"Ask Not What SoD Can Do for You ..."

To me the biggest failure of this server is that best and most fun dungeons in this game are completely worthless once you join the l33t raid scene. So you get newbies join the server and have a lonely boring experience getting through the levels, and they remain a noob at 65 because the difference between 65 and a high tier 65 is gigantic. And there is no way for them to progress because that point in the game is empty. So as soon as possible they join a raid guild and get dragged along by the experienced players and become high tier douchebags in no time.

Saying there is no way to progress is just silly. Your version of progress and mine must be incredibly different. Doing literally anything besides sitting in Athica is worthwhile. You seem to be implying that if you can't do things at the same level as a high tiered person who has put years into their character, then it is progress. R1 bounties are incredibly fun, and meant for just those people. Not to mention they can craft pretty great items out of the process. R2 and R3 bounties get harder, yes, but the difference is two boxing and getting a group to do it. Also assuming everyone who gets to high tier is also a jerk is pretty narrow sighted. I will use myself as an example, because I don't want to put anyone on the spot, when I create exp groups I literally don't care who comes. Yesterday my group was Acepar, Chiz, Fulgrin as DPS (all beastlords, and all "low end" in relation to tomes and exp) then me boxing Vitali and Crynel. We had a final member, but I don't remember who. Maybe my alt leeching exp. Either way, we all went to FR and killed Bloodfires. Is that the best group? Absolutely not, but it didn't matter. We had fun and hung out for a while killing monsters together. Sure there are high tier people who would see those tells and think to themselves "Uh, nope not class X with Y tomes, not worth taking" but not everyone is that way. I genuinely enjoyed my group with them, and others I find just LFG in ooc.

But the problem with that, is that it instantly ruins the majority of this game, and makes the most fun dungeons become worthless. Places like Cmal (whatever it's called here), Catacombs, even just Eldenals itself is really challenging with normal characters. But most people here have forgotten what normal characters feel like and what the base game even plays like. You stand next to one of those mobs with your 950 AC and 2000hp and the Hp just plummets as soon as you take a single round of damage. The wizards that use ice comet have one shotted some of my characters. That is what this game was supposed to be like. Splitting suddenly becomes important, and crowd control is important (does anyone even remember spells like mez?), and in places like that cmal you need to explain to each other how you are going to handle the next fight, who is going to mez what, which mob to focus first etc, then you rise up one of those pillars of water and the action happens. It is very exciting and very fun. I only did that place a few times but loved it every time. But last time I played it was impossible to find anyone to go there, because the whole place is made pointless and obsolete by the other content. Nobody wants those clicky heal gloves because the raid gear is so much better, and nobody wants the mediocre exp from a normal group when you can just afk in a group with whoever is doing the treants or get in a guild group with some old overpowered pally who pulls half of First Ruins in one pull and you watch all your AA's flood in.

The problem here is lack of new blood really. It boils down to there being so few new characters that making a guild or even a group without some sort of combination of new and old can't happen. So you will have a fresh group with some healer sporting 80 tomes, or a tank with 9k hp. The problem isn't the characters, but the mindset of the player. Is it worth 30 minutes to buff, then a 15 minute run to an obscure zone to get okay exp but relive a nostalgic period of my play here in SoD? Or do I spend 30 minutes buffing and 3 minutes running to a zone that is newer, so more polished and a bit more friendly to new players? That is the question you have to ask yourself or others when you're making these groups. Most of the time people don't want to waste their time zoning 7 times to get to an obscure place without some sort of motivation.

This server has become raid obsessed and the problem is that it ruins the rest of the game. It's all business and very little talking anyway on a raid so you really don't get much of a different experience compared to a normal group of 6 individuals. But my favorite time in EQ was the Kunark/Velious era and grouping is mostly what people did. Sol b, Lower Guk, Karnor's, Seb, Howling Stones, Velks, Chardock, new players had an amazing journey but then newly high level players had a dozen or more dungeons to go to and they got your raid experience right there. Doing 'Disco' with a bunch of normal geared people, wizzy in an SMR etc.. it is no less challenging or interesting than you nerds doing an uber high tier raid. In fact most of the raids have known strats so there isn't even anything to work out most of the time. I spent my first week in Seb just doing the entrance and a few deadly excursions further inside. It was only a week or so later that I managed to get to 'Disco' and I had to go many times until I got my robe. I had been playing in there for ages but only managed to do the Hierophants Cloak camp a few times (and I never got the cloak). I could have spent a month or more in that one dungeon, same goes for all the dungeons. This game has all those dungeons but nobody goes, and if they do they are ruined by overpowered characters that trivialise the entire experience. It's annoying because the kind of people who raid tend to think they are the elite, and they are deserving of the best gear because it is raid gear and therefore the ultimate achievement. But in reality, the opposite is true. The ultimate achievement is the group of level 30 something noobs who go to Lower Guk with chainmail and cloth shit and the tank's weapon is some crappy 11/34 runed falchion with no other stats, and they spend a month in there getting geared enough to just to reach the other side of the dungeon and face the king or the GL. Put that group then in a kunark dungeon but with old world gear, that is a real achievement. And that is what made the game popular in the first place, and that is what got ruined by later expansions, and SoD is like a reproduction of what ruined EQ in a mini version.

