I don't think I know where half of the frogs are and going to every zone that I can go to safely will take me weeks to explore. I know some have figured it out but aren't sharing it except with guildies and certain friend. Also do I need to finish my CoI quests to continue on?
CoI not required. And I'm 100% sure that you talked to the frog yet. Maybe just hailing isn't the way to go...
[Helping the Theron]
After having handed my Diseased Froglok Bloood to a person who actually cared for it, I was attacked during the dialogue. Unfortunately, said person kept the vial, and dialogue won't continue. He just gives his standard quest dialogue.

I had a GM reimburse me the item, but the NPC just returns it now without triggering the dialogue. From what I understand my flags are broken and I need them to be looked at.
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