The Grand Athenaeum - Plane of Lore Issues/Bugs thread.

A mob in mielb related to this quest is on erudin faction. It was apprehensive to me and killing it lowered faction with Defenders of Erudin, Citizens of Erudin and Temple of Divine Light.

Also, the mob apparently doesnt drop the item every time, this can lead to repeatedly killing the mob and repeatedly lowering faction.

Changed his drop rate to be 100% for now and will fix the faction as soon as I can. I'm sorry :(
Thinirs quest

I've cracked this cipher and have that I think is what he wants, but he won't say anything when I hail him or tell him his answer. Is this a bug?
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Changed his drop rate to be 100% for now and will fix the faction as soon as I can. I'm sorry :(

If that drop rate is intended to be 100% , the man in lasanth as well seems to be very skittish on the subject of dropping things as well.
If that drop rate is intended to be 100% , the man in lasanth as well seems to be very skittish on the subject of dropping things as well.

I think the drop rate was a compromise until his faction is fixed in a patch. Although I will say the name of the Lasanth mob doesn't seem very appropriate given how stingy he is.
After having spoke to the Chief Lorekeeper, I am now unable to get ported to speak to the senior lore keepers. I'm assuming this is unintended :D
so far all these quests are pretty neat but here are 'issues' that i'm pretty sure you know but heck here they are anyway

1) tyner's promotion: the mobs that drop the 3rd book now have nearly as many different quest drops as spawn points. maybe something else could drop this item.

2) mind games: critical info is not found anywhere in game. it should be i mean it is good info it just isn't.

3) not a single alignment question yet maybe that is not under your control but there are great places for these

4) Firinis Theory has one of these great moments.. jayla is aligned to be neutral good and when her follower tells you to sacrifice principles in the pursuit of knowledge (i'm paraphrasing) that is absolutely not neutral good! and then she implies (though this may not actually be required) that to complete her quest you need to befriend a renowned 'evil' faction AFTER murdering several of them (the way to do this is to slaughter quest-relevant 'good' monsters). this woman is unbalanced and if that is truly the way to complete the quest, it is monumentally unfair to many people. anyway this would be a good place to insert a dialogue option telling her to stuff her psychotic quest for good points. or lawful points. depending on her motivation.

5) will there be a means for people to recover lost erudin faction? this sucks.

6) someone already said this but helping rollins does not move to 'completed' but maybe there is a later step who knows.

now good stuff just saying:

1) heritage in doubt is a neat quest. the first step could have twice the waypoints and it would still be really cool. i was, in fact, hoping for something really obscure maybe like finding the bottle in the ocean for the classic burning rapier quest if you remember that from years ago.

2) firinis theory in the empty hidden place: finally a 'team quest' where everyone who is flagged receives credit without having to sit there and do it 1 time for each person(GROBB CARAVAN i'm looking at YOU).

3) the signet is a perfectly niched reward for the work involved.

ANYway thanks a lot!!
[Firinis Theory] After finding someone or something in a hidden and empty space (the correct someone or something this time...) and taking all means needed, I got a message that my journal updated, but the text didn't change. Quest continued properly nonetheless.
Sounds like a copy+pasta error!

In regards to Jayla... her description and her alignment have always been at odds in my book. This is really a case of Gameplay and Story Segregation. Let me explain that further. Given the kind of virtues she invokes (as seen here and in game), the only alignment that REALLY fits her, is True Neutral. The MQ goes into this in more detail, but knowledge is an ends to her, not a means. She hoards it for the sake of having it. It doesn't matter what must be done to have it.

Unfortunatly since we all start as Neutral, Neutral, this would make her the easiest God to max faction with. Evil doesn't really fit her either, plus we have too many evil gods. So Neutral good was chosen.

If you need to reconcile it, she does not take advantage of people, and as shown in some other long spanning epic quests in SoD, does truly care about people. Its just that the knowledge is more important, and if you need to do a little evil in order to save it, thats a sacrifice she's more than willing to make.
[Firinis Theory] After finding someone or something in a hidden and empty space (the correct someone or something this time...) and taking all means needed, I got a message that my journal updated, but the text didn't change. Quest continued properly nonetheless.

so far all these quests are pretty neat but here are 'issues' that i'm pretty sure you know but heck here they are anyway

1) tyner's promotion: the mobs that drop the 3rd book now have nearly as many different quest drops as spawn points. maybe something else could drop this item.