I agree with some of this, but again I can definitely feel the venom literally dripping from the words in this. You are upset with the current state of the game, and it is all high tiered players fault. The people who've played this game religiously for years and years are clearly the reason people have moved on and left.

While I would love to see some way for people to really progress in a meaningful way outside of raids, it's a slippery slope and hard to balance anything around. How much out of raid time equates to in raid time? How much effort should getting gear solo be, compared to getting an item 17 other people need to help you get? If I can get a Healing 5 item with a week's worth of effort, can I get a Healing 6 item with 2 weeks? healing 8 with 4? Where do you draw the line. Anyone can have a meaningful and fun experience in SoD without raiding, but what it sounds like is you want everyone to share in your vision of fun, whether they want that or not. You want it to be like the good old day, where things were super hard and challenging and would love to see other people enjoy that style again too. The problem is, what if I don't like that style of play? What if I actually enjoy where I am now, able to heal well and melee some monsters with a cane that heals my party. I like my clicky items, and I like my spells that had to be farmed by killing hard high tier raid monsters in a tower. Everyone wants something different, and what you consider fun isn't what others might.
P.S. - Expanding on the Bounty system would be wonderful. The token system, the quests, everything is great. I would far prefer raids be similar to this, but I know what would come from it.
Weapons and belts are amazing and fun, maybe someday including visible gear as well could be done. Fresh 65 starts doing bounties and is able to get a set of baseline gear, in a group or 2 boxing. There are already breaks in the questing due to timers, so gear wont be obtained super fast, but not slow either. just a thought.
Just to add some perspective to this hate high end dudes thing: Honestly, 99% of the vet players on this server have been nothing but nice to me since I started playing a few years ago. Some have gone way above and beyond to be helpful. I can count on one hand the number of times i thought any player on SoD was a giant D Bag... I know that myself and others go far out of there way to help new guys, but my guys aren't high end. Dudes donate pp, time, advice to help new guys all the time. We have, in my opinion, one of the best mmo wiki out there, and it was created by vet players...

I personally don't think that high end elitist fucks are running people off our server...
The problem with all those camps/grinds is that people on this server are so used to doing them with 1 or 2 totally overpowered characters. If you go to the ToLL camp and one guy is there camping it, that removes that camp from the game for everyone else. No instancing, but no grouping either. You go to Velks (or whatever its called here) and one guy (with two characters) is pulling the entire zone. Try that ToLL camp with 'normal' characters, the named absolutely rips you to shreds. High raid tier characters do it with their eyes closed, but it is completely different experience with 'normal' characters. Not only that but it would satisfy a full group of 6 individuals, it would be challenging, they would have to split the room etc.. all stuff that made this game fun in the first place.

To me the biggest failure of this server is that best and most fun dungeons in this game are completely worthless once you join the l33t raid scene. So you get newbies join the server and have a lonely boring experience getting through the levels, and they remain a noob at 65 because the difference between 65 and a high tier 65 is gigantic. And there is no way for them to progress because that point in the game is empty. So as soon as possible they join a raid guild and get dragged along by the experienced players and become high tier douchebags in no time.

But the problem with that, is that it instantly ruins the majority of this game, and makes the most fun dungeons become worthless. Places like Cmal (whatever it's called here), Catacombs, even just Eldenals itself is really challenging with normal characters. But most people here have forgotten what normal characters feel like and what the base game even plays like. You stand next to one of those mobs with your 950 AC and 2000hp and the Hp just plummets as soon as you take a single round of damage. The wizards that use ice comet have one shotted some of my characters. That is what this game was supposed to be like. Splitting suddenly becomes important, and crowd control is important (does anyone even remember spells like mez?), and in places like that cmal you need to explain to each other how you are going to handle the next fight, who is going to mez what, which mob to focus first etc, then you rise up one of those pillars of water and the action happens. It is very exciting and very fun. I only did that place a few times but loved it every time. But last time I played it was impossible to find anyone to go there, because the whole place is made pointless and obsolete by the other content. Nobody wants those clicky heal gloves because the raid gear is so much better, and nobody wants the mediocre exp from a normal group when you can just afk in a group with whoever is doing the treants or get in a guild group with some old overpowered pally who pulls half of First Ruins in one pull and you watch all your AA's flood in.

