Spiritual attuning

Not all runic spells are created equal, and every single one is meant to be situational.

However, with that being said, shaman ghot is still the best ghot for caster group. Yes, druid ghot crushes the mana-heal ratio (3.48 HPM for druids and 2.11 HPM for shaman) but it still provides more healing per tick which is very important for caster group (420/6 ticks for druids and 500/4 ticks for shaman).

I could see some minor tweaks to this spell being needed, either lower mana cost or larger heal per tick.. but real talk shaman are already overpowered so have to be careful with this one..

The issue is it's not ever worth wasting one of the shamans chances to cast a spell to cast it, when you could have a druid do it and be more efficient And do more total healing. Not to mention it has a massive snare/slow.

I know runics are supposed to be situational, but as it stands shaman runic one has a single situation it is useful for in a raid (Caster group if you have no druid to cast a ghot instead) I Can't remember the last time I have cast this outside of duoing or solo healing bq groups against Slave Skinner named or Stonemelder name, even when I've raided on thade it's just.. not worth the time to cast. Plus the fact putting a shaman in caster group is kind of silly unless you have more than one in the first place (yes I know ghots are targetable, but a shaman's place in a raid is spamming woundbane on a tank, and having to open a raid window, target, make sure they are in range, and then cast it takes a decent chunk of time away from that).

Honestly if it just got a throughput or efficiency bump it'd be fine. The point of a hot is supposed to be it's an efficient way to save mana from a group heal, but at the moment, the druid's hot is still better at the shamans in any case. Because in no situation ever is the 80 point base difference going to bet outweighed by the two extra ticks of the druids. It's silly that a spell you can't get till like t9+ of raiding is worse across the board than a spell that you get at level 63 for a few hundred plat.

Hell even before they nerfed it to 500 a tick from 600, the druid hot was STILL Better but at least it was still worth casting on casters.
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