This is a great fix, but I do question something about it.... I'm ignorant of the hex editing behind this fix and what actually makes it work, but I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that this all boiled down to something wrong with the way the SoD client renders things relative to X, Y, Z axes. This might have explained why, in specific zones and
prior to this fix, a character standing at or very near to location 0, 0, 0 would occasionally see artifacts of the target ring circling the field of view. If the player would move forward strictly along the X axis, for instance, the ring would clearly move in a single (albeit completely wrong) direction until it slipped off the screen and disappeared unless the player backtracked near 0, 0, 0. In other words, the target ring was there all along but its coordinates were apparently not being matched up appropriately.
I could be imagining this, but I also wonder if this played into the way the /loc system's coordinates in our client are handled "backwards" to the way I apparently remember them on Live -- our coordinates are ordered Y, X, Z with the NW corner being positive/positive instead of X, Y, Z the NE corner being positive/positive.
Assuming there really is some strange disconnect between the way axes and rendering are handled, my question is this:
Is the 3D targeting ring being "animated" properly? Obviously, it is being rendered correctly as we're all able to see what we're targeting, and the ring moves in tandem with the targeted PC or NPC, but is the actual animation of the ring itself actually supposed to "suck inward" toward the targeted PC/NPC at all times? I was under the impression that it was meant to be animated such that it circled about the character so that the target was all the clearer.
This pic shows an example of a custom targeting ring circa 2008, and although I'm unable to see it in action, it seems to me the guild's name ("Midnight Tempest") would have been animated such that it is meant to circle the player, with the ornamental/geometric circle pattern rotating a fixed distance about the player in order to give a clear designation as to what is being targeted. (If our "sucking inward" animation were applied, this guild name on this custom targeting ring would zoom inward every few seconds and be completely illegible, making such a custom targeting ring pointless in this first place....)
On the flip side, our fix yields a targeting ring that, as I said, constantly "sucks inward" toward the player, meaning that the ornamental/geometric circle pattern only comes around every ~4 seconds, and the rest of the time the target ring is just a nondescript (and somewhat hard to see) "cloud". Here is a screenshot of what the targeting ring looks like maybe 75% of the time, at least on my end:
However, every few seconds, it gets around to rendering the ornamental/geometric pattern which I believe is meant to animate
about the Z axis of the player instead of intermittently being "sucked in" toward the player:
Am I imagining this whole thing? Is this entire, long-winded post unfounded?

Sorry to have wasted your time in reading it, if so!
But if there really is something to this, does it once again come down to a disconnect between X, Y, Z axes and 3D rendering? And if so, is there any way to "fix" this fix?