This server has become raid obsessed and the problem is that it ruins the rest of the game. It's all business and very little talking anyway on a raid so you really don't get much of a different experience compared to a normal group of 6 individuals. But my favorite time in EQ was the Kunark/Velious era and grouping is mostly what people did. Sol b, Lower Guk, Karnor's, Seb, Howling Stones, Velks, Chardock, new players had an amazing journey but then newly high level players had a dozen or more dungeons to go to and they got your raid experience right there. Doing 'Disco' with a bunch of normal geared people, wizzy in an SMR etc.. it is no less challenging or interesting than you nerds doing an uber high tier raid. In fact most of the raids have known strats so there isn't even anything to work out most of the time. I spent my first week in Seb just doing the entrance and a few deadly excursions further inside. It was only a week or so later that I managed to get to 'Disco' and I had to go many times until I got my robe. I had been playing in there for ages but only managed to do the Hierophants Cloak camp a few times (and I never got the cloak). I could have spent a month or more in that one dungeon, same goes for all the dungeons. This game has all those dungeons but nobody goes, and if they do they are ruined by overpowered characters that trivialise the entire experience. It's annoying because the kind of people who raid tend to think they are the elite, and they are deserving of the best gear because it is raid gear and therefore the ultimate achievement. But in reality, the opposite is true. The ultimate achievement is the group of level 30 something noobs who go to Lower Guk with chainmail and cloth shit and the tank's weapon is some crappy 11/34 runed falchion with no other stats, and they spend a month in there getting geared enough to just to reach the other side of the dungeon and face the king or the GL. Put that group then in a kunark dungeon but with old world gear, that is a real achievement. And that is what made the game popular in the first place, and that is what got ruined by later expansions, and SoD is like a reproduction of what ruined EQ in a mini version.

While you make some good points (high tiers camping mid tier camps for cash) you also seem to only be recalling the "good" parts of EQ. EQ had all of the same problems that shards has. High value items were camped 24/7. Epic quest drops were perma camped to either be used or multiquested away. None of the issues you've mentioned are really new issues.

HOWEVER - they are still issues.
The low population numbers in this game kind of hinders that good old "xp zone progression" feeling that you and many others miss. There aren't hundreds if not thousands of players sharing the newest highest-tier xp zones like EQ had. It's the same old zones that 80% of the population knows like the back of their hand, and most players know how to most efficiently take advantage of those zones.

One of the main reasons you see high levels camping ToLL and such is because there's nothing more valuable in the game to camp. There really aren't any high tier xp dungeons. Any zones (Overgrowth, Citadel) that offered more cash reward or better xp were for some reason deemed "too good" and nerfed right out of competition for a good place to xp or farm with high tier toons.

I would guess that a full group of tier 7 characters (not that hard to achieve, really) could do pretty much all of the XP content in the game with the exception of the higher tier 6 man zones if the players were competent. I'm not counting the 6 man zones because they're usually crappy money and don't instantly respawn to XP grind in.

What would help alleviate a lot of the high tiers camping low tier content would be to introduce one or two new dungeons with multiple camps, multiple named mobs, DROPPABLE SELLABLE GEAR and good xp. Make them tier 9-10-11 zones so that a tier 13 warrior can't make it trivial for a group. Make them risky but rewarding and then don't instantly nerf the cash drops and xp when you see people actually taking advantage of it. Make the droppable gear on par with tier 6-7 raid gear if not higher to liven the economy up again.

Even if that happens (it won't) I still doubt there'd be many mid tier people filling in those newly opened mid tier zones.
I personally don't think that high end elitist fucks are running people off our server...

It's not that they're running people away but some of them aren't helping much either and those elitist jerks know who they are. Being abusive or pointlessly rude in /ooc. Constantly telling player x that class y is terrible. Being way too exclusive with exp group slots. This stuff is not imaginary, I've dealt with it in the last couple months and it's not like my toons are fresh 65 scrubs. For them it must be worse.

What's really killing this server is the lack of instant gratification. All the satisfying stuff requires friends or time and usually both, and the established crowd is so caught up in their cliques and injokes that new players have a ridiculous time breaking in unless they can play 10+ hours a day. I personally don't think there's a fix for that because that's what Everquest is all about at the core. The kind of people who would like SoD these days didn't grow up with Everquest. I think the new client, and the introduction of flashier new features, will help a ton.
It's not that they're running people away but some of them aren't helping much either and those elitist jerks know who they are. Being abusive or pointlessly rude in /ooc. Constantly telling player x that class y is terrible. Being way too exclusive with exp group slots. This stuff is not imaginary, I've dealt with it in the last couple months and it's not like my toons are fresh 65 scrubs. For them it must be worse.

