Have a Cigar: Silvercrown Finale Bug Thread

Near the zone to nag .. that guy that spawns bugs out .. and keep spawning untill the end of time if you stand in the wrong place.. I had like 14 of them while I Went afk for a min.

Also on that same quest line .. The Items are Quite heavy ....

Size Small
WT 5.0?

4.0 wine?
5.0 Statue?

I don't mind it but a monk on SC would be hard pressed.. I guess not that it would matter no killing shrug.

Ninja Edit ..

Same issue as Beittil and Cinn .. Vah dosn't give me any options of the kind requested in Journal. Nevermind I have an idea..
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Shouldn't be any trick to it... checking him out now that the darkwoods dude is settled.

I think he's fine and Cinn sucks. Seems to work for everyone else. Blackscale spys had issues. They are better now.
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Also, to every1 else. I didnt have any issues once i hailed the correct Nyjan Vahl in Tipt :)

I still have the Newport guy outside Nag doing me nada :( I have only found & turned in the vintage so far.
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I'm not sure I follow but has Grimar managed to hail the Vah leader ?
Ratkon didn't have any SC-related text while Dz did. I'm smelling something related to the fact the NPC is a Warrior guildmaster.
Worked for Zummba fine.

The guy outside Nag is supposed to bind you there. Do a /cm stats on yourself after a zone or refresh to see if it worked. I know he can work, if you get a bit of forced dialog from him.

I may or maynot have broken the Ice burrowers... avoid using them until I retract this statement.
binder guy did not work I have had to run back at least 20 times .. That is as of last night. Will try again today.

Edit this still wasn't working this morning tho I did have agro .. if that makes a difference.
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binder guy did not work I have had to run back at least 20 times .. That is as of last night. Will try again today.

Edit this still wasn't working this morning tho I did have agro .. if that makes a difference.

Shouldn't. I'll have to give it another whirl. Does he give dialog at least? If he's not talking his flag check is wrong. If he's talking then I'm concerned.
something about blahh blahh turn around ..it's not safe I can't recall it all hehe sorry

But no options for text

Also please don't get Confused on Zummba flags I know he doesn't have them all
I'm doing this on both my toons So Check Uzz's Flags as well.

Another ninja edit.
The Thing we talked about last night.. Those Sneaky things, will only one toon get flagged or both if I have them on agro list. Also can you Confirm or Deny respawn during the night or only once per night.]

Also this may be intended but .. if you kill without getting quests frist, ie we have a few working on this. Flag was not gotten for the kill.

If you need more info pm me...
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The Thing we talked about last night.. Those Sneaky things, will only one toon get flagged or both if I have them on agro list. Also can you Confirm or Deny respawn during the night or only once per night.]

Also this may be intended but .. if you kill without getting quests frist, ie we have a few working on this. Flag was not gotten for the kill.

Kill shot gets credit. I'll look into making them repop (with no exp/corpse) if you kill them without the flag.

Won't be talking about respawn, you'll have to figure that out on your own.

I killed those Sneaky bastards .. well one of them got 3 flags on cleric and 2 on pally. ... so umm wtf!?

Edit .. Text after kill said killed 3 on zummba / 2 on uzzdaar

Text from talking to main dude to check flags
2 on zummba 1 on uzzdaar.

Same bug on Second kill in a (zone)
Both toons got Flaged text said after kill
uzz said kill 3and 4 Zummba 3 ..

Giver says 3 on zumm .. Unchecked Uzzdaar.

Also in this one zone.. Having guards chain trigger him is kinda lol
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[Strands of Silk and Frost]

[Strands of Silk and Frost]
This Quest has issues. See PM.
After Pit Creeper kill there were no spider pops for 2 hours.

With regard to the spy quest: could there possibly be spies added to Halas, as there is a Silver Crown Presence there iirc.
Spider pop should be faster than 2 hours. I'll have to check on that. In fact I seem to recall Essel bitching to me about them pwning his group once.
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Dirty Dirty DRITY.

You tricked me I need more ..

But oh man Dirty
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