
one option to fix the downtime argument is to sell full mana pots that cant be used in combat that have a 20-25min reuse timer? Would this be a good option or would it disrupt the state of the game? If the coding was done correctly you could fix the timer so that it was NULL so it could only be used out of combat. What do you think Zaela?
one option to fix the downtime argument is to sell full mana pots that cant be used in combat that have a 20-25min reuse timer? Would this be a good option or would it disrupt the state of the game? If the coding was done correctly you could fix the timer so that it was NULL so it could only be used out of combat. What do you think Zaela?

As much as it pains me to agree with Eldarian this is actually a really good idea. And you could set a reuse timer so as not to make Meditate skill completely useless (I guess there is always the in combat mana regen aspect to it).
As much as it pains me to agree with Eldarian this is actually a really good idea. And you could set a reuse timer so as not to make Meditate skill completely useless (I guess there is always the in combat mana regen aspect to it).

the planets have just aligned let this day be noted in the SOD server log
Here is a list of cool things to do.

1)Remove death fatigue for players below level 10, it totally turns people off before they become invested enough in playing to forgive it as a feature.

2)Bump all applicable low level buffs to last an hour or AT LEAST 30-35 minutes. Also consider adding some more group versions of buffs at lower levels. It is a fucking chore as a buffing class like shaman to rebuff an entire group it just slows things down to a crawl and it's not like it increases difficulty.

3)Something in the dream to explain what the hell war events are and the command to bail on them

4)Expanded text on the isle of voices to give new players a better idea of what they are signing on for in regards to in-game advantages and disadvantages.

5)Do more EXP bonus events. Find a way to only have it apply to players sub-50 if you really don't want Poopsock Pissbottle grinding out his Tome of Poor Foresight II that much faster with it.

6)Add in simple stuff to liven up newbie zones like one or two roaming "boss" mobs in each that have everything in the zone as a PH and spawn randomly. Give them some zonewide dialogue or have guards in the zone announce that they have seen them to let players know. Toss some minor rewards on them, no drop stuff of course. If you could just have mob attributes pulled from a table on spawn to randomize the abilities of the mob that would be even better, sadly I don't think this could be done with the name but that would also rule.
Oh yeah and don't make players work for the EXP bonus events they are already working for them by playing in the first place. It's supposed to be a reward.
Here is a list of cool things to do.

1)Remove death fatigue for players below level 10, it totally turns people off before they become invested enough in playing to forgive it as a feature.

2)Bump all applicable low level buffs to last an hour or AT LEAST 30-35 minutes. Also consider adding some more group versions of buffs at lower levels. It is a fucking chore as a buffing class like shaman to rebuff an entire group it just slows things down to a crawl and it's not like it increases difficulty.

3)Something in the dream to explain what the hell war events are and the command to bail on them

4)Expanded text on the isle of voices to give new players a better idea of what they are signing on for in regards to in-game advantages and disadvantages.

5)Do more EXP bonus events. Find a way to only have it apply to players sub-50 if you really don't want Poopsock Pissbottle grinding out his Tome of Poor Foresight II that much faster with it.

6)Add in simple stuff to liven up newbie zones like one or two roaming "boss" mobs in each that have everything in the zone as a PH and spawn randomly. Give them some zonewide dialogue or have guards in the zone announce that they have seen them to let players know. Toss some minor rewards on them, no drop stuff of course. If you could just have mob attributes pulled from a table on spawn to randomize the abilities of the mob that would be even better, sadly I don't think this could be done with the name but that would also rule.

I love all of this, especially the bolded part. Low level buffing sucks balls, big freaking hairy ones. Especially for a class like the shammy. You could argue that they aren't needed, but if there is one thing I know from many years of gaming, players want EVERY available advantage, no matter how minor. The problem is, by the time you get done getting all the buffs, and medding back up, half the duration on the buffs has been wasted. Starting them out at a half hour, and ramping up from there would be a huge improvement.

More bonus xp events would be a huge plus also, I have never understood why they are always reserved for some facebook goal or some such. Do them for long holiday weekends, when you are likely to draw more people into the game. Or for a random weekend just because it seemed like a cool idea. Bonus xp weekends cost the game nothing, and always bring people in (or back) to play.
All of these issues have been fixed in other games you know.

I go back to my previous argument that changing some of these things is just changing what makes EQ EQ, or SoD SoD. The downtime thing for example, I agree, raiding is slooow and involves an inordinate amount of waiting around around doing nothing. But when you talk about getting rid of downtime, don't you realise that every other game has already done that? You are just doing what Blizzard did in 2001 or something. They looked at EQ and said yeah it's pretty good, but why does there have to be so much waiting around?! Along comes WoW and they fixed that perfectly. You now are back to full just moments after each fight, and it makes the whole experience far more action packed and combat orientated. You enter the zone, engage the first trash mobs and then the second, then up the hill and kill the next few. Then kill the first mini boss, on to the next, and soon enough you are at the big bad guy and you're done. It makes everything in to a dungeon crawl type experience.

It's fun, not sure if it's actually 'better' than EQ/SoD, it's just different. But if you are going to play something like that, why not just play Rift? Or WoW or whatever else. They are all like second generation games which have already fixed all these issues people have with EQ/SoD.