What's really killing this server is the lack of instant gratification. All the satisfying stuff requires friends or time and usually both, and the established crowd is so caught up in their cliques and injokes that new players have a ridiculous time breaking in unless they can play 10+ hours a day. I personally don't think there's a fix for that because that's what Everquest is all about at the core. The kind of people who would like SoD these days didn't grow up with Everquest. I think the new client, and the introduction of flashier new features, will help a ton.

This pretty much nails the whole issue for me. I started in January and have a few decent characters, but it's hard for me to 1) ask for help because, everyone has their stuff done 2) I'm still used to live (even though I quit like 6 years ago) where I had a cleric, monk (whcn they were gods and blocked every hit, rogue & shaman, so I could do whatever I wanted basically and finally 3) I feel like people expect me or look down on me because I don't have XYZ because they do/their alts that they play all day or that are exp banded & they pimp out their mains so their alts get mad tome exp, even though my character is roughly a 5th of the age theirs is. I have a laundry list of stuff to do and only so much time to do it in, I'm not a 20 year old, with no real job that can spend 12+ hours online, no matter how many ringers are thrown at me. It's gets to the point where I just want to throw my hands up and say f it. I feel like I'm letting my guild down because I don't have the same things they do. While I don't EXPECT to have them over night, it would be super awesomely nice to have some other people who, oh, I don't know, need the same things I don't feel like I'm being a burden by to get things done. (Again, see #1, my guild has been overly helpful when it's obvious I need help, I just have independence issues).

& for the record, you don't have to be t13 to be a bully/abusive.
I'm more baffled by the 'nobody does Cmal' comment. Cmal 2 and above usually die a few hours after they pop. Cmal 1 is dead because of the Vah (and the loot blows for the most part so who cares). Cmal 3 (and 3.1/3.2) die frequently because it's okay xp/money for the time invested. Late at night you can sometimes find people taking fresh characters to hoover loot while they take the cash/xp. If you're looking for people to kill it during the day US side yeah you might have problems but most of the time I never had issues scrounging up people to do Cmal.

The antisocial/leech problem, that's an entirely different pandora's box. About 1.2 million of them actually. Farming cash sucks, playing other characters to speed up your cash farming sucks but there's no denying it's a great money sink. Can't just remove them either unless you want the server to get mailbombs from the poor saps who either trained rat city/frogloks on themselves or flopped around Cita/FR.
I can vouch that the high end crowd, in whatever form it has taken the last five years or so, is not all dicks and will generally be nice to newbs. Life was just a lot better when people played ringer tanks and healers on the regular and there was always a reliable PuG raid team running so newbs could scoop loots and have chances at relic rolls that they would never otherwise have access to. All these mid tier guilds are spam recruiting but either their expectations are too high or there is such a low promise of phats that it seems hit or miss anyway. I don't buy into this "restart the whole server" or "we just need a guild that is willing to start from tier 1 with no ringers" because they're either asinine or put a band aid over a bullet hole.

The server as a whole just needs to take another leap. Whatever happened to that zone restoration project? Zones like DFS and Sorc's lab could use a ton of loving. Ikisith is cool but maybe it's time to finally put a MoP to the Murk for people who have done the entry quest so access is just that much less tedious. Maybe give Odus another 60+ exp zone that could reward duos and low tier groups with NO DROP phats. Risk and reward. 2.5 is going to be big things for anybody and everybody who wants to see the server improve because people need a reason to play that is fun and isn't farming hundreds of thousands of plat at the expense of less accomplished characters.
I am gonna toss my 2cp in here. I originally came here because I had a burning hunk of nostalgia pumping through my veins. It happens to me from time to time and it usually vanishes as quickly and mysteriously as it arises. The lesson I have learned is you can't go home again. My attempts to recapture my first foray into MMOs in UO was a disaster. Live is a neon color shit show and EMUs are all about potion chucking, chugging and 10v1 PvP. As much as I can say that it destroyed my loving memories of UO I actually feel it was a pretty good representation of the over all experience with the game when I was younger, mostly indifference with sprinklings of success and large chunks of frustrating and disappointing set backs. That is probably what keeps you coming back, its like gambling except you can ruin your life without blowing all your money.

