No, delete the file named "files.txt". I'll clarify that right now.Archerake said:im having the populating hashtable problem...
what do u mean delete the .txt files? how do i do that and where are they located?
Add active spyware prevention programs and peer to peer privacy programs (like peerguardian) to the list of things to disable.My patcher is stuck at "Getting Files List"
Disable your firewall(s)/antivirus. This goes double for Windows Firewall
Add disabling the above-mentioned programs to this if deleting files.txt doesn't work. I once got stuck on downloading some file or other a few times in a row, then realized I had PG2 running. Disabling it did the trick.My patcher keeps getting stuck when downloading file X or populating hash table.
If your patcher gets stuck, delete the file named "files.txt", and repatch all.
godamas said:k im having a reoccuring failed to locate string (303) problem, ive dont the sod patch, again, and del. the eqst_us.txt or w/e its called, but it is still presisting, im unsure at this time what to do about this, :what: the eqst isnt marked as read only, anyone with any ideas?
Please don't post questions or issues without any way of resolving them in this post - Start a new thread, instead.