I've been wondering if there are any fixes in the works on some of the major bugs that show up once in a while (or frequently):
1) PL bug / insta LDs. This seems to be a spreading phenomenon, as once one person in a group/linked groups gets it, many or all of the others will get it soon after. I'm not sure whether it's just group-based or whether it's zone-based.
2) Group bugs. As I understand it, the grouping system was pretty much rebuilt from the ground up for SoD, I would assume to accomodate the group link feature. That's admirable, but as we all know there are most definitely some quirks. Group links randomly going dead, some or all of the party getting dropped, logging in with group members from 24 hours before showing up, entering a zone and seeing a group or raid's chat even though you're not in the group, etc.... there are a lot of little kinks.
There was one other topic I wanted to ask about, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was.
I know next to nothing about programming, and nothing at all about coding for something as complex as SoD. Thus, I have no idea how complicated these problems are to nail down and fix. I just thought I'd ask, given how widespread they are: are there solutions in the works? And if so, what kind of priority do they have? i.e. are we likely to see them in the next patch or two, or are they sort of on a back burner, whether because of difficulty or other priorities or whatever?
1) PL bug / insta LDs. This seems to be a spreading phenomenon, as once one person in a group/linked groups gets it, many or all of the others will get it soon after. I'm not sure whether it's just group-based or whether it's zone-based.
2) Group bugs. As I understand it, the grouping system was pretty much rebuilt from the ground up for SoD, I would assume to accomodate the group link feature. That's admirable, but as we all know there are most definitely some quirks. Group links randomly going dead, some or all of the party getting dropped, logging in with group members from 24 hours before showing up, entering a zone and seeing a group or raid's chat even though you're not in the group, etc.... there are a lot of little kinks.
There was one other topic I wanted to ask about, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was.
I know next to nothing about programming, and nothing at all about coding for something as complex as SoD. Thus, I have no idea how complicated these problems are to nail down and fix. I just thought I'd ask, given how widespread they are: are there solutions in the works? And if so, what kind of priority do they have? i.e. are we likely to see them in the next patch or two, or are they sort of on a back burner, whether because of difficulty or other priorities or whatever?