Silver Crown Progression from Corporal to Sergeant

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Dalayan Master
Hello all,

I'd like to start by admitting the problem I am having with this line of quests is completely self inflicted. Basically to begin, once I was promoted to Corporal I started doing the quests for that grade. I thought I had received enough Faction experience to progress to Sergeant following a write up a friend put together.

What started this problem was accepting Jildo's Map quest. I received the materials to begin/ complete the quest, however thinking I was good to be promoted to Sergeant I deleted them. Without the materials I can not (as far as I know) complete the quest. To my surprise I was short on the requirement. I went back to Jildo to see if I could get the items again, however as expected he only explained how to the quest needed to be done.

Frustrated at my own mistake, I began to go back to every quest giver for the Silver Crown up to this point to see if there were ANY quests I hadn't finished that I could use as a supplement. Being sworn Althuna I really didn't like my option of killing Treants and getting evil points, however I took the hit and did the quest. Even with 25 Faydark Treant Bark I didn't get enough to advance to the next rank.

Aside from that quest, all other were completely done. This includes:

Heartland Plateu
- Sergeant Aleroth - Saving Surveyor Thomas quest = Done (Saved Him in Goblin Caves)
- Sergeant Aleroth - Soldier Badge Bounty quest = Done (Turned In 2 Badges [Max Turn In])
- a Silver Crown cook - Cooking Ingredients Bounty quest = Done (~25 Turn Ins on Ingredients for Max)
- a Silver Crown smithy - Mining Carbonite Bounty quest = Done (60 ore [Max Turn In])

- Sergeant Feveg - Clearing the Caves Bounty quest = Done (75 Gemathian Heartstones [Max Turn In])
- High Trader Dreina - Othmir Alliance quest = Done (Reached Ally, received Token of Alliance)
- Trader Jildo - Jildo's Map quest = Failed (Deleted Materials)

Goblin Skull Mountains
- Trader Ralika - Metal Deposit Bounty quest = Done (10 Turn Ins [Max Turn In])
- Trader Haddick - Faydark Treant Bounty quest = Done (25 Turn Ins [Max Turn In])

West Badlands
- Trader Voyna - Centaur and Kargyxx Alliance quest = Done (Reached Ally with both factions and got a Token of Alliance from both Mazik and Helleron of the Plains)
- Corporal Genein - Cyclops' Clubs Bounty quest = Done (10 Turn Ins [Max Turn In])
- Trader Togun - Escorting Milda quest = Done (Successful Escort)

These are the quests that are both on the Wiki and the write up I was using as a guide. As I mentioned I went back to each quest giver to ensure there was absolutely nothing additional I could do for any of them.

I searched for anyone else having an issue similar to mine, however most/ all were solved through completing a quest they had missed. Mine is different, in that I can't just do another quest.

My real question is kind of in two parts. First being, is there a way to get Jildo's Materials back again after destroying them? (Aside from petitioning about it). If not, is there a quest that i am missing in this list that could bump me up just enough for promotion. I have most of the Sergeant rank materials in the bank now, waiting on petition responses and such regarding this.

Thank you all in advance for any information provided by the community. Hopefully a solution can be found, aside from just being stunted at Silver Crown Corporal for life =p
Our policy on losing quest components that make you unable to continue the quest is that if the loss is somehow the server's fault or a bug, you will be reimbursed. However, destroying, trading away, or otherwise losing a quest item in a way that is entirely your fault will not get you a reimbursement, even if it this means you can not continue a quest.

Be careful what you destroy.

Taken from Wiz's thread

This looks like my only real good answer thus far, as much as I dislike it. Unless someone has a quest that wasn't listed above. Thanks for the help anyone.
Petition still in however until I hear from someone that I am for sure out of luck.
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