**copy and pasting this from another post I made on this**
Let's review a few steps that are needed to make this work well.
1) Create a batch file #1, This file can be placed anywhere on your machine, this is the one you click to start playing SoD. It should have text similar to this (relative to your pathing):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\3DAnalyze\3DAnalyze.exe" /EXE=D:\SoD\StartSoD.bat
2) Create batch file #2, This file should be in your SoD folder and in my example above is the file references as StartSoD.bat. It should have the following text (relative to your pathing):
3) Run batch file #1, which auto starts the analyzer which auto launches sod patcher.
4) Make sure to uncheck EQWin on the sod patcher because it will not work with the analyzer.
5) You can close the analyzer and any command windows left open after you have logged into the game.