Silver Crown Mapping Velious


Dalayan Beginner
I'm re-posting this because I've gotten no responses and I still cant finish this quest. I keep going to Frosthorn, running to all 4 spots, hoping it will somehow work.
Quest given by Trader Jildo in Everfrost.
ive completed the maps for wyvernfang, eastwastes and great divide with no problem. in frosthorn , ive gotten the "you have scouted.." message for the docks, the bridge and the ice floes. i went to dreadfang spires entrance and got nothing, i spent a considerable amount of time walking around there. so i brought along a friend who had just been flagged for this quest. again , he did 3 of the maps no problem. in frosthorn he got the "you have scouted..." message at dreadfang spires(the only one i COULDNT get), but he couldnt get the docks or the bridge parts complete. were both still stuck with 1 "Blank Parchment" each. not sure exactly whats broken, but im pretty sure it isnt me hehe. id sure like to finish this one some day..... - Anyadlia 65 Druidess
hmmm odd, I was able to do it just fine. If you didn't finish it yet the problem with not getting the message is youre possibly not going close enough to the area youre suppose to be at. Like Dreadfang spires first I didnt get a message but when I moved closer and landed(*I had lev on) I got the message. The docks, well you have to be at the actual docks not close or near it same with the bridge I guess. Hope it works, dunno why it isn't working but yeah just go closer lol.
for sure i was close enough, and i thought of the lev thing too so i clicked it. i ran around dreadfang for a long long long long LONG time. i even zoned in and out, if thats not enough, i dont know what is!
docks is like the furthest docks i believe not the one near dreadfang run around the islands after DF one. been while so could be wrong but try that
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