Requesting help choosing a Diety

Vah has a few, Comercy has a few, though they can be tricky, Faction Alignment has one per aug upgrade (SC, BS, CoI for law, evil, good). I can think of at least two in Newport no one has mentioned yet. A few that anyone that a certain group doesn't hate, can do were added to the newport sewers as well recently. This was to balance the addition of side quests anyone could do that were added for the Althuna quest.

The deity aug quests themselves give substantially hits, towards your Gods alignment. This means that when the time comes for the hit, and your neutral, it'll calculate which to give you to better your standing (ie Sihala, gives Law points, and EITHER evil or good points to get you closer to a true neutral standing). In addition most have bonus games or questions within them that give some extra points, though those aren't guarantees.

I'm sitting on about a half dozen minor quests for levels 10-60 that all contain hits as well, but I'm rather lazy, so they aren't out yet. But I'll probably pop them in by next week since your now aware of them.

Thats all off memory. You'd be surprised what you can find if you dig a bit.
Is it finished? There anyone to fomelo with it?

Edit: nm, decided not to be lazy and search for it. Found both answers.
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