Suggestions for Rebuilding Felwithe

This is going to end up being spammy, but just so I don't lose any ideas through trying to pair things down or rewrites I"m posting a snippit from a convrosation a friend and I had on a few ideas. I doubt its very long but if anybody has problems with it let me know and I'll attempt a rewrite when I'm at the library next(due to my home machine not existing anymore).

Andrew says:
long story short it would require being able to get to ally faction with Athica to even be able to take the quest(which would be for the good of the city or the scholars there or whatever). The end result of this quest would be an item used to bypass a locked door(either a key or it teleports you across or something) to allow you access to levels 60-65 spells. the catch is the spell cost would have to be insanely high(for example 100k plat per relic class spells) and if you ever drop below ally the talasmin would quit working
Ave says:
like a special section of the library restricted only to the greatest allies of Athica?
Andrew says:
Ave says:
i like that idea
Andrew says:
what about justification?
Ave says:
though i don't know about the spell thing, since i dont have any chars high enough to need spells like that and i dont know the balance issues on em its a gathering place of all knowledge, but knowledge is power and they can't just give out knowledge to every mary and joe shmoe that walks in
Andrew says:
its just to address the concern that i honestly think that some spells are impossible to get 'in the wild'
Ave says:
a special arcane university type place maybe or an arcane section
Andrew says:
so give those select few that can pull this off the option of being able to buy those spells at an exceedingly steep cost
Ave says:
what if... we donated some money and books and spells and what not to have a necromancy wing of study there? IE, your necro spell merchant
Andrew says:
well i was pondering the cost would be donating the spells that would end up being sold as well as parchment and ink
Ave says:
something along the lines of a donation to create a place to study the moral application and scientific study of necromancy
Andrew says:
i'll likely try refining the idea later on
Ave says:
that's more for your previous idea than the recent one, though maybe a small string of quests for the 'good' necromancer
Andrew says:
Ave says:
and with THAT special talisman or amulet or key, they can gain access to the necromancy wing. that way we dont just have a general necro merchant who caters to everyone it actually IS targetting toward goodly aligned necros or at least very neutral ones
Andrew says:
would have to make the necro rewards comperable to the ones the cultists have. well wouldn't HAVE to, but for the sake of fareness. although i suppose storyline-wise it makes more sense t ogive the 'good' necro a hard time because of the fact that path is highly unorthidox.
Ave says:
Darian Maliken said:
This is going to end up being spammy, but just so I don't lose any ideas through trying to pair things down or rewrites I"m posting a snippit from a convrosation a friend and I had on a few ideas. I doubt its very long but if anybody has problems with it let me know and I'll attempt a rewrite when I'm at the library next(due to my home machine not existing anymore).

Andrew says:
long story short it would require being able to get to ally faction with Athica to even be able to take the quest(which would be for the good of the city or the scholars there or whatever). The end result of this quest would be an item used to bypass a locked door(either a key or it teleports you across or something) to allow you access to levels 60-65 spells. the catch is the spell cost would have to be insanely high(for example 100k plat per relic class spells) and if you ever drop below ally the talasmin would quit working
Ave says:
like a special section of the library restricted only to the greatest allies of Athica?
Andrew says:
Ave says:
i like that idea
Andrew says:
what about justification?
Ave says:
though i don't know about the spell thing, since i dont have any chars high enough to need spells like that and i dont know the balance issues on em its a gathering place of all knowledge, but knowledge is power and they can't just give out knowledge to every mary and joe shmoe that walks in
Andrew says:
its just to address the concern that i honestly think that some spells are impossible to get 'in the wild'
Ave says:
a special arcane university type place maybe or an arcane section
Andrew says:
so give those select few that can pull this off the option of being able to buy those spells at an exceedingly steep cost
Ave says:
what if... we donated some money and books and spells and what not to have a necromancy wing of study there? IE, your necro spell merchant
Andrew says:
well i was pondering the cost would be donating the spells that would end up being sold as well as parchment and ink
Ave says:
something along the lines of a donation to create a place to study the moral application and scientific study of necromancy
Andrew says:
i'll likely try refining the idea later on
Ave says:
that's more for your previous idea than the recent one, though maybe a small string of quests for the 'good' necromancer
Andrew says:
Ave says:
and with THAT special talisman or amulet or key, they can gain access to the necromancy wing. that way we dont just have a general necro merchant who caters to everyone it actually IS targetting toward goodly aligned necros or at least very neutral ones
Andrew says:
would have to make the necro rewards comperable to the ones the cultists have. well wouldn't HAVE to, but for the sake of fareness. although i suppose storyline-wise it makes more sense t ogive the 'good' necro a hard time because of the fact that path is highly unorthidox.
Ave says:

I am not sure if I like that idea or not.
I am an Iksar Necro for myself [LAWFUL, NEUTRAL] and chose the good path ingame (challenging RP-wise :)) and the idea of having a chance to get my spells somewhere besides raidtargets is hella tempting somehow would corrupt the idea of Relics/Ancients.
You need to proceed in game to be able to accquire that spells and you need a bunch of friends (eg: guild) around to kill that targets, they are mostly a great upgrade in any way and awarded to those that take their time to lay down those mobs.
Money however is a thing that can be accquired much easier as well as faction (unless you need to kill high-end mobs for it). The idea itself is very tempting to me as a player but I also see the potential to trivialize those spells.

