Class Top 5 Thread

I'm really bored at my parents without my computer so I'll be a nice guy and help you out.

1. Reehs
2. Juff
3. Nifera
4. Marchie
5. Regasin

1. Kjiel
2. Vexiz
3. Agiktesse
4. Glim
5. ?

1. Eisley
2. Eldorath
3. Asura
4. Gtoo
5. Plaps

1. Wealwawn
2. Radaere
3. Faelus
4. Zedaine
5. Jarh

1. Zorlon
2. Raralith
3. Aishii
4. Stral
5. Ravik

1. Valdian
2. Shimone
3. Sintasia
4. Langdorn
5. Aisling

1. Lleoc
2. Kiseble
3. Cinn
4. Krugz
5. Fidel

1. Glorax
2. Velleity
3. Shuks
4. Paxx
5. Temellin

1. Bango
2. Apros
3. Lindstorm
4. Uzzdaar
5. Vartenaal

1. Kedrin
2. Aniketos
3. Caer
4. Yelsie
5. Fell

1. Reinhardt
2. Dimmi
3. Eyate
4. Draeos
5. Rotax

1. Xach
2. Versul
3. Jraul
4. Zorr
5. Loopwinkle

1. Zurkka
2. Pagloac
3. Thade
4. Naragako
5. Lytec

1. Stryda
2. Fuwok
3. Memu
4. Who Plays
5. Warriors

1. Solosolki
2. Tarutao
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?

Like 90% of those are accurate, I kind of lost it at the end. I know for a fact that Rogues, Mages, and Clerics are accurate.
PS. Some of the classes are complete jokes like Enchanters and Warriors. Should just list top 5 bots(except Tinkaa)
Memu isn't a bot >=( and i guarantee i dps harder then eyate so does rotax for that matter, Also maybe cyclonus for one of those clr spots unless gtoo has that teash thing bagged for some reason, and there is no way fidel > thanman either with a lucky charm only 12 tomes ect ect, main thing is that ick charm
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I do not think people should make top 5 threads without knowing how good items are.

Fidel>>>>>>>Thanman. I am not going to say hes a good player but even with his lucky clover he is a much much better character.

If either of you really believe thanman is better because he has a pile of useless tomes and slightly more proc crit chance you are dumb and its a testament to why you should not make a top 5.
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Memu isn't a bot >=( and i guarantee i dps harder then eyate so does rotax for that matter, Also maybe cyclonus for one of those clr spots unless gtoo has that teash thing bagged for some reason, and there is no way fidel > thanman either with a lucky charm only 12 tomes ect ect, main thing is that ick charm

you're so wrong on everything other then Memu might actually play this game.
1. Xach
2. Versul
3. Jraul
4. Zorr
5. Loopwinkle


ps top 5 is terrible just let it die, stop beating a dead dog
if you really care that much about this game just go jerk off to fomelo
I am proposing for this list you make the size of the character's name reflect how much of a gap in quality one character is over another. IE: Zurkka's name is in 200 point font, as is Xach's, Bango's, Reinhardt's, Solosolki's etc.
I understand what the dagger does, I also understand i have more haste more crit more insidious stab more str more dex more cha,proc tome, better offhand, better mods, better focus's, more hp, more ac, less aggression, vah back, eternal, jur, better focus's from tomes, more worn humanoid. I guarantee you put me and eyate on the same mob and i'll out dps him every single time.
Lindstorm move Denied he lacks R2,
Eyate Move Denied, yes he has an awesome poker, But he lacks EVERYTHING else Compared to current #4 & #3 you can only dps while your alive.

If you really want me to compare monks Thanman VS Fidel Make a post showing me why he's better.

Phalps move Denied, you aren't getting on cleric list till you have ALL tomes that effect healing done.. Period end of story
(that being said clerics is still off)

Loopwinkle... my god I hope this was ment as a troll.. not even close

Xach moved to #1
Jraul moved to #2
Versul bumped to #3
(jr over Verul might be little early will look again later)
Still looking at some of other suggestions
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I do not think people should make top 5 threads without knowing how good items are.

Fidel>>>>>>>Thanman. I am not going to say hes a good player but even with his lucky clover he is a much much better character.

If either of you really believe thanman is better because he has a pile of useless tomes and slightly more proc crit chance you are dumb and its a testament to why you should not make a top 5.

Make a post saying why or don't post in my thread .. this is not chillville and your trying to compare apples and oranges with what they have in for gear atm
1. Bango
2. Apros
3. Lindstorm
4. Uzzdaar
5. Vartenaal

This is definitely more accurate. Uzzdaar shouldn't be ahead of Lindstrom. HP/AC/Mana/Tomes all higher.

At least this isn't just some huge giant troll.
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This is definitely more accurate. Uzzdaar shouldn't be ahead of Lindstrom. HP/AC/Mana/Tomes all higher.

Ok loged in put in my 1 hander.. now I smash him in everything
comparing 1 hander to 2 hander is bad ummm k

There is a full write up on it Rads thread.

Jarh takes #5 bumping efik
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Make a post saying why or don't post in my thread .. this is not chillville and your trying to compare apples and oranges with what they have in for gear atm

Because you are dumb and do not grasp core mechanics of the game like how better items make you a better character.

Horok is infinitely better than shadowstaff.
Matron gloves.
An assload of autoattack mods.

Fidel is a significantly better dps
Fidel is a significantly better tank
Fidel is the significantly better toon
Every other difference PALES in comparison to these things.

I was going to make a really shitty post and call you bad again but I figured maybe I could give you an idea of why everyone thinks you are a joke and unqualified to make any character comparisons. If you think thanman is better than fidel then your whole thread is bankrupt of any integrity.
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