So when I came to this server in early 2011 I had few goals and expectations, I thought this server would be the same as all other nostalgic attempts at recapturing fun in a genre that had slowly been losing its appeal to me. My first attempt at this server was unsuccessful. I wanted to play an enchanter but found around the late 20s to early 30s that groups were just nonexistent and further observation of /ooc showed that 3 or 4 max level enchanters were always LFG night after night in what seemed like a blacklisting of enchanters. It was discouraging. Soloing was frustrating enough and the prospect of 30+ more levels by myself only to find no groups at the end was depressing. I had also felt that a GM at the time was abusing their power (I am a little ambiguous about that now though) which at the time was a huge turn off to this game. It wasn't much more than 2 months before I was gone from the game. It was partly the fact that there weren't groups, it was partly the idea I had created from my observations that my class might be useless and it was also partly what I thought was bad administration and favoritism. Mostly it was just getting a bad impression of the server. Before I quit I played a monk/shaman duo just for shits and giggles. It was fun but I still felt the way I did and just stopped playing (IRL stuff too).

A strange thing happened though. Instead of my desire slowly fading away it built. I had played with duoing on live when my friends quit and it was kind of fun and I wanted to do it again. I honestly play this game like a single player game now and I love it. I love to duo, I love to mindlessly quest and grind QPs even for the shittiest of items (I am looking at you Telvosh's Request). I love to help out my guild and friends with things and I even like raiding stuff once every week or two.

Long story short (too late), you can't go home again but you can find a new home. The reasons I came to SoD were not the reasons I stayed and they aren't the reasons I keep logging in.

I cannot say that the Admin/Devs are always right or that they always make the best decisions but I can say that the are genuine people who commit a lot of their time to making this game fun and engaging for free. Love them or hate them, they are stepping up to the plate and doing the best they can. It is ridiculous to think that they have some vested interest in seeing this game fail, or that they are intentionally pissing off their player base for some cheap laugh. There is enough information on this forum to show that they are following a vision and that vision may not always be what is good for the server from a player perspective and sometimes even from an Admin/keeping your staff perspective. However, they are doing the best they can and I think its a mighty fine job and on a personal note I don't blame them for not always reaching out to the player base with how unappreciative some people can be.

Now, from what I can tell most of the "____ is killing the server" or "____ is why we can't keep people" should really read "I don't like ____ and it needs to be changed." What I think is killing this game is the terrible attitude of the players. It seems like all people do is come onto the forums to bitch and troll each other. When every attempt at a useful dialog between players and the admin devolves into name calling and dick waving by the second page you are showing a side of this server that I don't feel is an honest representation. Hell, prior to actually visiting the forums, I had no idea that so much was "wrong" with this game. Chances are, the reason the guy who joins this server fresh and quits at level 20 has a lot less to do with high end class balance issues and raids than people seem to think on the forums.

Around lunch every day at work I can feel my addiction kick in and I just want to play some War/Clr duo like no ones business. I get so excited I come to the forums for the only bit of this game I can get at work and surprise surprise, my desire to log on is usually numbed by the 3rd forum post I read.

This thread subject is what this is all about. The administration is already doing everything they think can be done to retain players server side, what are you doing that isn't shitting up the place with tears and butt hurt? "Low level players don't stay because no one is grouping with them!" Then make some fucking alts. I have an account dedicated to making alts for that very purpose. When I see some lvl 22 ranger looking for a group I try to log on a character that is close to their level. When someone is asking about a quest instead of just shutting them down and sending them to the wiki I will tell them where to go, even if it involves me going to the wiki and looking it up for them (I do usually tell them where I got the great information though).

A fresh starting character is unequipped in a big scary world that is alien to them, having played EQ before will only get you so far on this server. So instead of bitching about the gap between these lowbies and us how about we do something to help. I am sure that there is a kind hearted tradeskiller who would be more than happy to make armor for lowbies if we provide the mats and then the important part we actually tell these lowbies about the armor how to get it.

Obviously these ideas by themselves won't fix much, but its surprising how much a little personal touch can make a game seem different. Its people like Grinkles, Baars, Melhdur, and Kero that made me feel at home when I first joined and it was by doing little more than trying to be extra helpful and polite. I see a paladin log in every now and then (I don't remember your name sorry) who is always shouting in /ooc to help lowbies specifically, kudos on him!

Tamlissa has sent me VE, E and Mod maps on account drives to run 55+ through them for gear and cash. Grinkles is working on getting clerics and enchanters set up for the first 30 levels of adepts so people don't have to pass them over because no one is around to do them. We need more of this mentality.
I must admit I am a little baffled by some of what people are saying is driving away new players: class balance and raiding? BAH I SAY!

Ezie above me has stated a very good case, people leave because it looks like there is nothing for them and they aren't overly wrong. I level 65's of classes I would think would get snatched up in to groups sit LFG for hours all the time. hell just hitting 65 means NOTHING as you're nowhere near what other 65's are.