The idea of the library in Athica was only lore-wise (I know that since it was my idea :p ) and I would love to stay it that way. Add lore books that can't be taken out of Athica (similar to NO RENT stuff) or just clicky signboards to be read with a bunch of a) Player-written stories connected to the corruption and b) Books of the history of Dalaya and the corruption and maybe some rare reports from the time before Kaezul invaded the land.
Adding spell merchants for ANY 60+ spells would a) trivialize spells and b)destroy the idea of Athica as a place of studying the lore to find anything against the corruption and maybe Kaezul himself.

Just my 2cp, discuss :)
I am not sure if I like that idea or not.
I am an Iksar Necro for myself [LAWFUL, NEUTRAL] and chose the good path ingame (challenging RP-wise ) and the idea of having a chance to get my spells somewhere besides raidtargets is hella tempting somehow would corrupt the idea of Relics/Ancients.

You need to proceed in game to be able to accquire that spells and you need a bunch of friends (eg: guild) around to kill that targets, they are mostly a great upgrade in any way and awarded to those that take their time to lay down those mobs.
Money however is a thing that can be accquired much easier as well as faction (unless you need to kill high-end mobs for it). The idea itself is very tempting to me as a player but I also see the potential to trivialize those spells.

True, and i realize the following argument will likely sound weak however its the only one I've got. Think of it this way. On the one hand you could go after those highly prized and valued mobs till they drop what you're looking for. You could however, in this scenerio, drop down enough plat to buy said spell for the equivilant of buying a ship(I THINK the price is 150k plat for a ship deed, not sure though). As a player that would give you a choice. Spind your money now on gear that would be of immidiate value or save up till doomsday to buy that rare and valued spell. I suppose as a further refinement you would be unable to leave the library with those scrolls since those watching over them put a great deal of time and effort to preserve the knowledge within, they wouldn't want to see all that go up on the auction block so think of the money spent as something of a non-refundable handling fee. This would eliminate people buying up spells and reselling them to those that can't or won't do the quests needed to access the higher(or lower?) sections of the library.

Question is how to make such a quest havea down side big enough to shie people away from the chance at being able to access high end spells(even though they would need to break the bank to buy any of 'em)? That I'm not so sure of other than to perhaps have to complete a series of tasks/mob kill ALONE. No idea how but if its possible create the quest line in a way such that if you group with people/somebody interfears to 'help' kill something(thus getting you an exp penalty...I suppose you could look for either that or the group flag to crop up) you have to start the quest over again.

Along those lines I wonder if there's a way to further complicate matters by requiring a specific ammount of progress into the main quest before any of this is even avalible as an option(example; quest giver at the library checks to see if you've progressed x ammount into the main quest, checks faction, checks for artifacts from a different quest before allowing you to take his quest for whatever token would be needed).

The idea of the library in Athica was only lore-wise (I know that since it was my idea ) and I would love to stay it that way. Add lore books that can't be taken out of Athica (similar to NO RENT stuff) or just clicky signboards to be read with a bunch of a) Player-written stories connected to the corruption and b) Books of the history of Dalaya and the corruption and maybe some rare reports from the time before Kaezul invaded the land.

And I really do WANT this idea to go through reguardless on if any of my own suggestions pass. That's something I would gladly spend time to look through(though having an option to view the texts out of the game would also rock).

Adding spell merchants for ANY 60+ spells would a) trivialize spells and b)destroy the idea of Athica as a place of studying the lore to find anything against the corruption and maybe Kaezul himself.

Just my 2cp, discuss

Studying history and lore is all well and good but what about studying to see if the guardian construct can either be strengthened or, and this would be a great help, be replicated to add protection for other cities. How about study to help disppell the droves of undead that seem to spring back to full strenght reguardless of how many adventurers run through a given area? You can't retake a plot of land, for example freeport, if spooks keep springing up to terrorize the average citizenry.
With yesterday's patch, we have a pottery wheel and an oven, but no pottery vendor. Could we add the rest of the tradeskill vendors to our projects? I think we're missing Pottery, Jewelcraft, Fletching, Tailoring, and Brewing.
I agree, I'd love to support Athica by working on my tradeskills. We've been slacking on the rest of the rebuilding efforts.
I hardly see how we've been slacking on the rebuilding efforts. These things don't happen over night (OOC: the rebuilding efforts have been moving as fast as they can. The only hold ups we've encountered thus far were when we were waiting on the BoT for resources to move things into underway).

On another note, there is already a brewing merchant in Athica. The rest are on the list for things to eventually add to planned. The workers are working hard already. I'll talk to the foreman and see if I can add a couple more things on their "to do" list.
I really like the idea of adding a merchant for 60+ spells, the cost should be pretty exhorbitant and an easy fix for the taking them out would just be to make them nodrop (i.e. like separate nodrop spells that still scribe the spell they are intended to, somewhat like the idols in erimal.) Don't see how a spell costing 150k would trivialize things either. For instance if a caster is not part of the larger raiding guilds here or cannot get into those guilds b/c of size space etc etc, chances are they will never ever get those spells. This would still allow it to be possible, however long it would take to gather the funds for such. Charms are incredibly powerful and expensive, do they make the game trivial? No, it's simply another resource. One that costs a whole buttload of $$$ true, but nonetheless acquirable, and acquirable by all provided you invest enough time in acquiring them, regardless of guild status. I mean hell my guild isn't that big, we rarely raid although we're starting, and I saved up 6k in a month or so. Might it take me a year to save up for one of those charms, probably but it's worth it, same as the spells would be.
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