Heroes of Newerth, League of Legends and DoTA

I am only the highest rated shaco player in the game.

LOL - no pun intended. I have no idea how you figure that considering ELO was hidden and Shaco is banned in every match in season 1.

For those claiming LoL is unbalanced, it actually is VERY well balanced at high ELO with draft mode. There are so many viable team comps and most people haven't even scratched the surface. Not to mention you get the benefit of a 3v3 map.

As to bans... Shaco/Heimer/Kayle/Shen with the possibility of Soraka/Taric
I was making shit up but if you ban shaco you are retard when there are much more viable targets for the ban like shen and taric, ugh fuck taric.

I have never shaco rage, really get someone to play kassadin with an oracles and watch shaco ragequit because hes never encountered someone who would kill him every time he tried to deceit away through a wall.

Also cinn what the fuck pm are you talking about I have no pms from you.
I have never really understood the heimer deal either, yes those grenades are fucking annoying but outside of that I have never understood why everyone has a boner for how overpowered he is. Maybe its because I play gragas and he never gets a chance to build sentries.
cause with golem buff he can steam through any tower in almost complete safety from most other characters and in a heal/push comp they will be at your base walls in 12 minutes
I must be playing with and against really really bad Shens cause i see no reason to ban him, sure the taunt is annoying if he can land it, but really I feel like even then he isn't overly powerful.
I must be playing with and against really really bad Shens cause i see no reason to ban him, sure the taunt is annoying if he can land it, but really I feel like even then he isn't overly powerful.

spoiler: it's his ult.
I was making shit up but if you ban shaco you are retard when there are much more viable targets for the ban like shen and taric, ugh fuck taric.

I have never shaco rage, really get someone to play kassadin with an oracles and watch shaco ragequit because hes never encountered someone who would kill him every time he tried to deceit away through a wall.

Also cinn what the fuck pm are you talking about I have no pms from you.

Actually Shaco is a 100% ban at high ELO. Kassadin is a very rare counter pick that sees very little high ELO play. I won't even begin to explain why Shaco is always banned, as I'm not that interested in out lining all of the details. As to Shen, he is the best tank and a very early pick if not banned. His ult is used for global ganks much the same way TF and Pantheon are, except TF and Pantheon aren't very solid picks after their nerfs.

A good Heimer... will dominate his lane, with blue buff will take his tower, at 14:20 will setup behind baron and 2-man it safely with a solid tank, and then commence a 5 man push that you have very little chance of stopping. Of course at low ELO you won't see many Heimers that use proper runes, masteries, and summoner spells as well as have the map awareness and team coordination to pull off what I listed.
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This game is great b/c you get called an idiot by someone who did horrible the whole game haha

welcome to dota games. haha

at least in LoL you dont have people screaming faggot nigger aids every game. so thats good!
It makes me laugh. I had to open a spanish translator to find out all the things this guy was calling me
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