Just finding a leveling group is next to impossible. I remember just a couple years ago when there was almost always a group at robots in Heartlands, not anymore. Last few times I was in HL I was alone.

I got my mage to 65 a while back and I now have 37 spent AA's. Now I'm fairly happy with my progress, I never got above 55 on live, but it is next to impossible to find anything to do other than solo. Occasionally I find people boxing and I join in, a decent trio does well, but a group would be amazing. Of course as soon as I ask to join a group I know someone is looking up my char profile, seeing that I'm still wearing a couple pieces of exquisite silk and well...that's all she wrote, invitation denied. I'm not trying to get in to raids or anything, but why am I not allowed in to a 65 exp group? I have answered calls for 65 exp group seeks DPS just to get a "no thanks", but they keep looking for an hour so many times I don't even bother most of the time anymore.

Not everyone wants to box also is a good point I think. I have 2 pairs of boxed heroes but honestly I much prefer playing one at a time.

The last major thing I want to say is well...it is old and there is no getting around this. I hope that the new version will help with things and I fully understand that it takes a ton of time and that the devs are not paid, but at this point if it does not come out relatively soon it won't matter.

I have played this game on and off for years now and raiding and class balance have never been the things that make me take such long breaks and debate whether to even come back sometimes. I love this game, it allows me to play my what I do believe is an even better version of the game I kinda grew up playing and I want to keep playing it.
There are still group/6man zones that are fun and not trivial for high end people, and saying that doing seb or lguk "on tier" is as challenging as high end raids is ridiculous. You sound like you've never actually done most high end stuff here and are making assumptions.
Not really, and not enough. And I have done as much raiding on SoD as anyone, it is mindless and boring, it is the raid leader who does most of the work of herding the sheep, the puller gets a bit of extra interaction, but mostly it is just standing in a corner waiting for someone to bring you mobs and then you spam out your routine. Good group content isn't like that, or shouldn't be.

I played on p99 and on two of the real progression servers and a whole lot of the nostalgia wears off when you do that stuff again compared to newer games with much more robust character design, combat mechanics, questing and tradeskill systems, etc. Some people genuinely feel that Kunark/Velious was the pinnacle of MMOs and that's fine, but there was a whole lot of awful shit from that era that I do not miss at all, and that's why I come back to this server every so often and not p99. There is no single game that satisfies every type of player, and there won't ever be, because different people prefer different mechanics, difficulty curves, time investments, lore, you name it.
It's not about satisfying everyone, it's about how SoD currently only satisfies a handful of raiders and nobody else. I play modern MMO's too, you are never going to compete with the quests of TSW and you are never going to beat the PVP of WoW's arenas and battlegrounds. But the standard soloing and group progression of that early era of EQ is something I've never seen done as well since. This game had that originally and then threw it all away.

Saying there is no way to progress is just silly. Your version of progress and mine must be incredibly different. Doing literally anything besides sitting in Athica is worthwhile. You seem to be implying that if you can't do things at the same level as a high tiered person who has put years into their character, then it is progress.
No what I'm saying is that all the players are high tier raiders now. So a new player, even if they find the motivation to level to 65 alone, they find a dead spot in the game where you have to wait forever to find a pickup raid doing tier 1 stuff, or even treasure maps. Bounties help but it isn't enough and the lower the population gets the worse it gets at this point. Raid guilds want 250 AA's and a certain standard of gear and achieving that without a raid guild is not fun or even possible for some people. If you can beg or schmooze your way in to a raid guild, even one or two helpful players from that guild will transform your progression because it's enough to do tier 1 raid content, get your spells etc. But for me this is the point the game becomes broken. You either play alone doing stuff nobody cares about, or you get pulled up through the raid scene and mudflation ruins the gameplay.

Also assuming everyone who gets to high tier is also a jerk is pretty narrow sighted. I will use myself as an example, because I don't want to put anyone on the spot, when I create exp groups I literally don't care who comes. Yesterday my group was Acepar, Chiz, Fulgrin as DPS (all beastlords, and all "low end" in relation to tomes and exp) then me boxing Vitali and Crynel. We had a final member, but I don't remember who. Maybe my alt leeching exp. Either way, we all went to FR and killed Bloodfires. Is that the best group? Absolutely not, but it didn't matter. We had fun and hung out for a while killing monsters together. Sure there are high tier people who would see those tells and think to themselves "Uh, nope not class X with Y tomes, not worth taking" but not everyone is that way. I genuinely enjoyed my group with them, and others I find just LFG in ooc.
I'm not particularly talking about raiders not accepting people in groups, I think they are jerks because they become raid obsessed and consider themselves so special, the elite. Some of them are special I'll admit, but a lot of them are still just noobs who got carried along on their guild's coat tails. They don't have anything special about them except the gear they got just for showing up on a raid and pressing the buttons they were yelled at to press.