2) mind games: critical info is not found anywhere in game. it should be i mean it is good info it just isn't.

3) not a single alignment question yet maybe that is not under your control but there are great places for these

4) Firinis Theory has one of these great moments.. jayla is aligned to be neutral good and when her follower tells you to sacrifice principles in the pursuit of knowledge (i'm paraphrasing) that is absolutely not neutral good! and then she implies (though this may not actually be required) that to complete her quest you need to befriend a renowned 'evil' faction AFTER murdering several of them (the way to do this is to slaughter quest-relevant 'good' monsters). this woman is unbalanced and if that is truly the way to complete the quest, it is monumentally unfair to many people. anyway this would be a good place to insert a dialogue option telling her to stuff her psychotic quest for good points. or lawful points. depending on her motivation.

5) will there be a means for people to recover lost erudin faction? this sucks.

6) someone already said this but helping rollins does not move to 'completed' but maybe there is a later step who knows.

1 - It'll stay on those mobs.

2 - Not going to comment on this one. I have heard no other complaints about finishing the quest once you figure out what the quest is.

3 - I thought about doing alignment options, and may add some in on future quests, but opted against it for the time being.

4 - Tyrsell already touched on this, but Jayla is truly a very neutral god, whose sole goal is to acquire knowledge and lore. Whatever has to be done to accomplish this, has to be done. However, there is one key difference between Jayla's Lorekeepers and the Seekers in Erimal, that is explained in PoLore as well as in parts of the Main Quest.

5 - Yeah, sorry about that mob being on Erudin faction. I'll figure out a way to fix it.

6 - I honestly have no idea why that journal entry isn't working right. I made a small change that may have been the issue. We'll see.

Thanks for the comments.
4 - Tyrsell already touched on this, but Jayla is truly a very neutral god, whose sole goal is to acquire knowledge and lore. Whatever has to be done to accomplish this, has to be done. However, there is one key difference between Jayla's Lorekeepers and the Seekers in Erimal, that is explained in PoLore as well as in parts of the Main Quest.

ok but slaughtering a peaceful tribe to advance your personal agenda is not a neutral action, it is chaotic at best and probably evil. if you had jayla and this quest in your baldur's gate party they would snipe at each other until one of them quit. maybe there is info somewhere that mitigates this jarring alignment shift but it would have to be insane like all those times i have run into them on GOOD-aligned quests it was all a massive front and they are actually baby-eaters.

anyway thank you for your responses like i said these are neat quests but this particular one is completely out of left field. if there were another way to raise faction that didn't involve genociding a peaceful race it would be just fine, but because this is the only available mechanic it is a little hard to swallow the rationalization. it is not hard to come up with situations from history where actions taken to achieve arguably neutral goals were plainly evil.

to make this a real discussion i'm going to cite some literature:

Thinkmeats said:
NEUTRAL: What you are if you're not any of the above strongly enough to mention. Ignoring the sounds next door because you're afraid to get involved is NEUTRAL (instead of LAWFUL or CHAOTIC). Giving authority a small but limited benifit of the doubt is NEUTRAL (instead of LAWFUL or CHAOTIC). Giving to charity once and a while to feel good about yourself is NEUTRAL (instead of GOOD). Stealing when you're desperate is NEUTRAL (instead of CHAOTIC and possibly EVIL), as only the most LAWFUL would rather starve than steal bread. And so on.

if you can find 'thinking genocide is an acceptable means to achieve a personal goal' in here i will concede the point but it's not there. just to be clear: i am not nit-picking because i am a huge philosophy or d&d roleplay nerd with a bone to pick about minutiae, i' find myself not wanting to work through this otherwise enjoyable quest because it assumes what should be out of character motivations on the part of jayla (who was personally brought to tears of regret by her bad judgment causing the loss of ONE innocent life in another quest) and it requires wildly out of character actions on my part to complete when, as a neutral quest, it should not conflict that much. AND it is not optional to progress through the quest line where something like the Main Quest has options for bad people and good people. i don't mind working for quest rewards but this crosses a line.

i felt totally lame making this post but it's true
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1 - It'll stay on those mobs.

2 - Not going to comment on this one. I have heard no other complaints about finishing the quest once you figure out what the quest is.

I also believe that the knowledge you need to complete should be ingame also.
And yes, I've finished it

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