But not only that, you've also got Guild Wars 2 coming soon which has improved on even those newer generation games. I'm in the beta and I'm pretty blown away by it. They are just smarter than everyone else and their game is going to show the world how their new way is the best. Not only is there no downtime, but there isn't even any mana. Your spells have cool downs and take time to activate so the tactics are in what you use and when, and how well you use it, and using the wrong thing doesn't waste your mana, it wastes your time instead. So they basically made time in to a resource which completely manages to replace the concept of mana. They also did away with roles all together, so there's no such thing as waiting for the healer, because healers dont even exist. You are never sitting around waiting for anything in that game. You are never hanging around LFG, never wishing something would be happening that isn't, because the entire game shapes itself around you. If you attack a giant by yourself, the giant scales to put up a good fight against one person. If a bunch of other people show up, it scales and puts up a fight for however many people are attacking and rewards each person for whatever they put in to it. It solves everything. There is no kill stealing, no solo/group content, no waiting for people, no nothin. It's just one big constantly entertaining experience.

I don't even know where you go with this. My only instinct is to either make SoD one extreme or the other. Either make it super old school more like p99, or make it super modern more like GW2 or something. But all these tweaks keeping it somewhere in between is just making it less attractive to anyone who prefers games one way or another. In other words, if people are really hankering for less tedium, then they are crazy to even log in to SoD at all.
All of these issues have been fixed in other games you know.

This. WoW and other games lower downtime, and not only do not have tomes, have completely done away with past max level advancement entirely. Talent tree, then done. The only advancement is gear. If these are a turn off for people, then perhaps SoD/EQ isn't the game for them. I personally think Tomes are nothing but beneficial. Yes, they're long, but it ensures SOME form of productivity and progression when all your AAs are maxed.

I think Defixio has it 100% - I played Live like 9 years ago. I had only heard of SoD nine months ago, thankfully by word of mouth. The server simply just needs better advertisement, which I'm assuming might be tricky due to Sony. Perhaps some ads, or posting on MMO forums could give the server pop a little kick. New content would most likely bring back old players also, however there's a limited staff to provide that.
The server simply just needs better advertisement, which I'm assuming might be tricky due to Sony. Perhaps some ads, or posting on MMO forums could give the server pop a little kick. New content would most likely bring back old players also, however there's a limited staff to provide that.

During the last account drive, you get fame points for getting people to click a link to SoD and create an account. Get enough fame points and you can change your character's gender legally and other stuff. Its an OK reward system.
Make one of those buddy referral links dudes can sign up via for everyone. have that give fame points so no admins have to use their time checking on who brought who.

Do we have a banner + link add that folks put up when we advertise? I'd be willing to look into the costs on some sites :)

(we should make it link to the difference between live and SOD page and/or signup page.)
One day, we will have a GM who has only one job and that is to run player events / interact with new players. Still some of the best times I have had even as a dev was hanging out at the crate on Ikisith release day havin fun w/ people and I guess we need someone to do that full-time and since Ikaa is resisting my charms.,..,,.,..,

The random zone boss mob idea is also good and would follow the same vein as treasure hunt and global drops (two really cool ideas that I, Slaariel, invented). I'll see what I can do about this.

Down time on raids is awful and we've already taken great steps to stamp it down but down time in exp groups / 6-man content is part of the balance and is trickier to adjust so well. Maybe we could do more here.

Newbie buff spells are subject to the double-penalty legacy that is game wide (stats have lower effect AND you get fewer of them, no access to duration inc 7 AND buffs dont last as long, etc.). I think it would be not so bad to make them last a very long time. There are rumblings in the 3.0 camp about new and exciting ways to do group buffs but single target stuff could probably stand to stick around for longer.

It is strange to me that the invading Kaezulians are not really mentioned in the newbie lore at all! That is certainly something that can be addressed though it will be harder than THE DREAM SKUNK.

I had another idea that I'm not going to mention here because I can't get it to work yet but I think it would make getting exp a little cooler for new players. It involves messing with the exp function though and that is a mess. I will keep trying for this.

Lastly, I had an idea that was not exactly for newer players involving an alternate means of accessing rare mobs, but I will probably shelve it as the demand seems low and accessing rare mobs is not really an issue for most people. It will be retooled to something else. Probably.

What I'm saying is there is a big and constant to-do list already but hey always happy to add to it.
quote robots:
"The downtime thing for example, I agree, raiding is slooow and involves an inordinate amount of waiting around around doing nothing. "
I am sorry to sound like a broken record but it is totally in the hand of the player if he has
downtime,simply choose your targets accordingly.
Playing Clerics surely has become dull with ooc,just mindlessly chain heals in a fight,
mana doesnt matter anymore,just med a minute after a fight while you grab some drink,smoke a cig,go to the bathroom,etc.Managing your mana wisely doesnt matter

quote robots:
"If you attack a giant by yourself, the giant scales to put up a good fight against one person."
Yeah,single player in a MMORPG.This doesnt make any sense for me.I rather play Baldur's Gate.
Actually the GM thing used to happen all the time with many people. GMs would just hang around and turn you into horses or whatever but we are missing people with that special combination of love/devotion to the game and also free time and also not caring to play the game so much so they can devote all their time to managing the community what I'm saying is if you know any of these people (ikaa) tell them to come back and GM.
5)Do more EXP bonus events. Find a way to only have it apply to players sub-50 if you really don't want Poopsock Pissbottle grinding out his Tome of Poor Foresight II that much faster with it..

Have you ever considered "Hot Zones" I really enjoyed this in EverQuest Live. They bumbed the Zone exp bonus to attract players to uncommonly used zones to grind i, The reward: Extra exp and some special mobs
Have you ever considered "Hot Zones" I really enjoyed this in EverQuest Live. They bumbed the Zone exp bonus to attract players to uncommonly used zones to grind i, The reward: Extra exp and some special mobs

I thought about the hot zones from live, but wasn't certain how well that would work here. We don't have the 8 trillion zones live has now, afterall. Though, it was double xp, and special drops (aug and item), iirc, not a special mob, at least not that I ever saw.
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