Dalayan Beginner
I'm not one of those memorable chars on the Dalaya server, but I do pimp it out every chance I get. The best part is, if I talk about my normal topics I get weird looks and children cry, but if I talk about EQ then people roll their eyes and seem interested, real life, what a crock.
Who am I in the game you ask? Well I got my first character over lvl 20, Mylthon. I also have a 15 SHM named Colzixi. I can't play every day and when I do it's on limited time (even when you're unemployed people won't let you be), on the good note I've enjoyed this game since the Live days of Kunark and that Ice continent up until I quit during the war between RL and UO.
This picture was like eight months ago when I had a a skate and surf store called Aggro. I was trying to pose for mah book, but I ended up using my avatar. Don't worry in the next edition I won't use that pic of me, I don't care about professionalism, but I do care about the resolution blur.
I am also in a silly movie of me on youtube showing side boobage whilst playing Pandora (Greecophiles rejoice) and I play a dead body in another. I'll post the trailer to the 'movie' I'm in at a later post.
As of now I think I've typed more in this post than the combined word count of all the other posts sans mine. Ugh I sound pretentious, I apologize I had a different edumacation growing up.
P.S. I'm pointing at the future.

I'm not one of those memorable chars on the Dalaya server, but I do pimp it out every chance I get. The best part is, if I talk about my normal topics I get weird looks and children cry, but if I talk about EQ then people roll their eyes and seem interested, real life, what a crock.
Who am I in the game you ask? Well I got my first character over lvl 20, Mylthon. I also have a 15 SHM named Colzixi. I can't play every day and when I do it's on limited time (even when you're unemployed people won't let you be), on the good note I've enjoyed this game since the Live days of Kunark and that Ice continent up until I quit during the war between RL and UO.
This picture was like eight months ago when I had a a skate and surf store called Aggro. I was trying to pose for mah book, but I ended up using my avatar. Don't worry in the next edition I won't use that pic of me, I don't care about professionalism, but I do care about the resolution blur.
I am also in a silly movie of me on youtube showing side boobage whilst playing Pandora (Greecophiles rejoice) and I play a dead body in another. I'll post the trailer to the 'movie' I'm in at a later post.
As of now I think I've typed more in this post than the combined word count of all the other posts sans mine. Ugh I sound pretentious, I apologize I had a different edumacation growing up.
P.S. I'm pointing at the future.