Flame of Light
Mana cost: 85 -> 150
Resist: Magic no adjust -> Unresistable
Slot 1: 125 damage (no change)
Slot 2: 250 Hate
Reuse: 18 seconds (no change)
Then again I also wanted to revamp knights entirely too but no one who complains about paladins has ever said anything about it because paladins never read threads other than the ones they make complaining about themselves.
Flame of Light
Mana cost: 85 -> 150
Resist: Magic no adjust -> Unresistable
basically is there something i'm missing here or?
Also I have the Agro tome done so it would have been 10% anyhow ..and 15 with my normal gear.Maybe you are still casting your level 9 blind?
Maybe you should not walk around with 5% aggression.
Maybe you are still casting your level 9 blind?
Maybe you should not walk around with 5% aggression.
And again why are we making this personal... ITS NOT JUST ME ...
maybe instead of asking yourself "why are paladins bad?" you should ask yourself "what is bango doing that i'm not, seeing as how he has tanked much harder mobs than i have?"
If you are having problems with aggro then it is either your fault or the DPS that you are playing with. Judging from your posts and your reputation I am going with the former (also probably the latter too).
I have also tanked EVERY Sanctum mob (of the first 4) and multiple mobs in spires, Every mob in Abyss, and all 6 man events up to Rohk (and I have been the tank for all 4.3 attempts thus far) So saying paladins cannot tank on this teir is just wrong. I DO believe they need a SLIGHT single target aggro boost, because aggro the first 10-20% of a mob is usually dicey, but the DPS should know its a paladin tanking and throw a few extra FD's / Jolts / Concuss'.
Why do you have difficulty wrapping your head around the idea that other paladins have tanked the things you have tanked. Bango, Lindstrom, and I even had to play draelyn a few times in spires. I am not saying paladins did not need something and getting something to make engages/terrible mobs far less rough is definitely great.
Also if you cannot manage to hold aggro without a 2hander equipped than your "normal" gear does not matter right?
... Your just proving my point for me. And yeah I agree on this 100% .. but like I said before .. if a pally is tanking your on any named your group / raid is not doing MAX DPS .. simply cuz it's a pally tanking it. and they have to jolt .. FD . Concuss Evade or what ever they can .. ( ALL OF COST DPS) More than any other tank.
Also should point out that as of this time the paladin class received an indirect buff to hate via the change to spires wrist so you are better equipped to face this "problem" compared to bango of times past.
What fight are you unable to win because your paladin tank cannot output enough hate to meet the dps requirements?