Wiz said:
neaon said:
Wiz - You know I respect you and I really appreciate what youve done for everyone with this server. But why is it so hard for you to see this thing from our points of view? Obviously a number of people were confused about the way to approach getting their vendors back on a regular pay schedule. Why is it necessary to be so harsh about this?
Why is it hard to understand that they
should have lost their vendors long ago because they neglected them?
I've explained my situation twice in this topic with absolutely no recognition by anyone.
In other words, I'm being screwed because I had no idea what was going on, it was quite obvious that no one knew what was going on, YOU GUYS FAILED TO LET US KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON, so you go ahead and stealth nerf our vendors out from under us?
Really, I don't see why the hell I should suffer if I had no idea what was going on (again, I've explained my situation twice already. It's quite valid. I was not taking advantage of a bug and I was not exploting so I see no reason to be punished.)
In short, I lost my vendor for reasons completely out of my control. You might as well go ahead and start taking random pieces of equipment from people, if you support just randomly taking possessions from players that they have invested in.
Especially if it's true that Efficio (who currently owns my vendor location) owns multiple vendors.
If this is to go untouched I think it would be a horrible precedent to set for the server, and would mar a tradition of quite understanding support. I'm not going to say 'customer support' as I understand this is a free service being provided to us, and one (or ten) player's unsatisfaction may not seem important to you (especially if you're SOE...). I still think that when the administration blunders a little they need to be a little more flexible.