Dalayan Beginner
Ok, so there are a few common bugs that happen toeveryone, sooner or later, and, tbh, I'm quitetired to explain things such Ploss, silence bug, trade bug, or caps bug. So... here's a list with fast solutions for them:
PLOSS: stand for Packet Loss, and some people call it "red bar". It still happens, from time to time, but less frecuently nowadays. you can recognize it by having massive packet loss(% in the lag bar) continual. mobs won't move in your screen, and you're unable to act or cast. The only solution for this is camping. If you're hit mid cast, you have to bring options with CTRL + O and camp with the mouse. Camping/zoning regularly prevents Ploss.
INSTA LD: This is just another variant of PLoss. Just that you go instantly LD, without warning from the lag bar. Just relog normally. Camping/zoning regularly prevents it.
SILENCE BUG: If you're silenced mid cast, you become unable to attack. Ducking solves it.
BAG IN BAG: This is a really weird bug, but still happen ocasionally. Basically, you get randomly, a bag inside a bag, and contents of the "bag in the bag" appears to have poofed. Relog normally, and you'll have your contents back.
TRADE BUG: If you try trading someone who is casting, meleeing, banking or buying, BOTH chars become tradebugged, that is, unable to initiate tradewith another players. Initiating and canceling trade with any npc (including pets) solves it.
CAPS BUG AND OTHER KEYBOARD BUGS: Caps bug, control bug, alt bug... all of them are pretty much the same. Your keyboard won't work normally, because the game understands you're perma pressing one of those keys. Pressing bugged key again will solve it. *Aparently, thishappens more topeople who turns autorun on*
HP BAR/MANA BAR NOT FULL and not increasing: if you have water/food, it's just a case of a client side bug, or even UI bug. server counts your actual hp/mana, despite what your client says. A common variant is hp apparently not full after hp buffes. If you were full before the buff, you're still full, despite what your client says. Once you'rehit, it will reset normally.
CAN'T MELEE AFTER REZZ, DEATH EFFECTS GONE: Common bug, if you had autoattack on BEFORE rezz effects faded, you do count as 99 % slowed when they fade, untill you restart autoattack.
RANDOM LD LINKING BAGS: Don't link bags. sometimes they cause random LD.
DOUBLE BUFF: 2 variants, 1 from getting adebuff, 1 from getting a buff.
From getting a debuff, apparently it replaces an unrelated buff (like the old tombrot replacing, nowadays, jb). In these cases, relog
first, then cure the debuff. If you cure the debuff before relogging, you lose the buff.
From getting a buff happens if a buff fades/you clicked a buff just when another buff was landing. You actually have only 1 version
of the buff (sorry, no real double raegol). Zoning/camping solves it.
GROUP/RAID BUGS: Rarer nowadays, but still somewhat common. Basicaly, you're in a group you weren't after zoning/raid. reform the group. no other way around it. IF you have a persistent raid bug, onlychoosing another leader will solve it.
TELL BUG: Really common, SEEMSto happen when server takes a lagspike. You can recognize it by not getting echo from your tells (if you suffer it) or getting a not online answer from tell target. Solution is as it's been pointed, /role twice.
And also...
NOT IN ZONE BUG: From time to time, someone in a group will appear to be not in the zone to other group members. You won't be able to target that person, and the hp bar on group window will be darkened. you'l also, will be unable to actually see said person in the main screen. It has an easy solution. The person who APPEARS to be out of zone has to /lfg on, /lfg off.
LISTSOLD BUGS: Sometimes the listsold isn't accurate if you use it in cities and you can receive wrong item or pay a different price from the one listed. To avoid this, we recommend using the listsold system in the house (it's accessible by clicking your house key - target yourself and type #housekey to become owner of one).
Those are all FSB (Frequently suffered bugs) I recall atm. Hope this helps with the ammount of /petitions for gms, and helps players to solve their bugs faster if they suffer it.
*edit: added bugs*
PLOSS: stand for Packet Loss, and some people call it "red bar". It still happens, from time to time, but less frecuently nowadays. you can recognize it by having massive packet loss(% in the lag bar) continual. mobs won't move in your screen, and you're unable to act or cast. The only solution for this is camping. If you're hit mid cast, you have to bring options with CTRL + O and camp with the mouse. Camping/zoning regularly prevents Ploss.
INSTA LD: This is just another variant of PLoss. Just that you go instantly LD, without warning from the lag bar. Just relog normally. Camping/zoning regularly prevents it.
SILENCE BUG: If you're silenced mid cast, you become unable to attack. Ducking solves it.
BAG IN BAG: This is a really weird bug, but still happen ocasionally. Basically, you get randomly, a bag inside a bag, and contents of the "bag in the bag" appears to have poofed. Relog normally, and you'll have your contents back.
TRADE BUG: If you try trading someone who is casting, meleeing, banking or buying, BOTH chars become tradebugged, that is, unable to initiate tradewith another players. Initiating and canceling trade with any npc (including pets) solves it.
CAPS BUG AND OTHER KEYBOARD BUGS: Caps bug, control bug, alt bug... all of them are pretty much the same. Your keyboard won't work normally, because the game understands you're perma pressing one of those keys. Pressing bugged key again will solve it. *Aparently, thishappens more topeople who turns autorun on*
HP BAR/MANA BAR NOT FULL and not increasing: if you have water/food, it's just a case of a client side bug, or even UI bug. server counts your actual hp/mana, despite what your client says. A common variant is hp apparently not full after hp buffes. If you were full before the buff, you're still full, despite what your client says. Once you'rehit, it will reset normally.
CAN'T MELEE AFTER REZZ, DEATH EFFECTS GONE: Common bug, if you had autoattack on BEFORE rezz effects faded, you do count as 99 % slowed when they fade, untill you restart autoattack.
RANDOM LD LINKING BAGS: Don't link bags. sometimes they cause random LD.
DOUBLE BUFF: 2 variants, 1 from getting adebuff, 1 from getting a buff.
From getting a debuff, apparently it replaces an unrelated buff (like the old tombrot replacing, nowadays, jb). In these cases, relog
first, then cure the debuff. If you cure the debuff before relogging, you lose the buff.
From getting a buff happens if a buff fades/you clicked a buff just when another buff was landing. You actually have only 1 version
of the buff (sorry, no real double raegol). Zoning/camping solves it.
GROUP/RAID BUGS: Rarer nowadays, but still somewhat common. Basicaly, you're in a group you weren't after zoning/raid. reform the group. no other way around it. IF you have a persistent raid bug, onlychoosing another leader will solve it.
TELL BUG: Really common, SEEMSto happen when server takes a lagspike. You can recognize it by not getting echo from your tells (if you suffer it) or getting a not online answer from tell target. Solution is as it's been pointed, /role twice.
And also...
NOT IN ZONE BUG: From time to time, someone in a group will appear to be not in the zone to other group members. You won't be able to target that person, and the hp bar on group window will be darkened. you'l also, will be unable to actually see said person in the main screen. It has an easy solution. The person who APPEARS to be out of zone has to /lfg on, /lfg off.
LISTSOLD BUGS: Sometimes the listsold isn't accurate if you use it in cities and you can receive wrong item or pay a different price from the one listed. To avoid this, we recommend using the listsold system in the house (it's accessible by clicking your house key - target yourself and type #housekey to become owner of one).
Those are all FSB (Frequently suffered bugs) I recall atm. Hope this helps with the ammount of /petitions for gms, and helps players to solve their bugs faster if they suffer it.
*edit: added bugs*
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