Some prominent bugs


Dalayan Beginner
I've been wondering if there are any fixes in the works on some of the major bugs that show up once in a while (or frequently):

1) PL bug / insta LDs. This seems to be a spreading phenomenon, as once one person in a group/linked groups gets it, many or all of the others will get it soon after. I'm not sure whether it's just group-based or whether it's zone-based.

2) Group bugs. As I understand it, the grouping system was pretty much rebuilt from the ground up for SoD, I would assume to accomodate the group link feature. That's admirable, but as we all know there are most definitely some quirks. Group links randomly going dead, some or all of the party getting dropped, logging in with group members from 24 hours before showing up, entering a zone and seeing a group or raid's chat even though you're not in the group, etc.... there are a lot of little kinks.

There was one other topic I wanted to ask about, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was.

I know next to nothing about programming, and nothing at all about coding for something as complex as SoD. Thus, I have no idea how complicated these problems are to nail down and fix. I just thought I'd ask, given how widespread they are: are there solutions in the works? And if so, what kind of priority do they have? i.e. are we likely to see them in the next patch or two, or are they sort of on a back burner, whether because of difficulty or other priorities or whatever?
Hasrett said:
2) Group bugs. As I understand it, the grouping system was pretty much rebuilt from the ground up for SoD, I would assume to accomodate the group link feature. That's admirable, but as we all know there are most definitely some quirks. Group links randomly going dead, some or all of the party getting dropped, logging in with group members from 24 hours before showing up, entering a zone and seeing a group or raid's chat even though you're not in the group, etc.... there are a lot of little kinks.

Find the cause and post it on the buglist, and it'll get fixed.
i remember I was with a group of people and wiz before SoD went down and we tried troubleshooting the groupbug problem. After that they seemed to be fixed or at least better. Was this change lost from the rollback when the server came back? (Don't remember specifically but another patch fix needed redone iirc) Or is this just the remaining problems which could not be found?
Zoning seems to be a trigger for alot of the group bugs, but with the way I think zoning works, it's understandable. If zoning works the way I think it does, than that's what causes you to have a group right when you log on. From my knowledge and observation, when you zone you actually step off of the server for at least a few seconds and then have to come back with all of your group connections restored. Camping is just like zoning, except for a longer period of time and so could be seen as 'zoning'. Again, that's just my observations, and I really don't know what could be done about it.

As far as the debugging of code goes, it's hard to do. Something may go wrong in the program that goes with a part of the code and the problem is in a different place entirely that has an odd effect on the other code. I worked on a project over the summer and spent 2 hours looking for what was causeing a problem and it ended up being about 100 lines away from the problem block of code. With something as complicated as the SoD code must be, I applaud the coders and the debuggers.
Homogenn said:
Hasrett said:
2) Group bugs. As I understand it, the grouping system was pretty much rebuilt from the ground up for SoD, I would assume to accomodate the group link feature. That's admirable, but as we all know there are most definitely some quirks. Group links randomly going dead, some or all of the party getting dropped, logging in with group members from 24 hours before showing up, entering a zone and seeing a group or raid's chat even though you're not in the group, etc.... there are a lot of little kinks.

Find the cause and post it on the buglist, and it'll get fixed.
I've tried to look for patterns, but at least with people being dropped from the group, there seems to be none. It seems to happen at random times--sometimes when you invite someone new, but sometimes when all of you are just idling, buffing or fighting--all of a sudden there will be no more group, or three members will get dropped, or whatever.

Inability to accep a group invite (you're invited and say accept, and nothing happens; you have to spam disband several times and get a fresh invite) seems to happen sometimes if you've just left another group, but not always.

Seeing a group from days before seems, as Luci said, to be related to zoning and/or camping. It might be that it happens after you log out in a group without disbanding? Also, sometimes if you disband that old group and then zone, you're put back into it AGAIN. If you've disbanded and joined another group before you zone, after zoning it will occasionally even show your old group (or parts thereof) plus your new group member(s). If you then go on to add other members, at least once or twice I've had it bug the group in a big way, dropping members etc.

Also, I remember Wiz saying in OOC (I think a couple times) that due to the sheer volume of /bug reports, the best way to get a major issue addressed--or discarded, if it wasn't really a major issue--was to post it on the forums in the Suggestions and Requests section. Not quite sure why my post was moved, but anyway, yeah... that was my intent.
My personal theory is that there are somehow made several group instances upon zoning, which would be why you have to disband several times.
That actually makes sense then because even if the instances are the same, a change in one might not effect the other. This implies there is a system in place to monitor different instances and syncronize them. That would imply there is something wrong with the monitoring system. This of course is if Homogenn's theory is correct, and I understand my programming ;)
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