Dalayan Adventurer
That 52 Adept in MielB should be given the Velious armor treatment!
The only downside I can see is that there seems not to be a reverse function within the program; I was unable to flag the natively transparent portions of this model to be non-transparent, which might've been a nice way to distinguish one or two of the texture sets from the rest.
I recall being unable to save after attempting to input the non-transparent value manually. I'll have to revisit the Transparentifier and see if I was doing something wrong. Looking forward to any updates you come up with! Your work is coming in very handy in my own little experiments, and I'm sure others are getting even greater use out of what you've made.Should be able to un-transparent something by copying the "Visibility Flag binary" of something non-transparent and copying it over the "Visibility Flag binary" of the thing you want to change.
10000000000000000000000000010100 is the most likely value (= 0x80000014 in the Visibility Flag field).
I've gotten a lot better at making tools, maybe I'll remake this one some time... having to export and import the WLD is pretty crappy.
Also if anyone really did want to remodel some ranger birds, and give us multiple options that are thematic, I would not be against making that more customized too.
What exactly do you have in mind for the Frogloks? If you give me a rough idea what you might like (e.g. a dark blue Froglok, a yellow Froglok, an ordinary Froglok in a specific robe, etc.) I could definitely whip up some more polished versions, or at least some that are specifically tailored to the color schemes you have in mind. In the meanwhile, I've been playing even more with the Froglok models to varying degrees of success.Grinkles post your froglok files. I will totally sharpen up the mielech zones with them. Especially ragnarati and the velius chain texture which is a perfect fit.
I wish I had more hours in a day and more know-how with the technical side of things so I could crank out stuff like this more quickly and with higher quality results, but if you do end up wanting something you see here to go into the game, I'd be happy to do my best.
That may be more fitting with Miel B, Reppots. Nice work! I find that the froua0001 and frolg0002 (the thighs) textures look better mirrored over the X axis, though I also wonder how they'd look shifted over 25% like you did with the hands. Also, how were you able to figure out the orientation of the hands so easily? My own method is to assign the new textures, then log in and check out what's going on in the actual game. If something isn't quite right, I have to rejig the texture, /q out to reload from the login screen (since this is a globally loaded texture), then get back in the game a second time just to see if I've done something wrong. It's tedious, and sometimes eyeballing it isn't very helpful or practical. I'm aware of programs like EQModelViewer and DZoneConverter, but neither of these will actually show me how a given texture is mapped onto a wireframe. If I'm doing this the hard way, please enlighten me....Hey Grinkles,
The hand texture for the froglok is shifted over by 25% from the standard hands. Here's a clean version of the texture you're working with.
Taking your design a little bit further, how about a little slime/moss texture staining?
View attachment 49 View attachment 50
Would a .zip with a folder for each set of .bmp/.dds files be okay? Do you want me to do anything with the names, or leave them alone so a staff member could assign, say, the "lava" gemathian as texture set 01, the "sand" gemathian as 02, etc.?Not a whole lot of gemathians in game either, but I will totally load your gemathian file in also and change the crystal caverns ones. Will be good options to have for the future. You should start posting files as you go so we can try them all out!