Scholar Adrashi


Teletubby Cosplayer
The mechanics of this fight seem like they're not working correctly.

My guild tried it last week and encountered what we thought to be bugs in the event. The scholar, to my understanding, is supposed to despawn and spawn 6 vases called adrashi's vase. He also gives you 6 mallets to break these vases. One the vases are supposed to hold the boss and if you can find him before a certain amount of time he pops out and either doesn't AE or has a considerably lower AE than if you take too long to fight him.

My issue here is that my guild went through a number of phases where the mechanic that i mentioned above did not work. In one case, we broke all 6 vases and the named did not respawn. When he did respawn after the normal time he gives you he did the large AE and basically killed anyone with less than 7k hp. In other occasions we found him in the vase and he still did the big "penalty for not finding him in time" nuke.

As we track upper thaz this mob is also almost always up, which also hints at him either being too hard for anyone who cares about his loot to kill or his event being broken.

I would appreciate if someone could look at this event please and let us know whether it is actually bugged or if we are just doing it wrong.

Thanks for your consideration.
I posted the same thing several months ago.. some responses were that it was working as intended...which I don't believe it is... other responses were that yeah it's broken, just power through it, that's how others do it

I just had this conversation with a guildy who said they used to do this event all the time in this other guild he was in and insisted it wasn't broken... anyway, I'm interested in the responses
~3 years ago when Steel raided it regularly it did not function the way it did the last time Sanctuary did it. Hitting all the vases and him not appearing isn't really how the fight works.

"Just power through" isn't really a good method for clearly broken content. It's possible yeah but why not get it fixed.
Never looked at this thinking it would be sucky to figure out. Turns out it was very simple: the vases differentiate themselves based on what loc they spawn at, and one specific vase was looking for an incorrect y value, so whenever that vase was chosen it would never count. 16.6% chance of hopelessness, fixed after years and years.


Good stuff... and thanks for the fix. :)
Never looked at this thinking it would be sucky to figure out. Turns out it was very simple: the vases differentiate themselves based on what loc they spawn at, and one specific vase was looking for an incorrect y value, so whenever that vase was chosen it would never count. 16.6% chance of hopelessness, fixed after years and years.

Thanks, Zaela!
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