Every single class that runs out of their capability to do damage quickly should top the list.
Necro (runs out far less quickly than either of the above)
A single long fight shouldn't really be your bar of measurement either. A series of extended fights, with the amount of downtime factored in is a better measure. Considering most of the time anyone has, or will spend on a character in this game would fall into that category. The source of damage for mages being rains is somewhat of a confounding factor.
Furthermore, rogues should not fall in the caster range. They are:
1. Far sturdier (see physical enhancement, the generally higher ac, a whopping 10% chance to straight up dodge spells, a boost of 30% to dodge, weapon shield, oh and two stances that make them immune to melee and spell damage for a short time respectively).
2. Provide a limited amount of utility that is dependent on their presence (stun, root, snare, mana drain, and dispel from traps), can disarm traps (not a factor in most zones, but still), are pretty much required for an entire range of content (tmaps)
3. Have an entire minigame solely usable by them and bards (burglarizing homes. Honestly more of just a wtf than added utility)
4. As far as I understand they also get some slows and such in the form of intimidation (though this is not really predictable, it is free).
5. Can become invisible to a large variety of things, and move while doing it.
Some of those seem like things that should be minor considerations? So are most utility features. If we are talking short duration stances putting them up into the caster range, then seeing them drop back down, that is all well and good. As long as it takes them a while to recover.
Melees should not be doing as much damage as these casters in the short term. There is no real reason to have a glass cannon, if you can have an iron one that does just as much damage in most situations. In addition a fight where a particular kind of dps class is less effective because of a large amount of melee mitigation, or an immunity is not balancing a class, nor is it making them good or fun to play. It is just forcing you to bring a class to do a particular thing, regardless of how bad of an idea it would be under normal circumstances.
You can argue utility all you want, but in most cases, it just isn't a factor, and the past popularity of certain classes should indicate that.
I will say as an augment to this thread that considering anything but short duration buffs to be a balancing factor in regards to how much dps a class should be doing is really flawed thinking since the system supports a reality where many class buffs are a default on groups whether they are present in the group or not.
is absolutely correct. If it can come along with you without the class being there, it isn't, nor should it be a factor. Things I am referencing include
1. Damage shield (spineskin would fall under a sturdiness increase really. Due to the ac)
2. Every line of hp buff
3. Miscellaneous resist buffs
4. Summonables that stick around
5. Pet (part of dps)
6. Other long-lasting miscellaneous buffs
7. Ports
8. Long duration mana regen buffs (Given that one can pretty much maintain mana on a healer, while performing your primary function, this is more a crutch so that casters aren't completely awful. Hilariously enough, most will still slow a group down even after the drastic speeding up of medding a few years ago)
Things that should be counted to modify the standing of a class on the spectrum of damage/healing. I'm sure I've missed a few here.
1. Sturdiness. The higher this, the lower dps should be with respect to the other classes. In addition, the higher this is, the lower healing output should be as well (see paladins).
2. Healing output=> The higher, the lower dps should be, and vice versa. Does not apply to pet-only heals which are just an extra cost to maintain your dps.
3. Endurance=> The higher this is, the lower the output of healing and dps should be.
4. Functions that are exclusive to a given class or small group of them, and can only be performed by having a member of that class present. This would include abilities such as feign death, mezzing, escape, elemental barrier, protection of the lady, etc. I'm not going down the entire list here, but think things that don't increase dps or healing.
5. Debuffs, especially quick and/or area of effect ones. Slow is highest, followed by things like druid archaic, and resist debuffs bringing up the tail end here. Some weird things in here, like the unmaking curse.
6. Methods of aggro reduction. A class that doesn't have a jolt, should probably be compensated in some other way. If they aren't, that is a problem.
(Most of the following I don't have particularly strong opinions about where they should fall)
Ranger<=>monk (roughly equivalent, though I'm tempted to put ranger slightly behind as monks must be close in order to dps, whereas rangers can be like 8 miles away, avoiding things like whirlwind.)
Enchanter (I'm honestly tempted to put this class quite a bit higher, I'm not sure where though, so I just threw it in)
(honestly could argue the following two either way)
(Tanks somewhere in between the <===>'s)
Cleric (could honestly be above tanks, don't really care)
To recap, since this is a bit broken up