This post is straight up wrong.
First, druids could heal for longer durations than clerics, and in xp groups were not back up healers. Hell, I did, and still usually do, prefer a druid to a cleric in xp groups any day of the week for their utiltiy so long as they are are on tier. If you can't find "higher end" xp groups, it's probably not because people want a cleric, so much as it is that you're not geared/charmed/tomed enough for what the people want to do. For instance, your ft5 6k I would tell to go to hell if you wanted to come main heal my BQ group. I would say the exact same thing to a 6k ft5 cleric.
Second, on lots of raid trash, and hell, even on some raid encoutners and bosses, double hots are more than enough to keep the tank up. The hot stacking issue is annoying, and I personally would like to see it ancient hot as ancient heal again partically so cleric hots are useful, but also because I simply don't think the druid pathces do quite enough (although, if this alleged heal buff is coming that would fix that seconid part.)
Third, I haven't done a ton of 6 man, but Raoden and Shaltang (pre druid change) healed Salarus for MK. From what i'm told, the harder 6 man stuff you really did need a cleric, but for your tier (cmal and cata) you really don't need a cleric, ever, over a druid.
Comparing the dps of a t1 to a t10 wizard has nothing to do with anything. A t1 wizard will dps the shit out of a t1 target. A t10 wizard will do the same to a t10 target. a t1 druid will heal just fine on a t1 target, a t10 druid will heal just fine on a t10 target. What is your point here?
In the last part you're pretty much saying it doens't matter that druids might be overpowered since its only a small percentage of people playing them that are overpowered? I personally don't think they are OP on raids. You writing that made me laugh pretty hard though.