Current Fame Offerings

So I decided to make a post over on the Fires of Heavens board, an old EQ board where lots of people still talk / play mmo's. I posted in the midst of their eqemulator thread named Fighting over Dragons. I waited awhile to post anything as I was unsure if anyone would actually try out the servers. There seems to be a pretty big following on the pvp server their on. A few have hit me up about trying out SoD.

Orignal FoH thread:

Its found on page 73.

My post:

Extract of the post:

Guess I'll post this as a few have come over or have played. The Shards of Dalaya server is a separate group from EQemu, I've played there for 3 years or so on and off. Its more of the pve type server, but I've enjoyed it.

Home Page: Shards of Dalaya

What it is:
  • EQ Zones, Models, Graphics upto GoD Expansion
  • Average Population of about 500
  • Fully Customized Zones, Items, Quests, Lore (a freaking mechton)
  • Full time Developers and GM's
  • Full time Web Developers
  • Auction System
  • Raid Content from Tiers 1 - 10 (more on this later)
  • Treasure Map hunting (Group content for all level ranges)
  • Adventure Bands (Think fellowships for groups from Lotro)
  • Augment System (add additional stats to items through player crafted and quested augs)

What its not:
  • A Cheap + 900% exp bonus server
  • PvP Server (while some go red to pvp, all in all there is little pvp here)
  • EQ Original, Classic, Velous, etc its customized from the ground up

Some links to the webpages and utilities that have been done.

  • SoD Wiki: A huge ass wiki with a ton of information for new people.
  • Forum: Check out the stickies for info
  • Fomelo: Character profiles
  • (Some names to look up to check out high end gear from different chars:
  • Lovok(T9 Wiz), Sald(T10 War), Felyn(T10 Bard), Tryling(T9 Monk), Zaela(T9 Ench, Tinkaa(T10 Mage), Rotax(T9 Rogue), Brenden(T9 Pal). These are people who I could think off the top of my head, most of their gear ranges from T8-10 give or take. The warrior and Bard being the extreme Tier 10, they've had a ton of time put into them.
  • Vendorlist System: Basically a way for players to put shit up for sell without using the bazaar. They want to keep player interaction into buying/selling.
  • General Stat Differences between live and SoD can be found here: Post

Some common issues people run into when playing here:
  • Going LD once every hour - This is from packet encryption and using an older client. Type /cm refresh or zone once an hour to fix it.
  • Forum post with some of the other small annoyances that can crop up: Here
  • Nvidia 8800+ Cards crazy 1st person textures. Has to do with older client, try playing in 3rd person. Its really not bad.
  • ATI cards - No target ring

The Raid Tiers are categorized 1-10. Here is a list of the zones / planes for each category. Remember that if it says its a plane it may have just used that zone, almost all of the content is custom (and very well done).

Tier Raid Zones


Server uptime is pretty awesome, they patch a couple times a week usually very early morning. Other than that the server is very stable. I login whenever I want and zones typically never go down.

If you're interested you can PM me and I'll try to answer whatever I can, but the majority of everything you need is on one of those links.
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That post is pretty great, except that it's post 1094 on page 73 of a 75 page megathread - pretty much buried already.

I'd recommend moving it to its own thread. It's a lost cause where it's at now.
I'll give it a little time to get a little more buried before I post it again, that board can be a little anal when it comes to cross posting :p Its got some good people though.
Fame is still awarded. Basically the more you do the more you get - if you made the something awful forum thread you would have 3 titles by now.

Well, given Wiz himself made the thread on SA, it would be kind of difficult to earn credit for that =P

How about those of us who have spent a good deal of time replying to that thread though? I've made more than a few replies in that thread myself, answering questions and whatnot.
Although it wasent my intent with creating the fomelolizer Woldaff posted this in the thread.
This is an amazing idea. I will happily throw some fame your way. More fame up for grabs if you make it not quite so ugly =p. Feel free to steal our theme in fact.
I did pretty it up a bit more like he asked and tried PM:ing him about it, but that dident get a response (maybe im not supposed to / allowed to pm him?).
Anyways im wondering if its worth nething, would be sweet to be able to use some points on free aa's from all the work ive put into it ;) getting endless quiver and AM 3 is slow =P

Although it wasent my intent with creating the fomelolizer Woldaff posted this in the thread.

I did pretty it up a bit more like he asked and tried PM:ing him about it, but that dident get a response (maybe im not supposed to / allowed to pm him?).
Anyways im wondering if its worth nething, would be sweet to be able to use some points on free aa's from all the work ive put into it ;) getting endless quiver and AM 3 is slow =P


These items are bought in-game with fame points.

* Tiny Statue of Ritual Burial 50pts
* Melwin's Idol of Joy 100pts
* Dem's Aliminium Pants 100pts
* Canopic Jar 125pts
* Mask of the Brilliant Eye 500pts
* Custom Character Title 1000pts (Must petition to receive)

Fame Points
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Fame points are primarily awarded when you attend a GM event. They can also be the reward for a game-related contest, or other special circumstances at a GM's discretion.

To view your points use the /cmd stats command. To view the rewards you can purchase with fame points, use /cmd pointbuy List and /cmd pointbuy List Items commands.


Here is some info from the wiki that may help you.
MOTD Fame Offerings

The MOTD last night mentioned fame points if you complete certain Ikisith tasks. What if one completed those tasks before yesterday? Do they get fame points or no fame points?

And regarding the tradeskill quests. It that like the Mason's quests or is there something else I should be looking for. I don't really need a fully explained spoiler. But can I get the journal name or something? I am pretty sure the dialog will not say "this is a tradeskill quest". :)

The MOTD last night mentioned fame points if you complete certain Ikisith tasks. What if one completed those tasks before yesterday? Do they get fame points or no fame points?

And regarding the tradeskill quests. It that like the Mason's quests or is there something else I should be looking for. I don't really need a fully explained spoiler. But can I get the journal name or something? I am pretty sure the dialog will not say "this is a tradeskill quest". :)


Tradeskill quests are quests where you have to talk to specific frogs about specific tradeskills to even GET the quest. And you can not get the later parts and thus can not complete em unless you have the tradeskill in question maxed out.
Tradeskill quests are quests where you have to talk to specific frogs about specific tradeskills to even GET the quest. And you can not get the later parts and thus can not complete em unless you have the tradeskill in question maxed out.

Stupid McCoys will have this monopolized too. We, poor Hatfields, can't catch a break.

23 more skill-ups. Man. I just don't see that happening in time to get me fame points. Any suggestions on how to hire underpaid asian workers to mine for me that does not involve me getting jailed or banned?

And you McCoys are gonna have to stop offering more for bone chips and ectoplasm in /Auction. You know who you are.
Fame is still awarded. Basically the more you do the more you get - if you made the something awful forum thread you would have 3 titles by now.

I made the original thread for SoD on the forums when Wiz asked me too. It lingered for awhile in PGS, but its still there in the archives! Where are my three titles damnit.
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