Requesting help choosing a Diety


Dalayan Beginner
First off Hi everyone :)

to the point;

I'm a Beastlord, and I can't decide what diety to go for, I'm currently aligned with Silver crown, so it needs to be one of


where as only


have augment quests.

I'm kind of stuck on the MQ thus far, I'm on the part where I need to help or kill Kril in East Freeport. and I cannot decide what to do, If I'm going for a Evil diety I could just kill him, but if I go for a neutral or Good diety that Evil alignment hit would set me back a little bit..

I've heard Malath is supposed to be a good choice because the plane he resides on lags so much (?) so nobody bothers to raid it.
I've done some of the Marlow augment quest line before, so I know it a little, but an evil beastlord just doesn't 'feel' right..
But whichever diety I choose I miss out on raiding, If I ever get to that point.
Or.. should I just not care and go Pariah?

P.S. I know I probably shouldn't put this much empathizes on this stuff, but I'd like my character to be as good as he can be.
P.P.S Sorry if this is in the wrong place, wasn't sure where I should post it.

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marlow has an aug - fomelo Minlas
sihala has an aug - fomelo Ratkon
althuna has an aug - fomelo vartenaal

by pledging sihala you cant raid plane of earth - not a big issue
althuna - cant raid city of mercy - not an issue at all
marlow - not an issue at all

keep in mind the augs im referring to are all tank augs, melee would be slightly different, but posted just to give you a ballpark
Oh, thanks I missed Althuna having an aug.

when you say its not an issue, do you mean people never raid there? or just very seldomly?

Marlow is tempting, as going for evil seems far less tedious than good :p
and trying to stay neutral seems pretty hard aswell.

For a beastlord who doesn't have any gate neck yet, which diety offers the best options? merchants, banks, transport to major city etc?

I know Marlow has a direct link to Erudin. (but Plane Of Nightmare is annoyingly maze-like)
Last I saw City Of Mercy it had a link to Sos or SS (can't remember which) which isn't very helpful. (seemed like a pretty easy place to navigate, if somewhat huge)
No idea what Plane of Earth offers.

Thank you
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pledging tarhyl means you cant xp in a very lucrative dungeon and cant raid in the one of the best and high-end dungeons - tower of tarhyl. that is what i would call an issue. plane of earth gear can easily be replaced by things from other planes/raid zones. CoM is a raid zone, but i dont know much about that, all i know is that people have been able to survive and advance to the top tiers without raiding there.

not sure if CoM has a bank, but i dont think so. plane of earth definitely doesnt have anything
Plane of Earth has an exit to the Darkwoods. I haven't noticed a banker or merchants there on my alt. Both City of Mercy and Plane of Nightmare have banks and merchants. In Nightmare it's pretty close to the neck-in.
As far as raiding in those zones goes, they've all been raided lately (there's a huge quest involving quest pieces from them).

Edit: someone pointed out I'm dyslexic.
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Tarhyl was never an option :p

So basically unless I go Pariah, I'm screwing myself out of a quest, or a raid zone..
Hmm difficult choice.

How difficult is it to stay Neutral? seems like pretty much everything is either Good Evil, Lawful Chaotic..

and the questions in Erimal, always dread those.. do they even have a neutral answer? :p

Sihala and Marlow are pretty much the two most tempting, CoM's connection to SS or SoS doesn't help much in the way of getting back to town. I'd still need gate pots or a gate neck.

Marlow is somewhat easy to get alignment to, Evil usually involves ignoreing/killing those who need help :p

Sihala is Neutral, while I'll probably get a juicy spec bonus to begin with (being neutral to start) I have no idea how hard it is to stay neutral through quests and such..
Plane of Nightmare doesn't screw you out of said quest - in fact it makes it easier if the inhabitants don't want to kill you. The only people who HAVE to kill in PoN (CoM) for questdrops are paladins (Shadowknights). And they are sworn to the opposite zone by default anyways...

But yes, wichever god you follow from your list, you screw yourself out of a raid zone.
Plane of Nightmare doesn't screw you out of said quest - in fact it makes it easier if the inhabitants don't want to kill you. The only people who HAVE to kill in PoN (CoM) for questdrops are paladins (Shadowknights). And they are sworn to the opposite zone by default anyways...

But yes, wichever god you follow from your list, you screw yourself out of a raid zone.

eh? what quest do paladins HAVE to kill in PoN for?
Thank you all for the help.

In the end, I'm going to pledge Marlow, the aug quest is pretty easy to get started and getting the alignment is pretty straight forward.

I'll just have to live with the maze that is PoN.. (though I like PoN better than PoE)
I didn't see a response about your alignment question:

Being neutral is easier than it sounds, for things where there aren't a set NEUTRAL option, you can just slide over to one side and then take the opposite side in another quest. For instance if you want to be neutral good but accidentally take a chaotic hit, doing something lawful will push you back to neutral. Alignment is a continuum, and neutral isn't a single point on it.
As an aside, being neutral over the course of a long time can in fact be difficult. Given a limited number of quest choices, the unclear nature of how far a quest is pushing you in a given direction, and the nature of memory being imperfect.

Staying completely neutral (i.e. neutral neutral) sadly doesn't really have much of a point, though of the choices it's the most difficult from a practical standpoint.

As for choices. Enthann and jayla are okay choices to not lose anything, while still having the ability to acquire 20% spec, as well as have a charm aug now.

Though realistically any of the lower choices in the planes you lose out on precious little, since pretty much all of them are skippable tierwise. Depending on what quests you plan on doing diety choice can heavily affect the quest, and how easy it is. For example, the vah requires you to get salves from plane of earth, if you swear sihala, you can acquire these in plane of water, which last I checked was alot easier to get them from. The tradeoff is if you do lore, you're then required to go to a much more difficult zone.

That will really be most of what you'd run into though.

Oh, and your faction alignment helps, but, it doesn't lock you in that much, especially if you go with a neutral <something>.
thanks for all the responses.

I'm now pledged to Marlow and I can hopefully get up my alignment bonus soon (getting 5% atm) and just starting part 4 of the MQ..

Sadly I really don't know what I'm gonna do about those questions for the seeker? some of them seem iffy if they are evil or something else.. and with mere 5% to begin with I'd like not to lower it :p

What are some other alignment affecting quests?

so far between all my chars the best spec bonus I've managed is 12%.. thats after the fifth MQ and most of the faction aug.

does doing your gods aug quest give you an alignment?
yes, so does doing vah and theres a beggar guy near south newport arena you can talk to to get a small alignment shift. iirc newport ring gives lawful points too
One more thing, and maybe I should make another post for this but..

On the MQ, can I finish the side quests later for the Xp? or do I have to do them in order, if I want to do them?
The alignment questions from main quest are the easiest you'll find, the rest are more ambiguous. There some minor alignment hits in Plane of Fire, Haegra Malath, Grobb Mines.
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