The problem here is lack of new blood really. It boils down to there being so few new characters that making a guild or even a group without some sort of combination of new and old can't happen. So you will have a fresh group with some healer sporting 80 tomes, or a tank with 9k hp. The problem isn't the characters, but the mindset of the player. Is it worth 30 minutes to buff, then a 15 minute run to an obscure zone to get okay exp but relive a nostalgic period of my play here in SoD? Or do I spend 30 minutes buffing and 3 minutes running to a zone that is newer, so more polished and a bit more friendly to new players? That is the question you have to ask yourself or others when you're making these groups. Most of the time people don't want to waste their time zoning 7 times to get to an obscure place without some sort of motivation.
More players wouldn't help, especially nowadays, because everyone is a sheep who asks what is the best zone and then goes there. It is the duty of the game to balance it out so there are several places to go and each have comparable XP, difficulty, and rewards. The 30 minute buffing thing is ridiculously tedious, but so is grinding in FR every time just because it is the l33t spot.

I agree with some of this, but again I can definitely feel the venom literally dripping from the words in this. You are upset with the current state of the game, and it is all high tiered players fault. The people who've played this game religiously for years and years are clearly the reason people have moved on and left.

While I would love to see some way for people to really progress in a meaningful way outside of raids, it's a slippery slope and hard to balance anything around. How much out of raid time equates to in raid time? How much effort should getting gear solo be, compared to getting an item 17 other people need to help you get? If I can get a Healing 5 item with a week's worth of effort, can I get a Healing 6 item with 2 weeks? healing 8 with 4? Where do you draw the line. Anyone can have a meaningful and fun experience in SoD without raiding, but what it sounds like is you want everyone to share in your vision of fun, whether they want that or not. You want it to be like the good old day, where things were super hard and challenging and would love to see other people enjoy that style again too. The problem is, what if I don't like that style of play? What if I actually enjoy where I am now, able to heal well and melee some monsters with a cane that heals my party. I like my clicky items, and I like my spells that had to be farmed by killing hard high tier raid monsters in a tower. Everyone wants something different, and what you consider fun isn't what others might.
None of that matters, a better designed game can cater to everyone, or at least get close. Essential items should be groupable, and raid gear should be mostly resists and utility for raiding, but which doesn't gimp the rest of the game's content and it also means that if you find raiding boring, you can choose to not do it and not be left out. You are right I want people to share my vision of fun, because I think it is better. Your vision of fun is what the devs has made this game into and now it has no players.

While you make some good points (high tiers camping mid tier camps for cash) you also seem to only be recalling the "good" parts of EQ. EQ had all of the same problems that shards has. High value items were camped 24/7. Epic quest drops were perma camped to either be used or multiquested away. None of the issues you've mentioned are really new issues.
Not all the same. In early EQ if an item was camped you could get on the queue and because it was 6 individuals, you had a better chance of getting in the group once someone left. Once Kunark came along, most of the older camp spots were empty, so for new players or twinks, it was far easier to get stuff like Yaks SMR etc. And the thing with epic weapons is that it only bothered a small percentage of players, many people didn't even care about their epic, and many more weren't at that point yet. SoD just has more bottlenecks and the problems are more severe.

One of the main reasons you see high levels camping ToLL and such is because there's nothing more valuable in the game to camp. There really aren't any high tier xp dungeons. Any zones (Overgrowth, Citadel) that offered more cash reward or better xp were for some reason deemed "too good" and nerfed right out of competition for a good place to xp or farm with high tier toons.
That was my point. The game is made entirely for the few people at the top of the raid tiers. Personally I think it's better to not attempt to keep them playing forever, because they just further push the MMO 'wealth gap' equivalent. It is better to have people play the server for a few years and then move on, if it means a healthy supply of new players that will go through the same progression. The problem with catering to people who have played hardcore for several years is that to deal with those players you have to take something away from everyone else. It's not like there is a huge budget and team of devs to develop all areas equally.
Not really, and not enough. And I have done as much raiding on SoD as anyone, it is mindless and boring, it is the raid leader who does most of the work of herding the sheep, the puller gets a bit of extra interaction, but mostly it is just standing in a corner waiting for someone to bring you mobs and then you spam out your routine. Good group content isn't like that, or shouldn't be.
Okay thank you for confirming that you actually haven't done high tier content here and have no idea what you're talking about.

The bulk of SoD raiding is pretty much as you describe, but the actual good content (which is focused mostly at the t12+ levels) is different.
Some of them are special I'll admit, but a lot of them are still just noobs who got carried along on their guild's coat tails. They don't have anything special about them except the gear they got just for showing up on a raid and pressing the buttons they were yelled at to press.

