Heroes of Newerth, League of Legends and DoTA

I like when a team understands the game well enough to know that heimer and one person can keep their entire team distracted defending one turret at bottom while the other 3 of us push into their base from mid and top. Its always fun to watch that happen
or anyone smart enough to buy wards or potions since a ward pays for itself in one kill and smart usage of them will usually get you more 2 or 3 or an ace.

that doesnt make sunfire eve any less awesome at low ELO though.

It's always fun to me to discover how many ways people can be bad at this game though: had an Ashe the other day who went 4/2/something with 400+ minion kills. Spent the entire fucking match farming minions and talking shit because the team was losing 4v5 teamfights.


I think the funniest thing i noticed at this point is that as soon as someone on the opposite team reaches 20 % health or less, whether they are accompanied by turrets, countless amount of minions, of their whole fucking team, you can expect your dumbshit teammate to try and snipe it even though it's the dumbest thing to do.

It really seems like everyone goes shit-mode when an opponent is low on health. GAWD people are dumb.
"lately in solo queue I've just been pretending that my character is a detective and that I have to solve a mystery...and narrating everything me and my team does in all chat. "Detective Udyr followed his team to baron. Could this be the final clue in the Case of Summoner's Rift?"'
Hmmmmm, pretending to be a private investigator sounds absurdly fun. And yet, i don't feel like typing that much. Fuck typing.
sometimes I wish riots dev team wasn't a bunch of neckbeards in a garage

the client and their servers as a whole are so embarassingly bad.
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come buy an IP boost! it stacks with double exp weekend!

also you cant use our store to buy anything and the servers don't stay up for more than a couple hours at a time we're a real company guys honest.

I added a few of you already, but anyone can feel free to add me if they want. Name is Rauvas on LoL.
Pretty sure I played against you like, last week. I wanna say you were playing Rammus, or some kind of tank hero. I was probably playing evelyn or heimerdinger
add Shonterry if you want to play with a pro heimer

i play twitch, olaf, kogmaw, gangplank, and taric mostly
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