Most of this post is sour grapes and bitterness but this quote stood out. Was always funny to me how many people are jackasses in /ooc and on the forums and when you check them they link their fomelo and say "this is my authority" but then you play with them in game and they are terrible. Routinely terrible. That being said, I have observed a handful of the end gamers on this server in action and a few of them are amazeballs. Too few tho imo. So few as to warrant this post.
I never raided with him before joining current guild, but Eisley is pretty amazing all around. Granted I never raided with other old FwF people, but I have heard of some phenomenal exploits about other members. Shame I never got to experience it first hand, but if Eisley's ability to play all the classes he does + have knowledge on ones he doesn't is a reflection of them as a whole it says a lot.

Edit: There are a lot of cool people I play with that are really talented at pressing buttons and making monsters die. I just mention Eisley because he is one of the oldest players I know, starting a year or so before I even did (2006), and still playing.
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Frankzappyay does make a valid point though in some of that. The system of progress is archaic at best, and thinking through the process of making a new caster makes me never want to make one. Get to 65, need ancients, can 1 group ancients probably with dudes (assuming im not starting fresh, since I have friends and a guild and stuff), need relics (pita because they're tiers that aren't as easy as ancients, but doesn't require a full raid), need archaic frags (please just kill me), work on ritual (because completion), Murk spell, Runic 1 (GL in Prophets Baldikans), Runic 2, Dreadlands spell, [If You're a Porter] all of the Murk and Dreadlands quests for the port spell.

You can trudge along with some/most of those eventually completing them... but some, especially stuff like Archaics that require full raids to do content that isn't really done anymore sounds awful. Reviewing where some of this stuff drops, revising it to drop more commonly or in other places as well, making it more friendly for a group of people instead of a raid, or making some of it just questable (questable relics, maybe ancients, etc. would be outstanding imo). Random thoughts while waiting for next class to start.
I never raided with him before joining current guild, but Eisley is pretty amazing all around. Granted I never raided with other old FwF people, but I have heard of some phenomenal exploits about other members. Shame I never got to experience it first hand, but if Eisley's ability to play all the classes he does + have knowledge on ones he doesn't is a reflection of them as a whole it says a lot.
I feel like back when it was Twilight Underground on top the end game community was just all around nicer/livelier/friendlier. Nobody PuGs shit anymore just for the sake of it, it seems. Maybe those days are dead and gone.
Not really, and not enough. And I have done as much raiding on SoD as anyone, it is mindless and boring, it is the raid leader who does most of the work of herding the sheep, the puller gets a bit of extra interaction, but mostly it is just standing in a corner waiting for someone to bring you mobs and then you spam out your routine. Good group content isn't like that, or shouldn't be.

You clearly have not done high end raid content. It is super fun and the only reason I still play this game. We have 18 real people all communicating, working together, making decisions on the fly, and just one individual player making a significant mistake will wipe the entire raid.

A lot of raid content is as you describe, especially when people bring ringer tanks and just avoid the mechanics, don't bother with strats, and people get loot, but high tier 6 man and raid content is extremely challenging, and it is one of the big reasons the server manages to regain a decent population of high tier raiding-focused players.

Most of those high tier players don't have any way left to progress their character other than raids, so they don't end up interacting with the rest of the server a whole lot, but thats not because they are jerks, they just have already done all the lower tier content and exp, and with the gaming time they have they would rather raid or work on guild progression.

The bigger population and low tier problems of the server are really separate entities from the high tier players. You seem to have a lot of resentment, and yes high tier exp groups may not invite the fresh 65, but that has ALWAYS happened in every MMO ever. The thing that is different now is that there aren't low tier groups for that fresh 65 to join as well.

I don't know how to fix the population problem. I know in my guild, we actually have a surplus of players right now, who are eager to raid and battle monsters, and we have our own problems that will hopefully be addressed.

For population and new players it seems the biggest thing that can happen is for 2.5 to release, and hopefully us get on the eqemu server list. Another drive, with rewards of fame and stuff would certainly help.
I noticed several people here complaining about there not being PUG raids anymore, or high level players being exclusive/rude/?, so I wanted to take an opportunity and PUG my Halloween event.

I made a post in open raids. It will be sometime later today, Friday. Everyone is welcome, send Solosolki a tell sometime today and I will make an effort to get as many real people into the raid as possible, and hopefully we can actually push the event a little further than the 4/6man groups that have engaged it so far have gotten. I and some friends will bring a few high tier/ringer characters, but anyone/everyone is welcome to join is just to have some fun and see a cool new event.
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