My Vendor

neaon said:
Wiz - You know I respect you and I really appreciate what youve done for everyone with this server. But why is it so hard for you to see this thing from our points of view? Obviously a number of people were confused about the way to approach getting their vendors back on a regular pay schedule. Why is it necessary to be so harsh about this?

Why is it hard to understand that they should have lost their vendors long ago because they neglected them?
I think what Wiz is saying is that the 4900 day bug ONLY came into affect AFTER the time ran out on those specific vendors. So, they should have lost them a long time ago, but were kept because of the bug.

And yes, Grommok is holding the one vendor for Bob.
Hi and sorry for reading this late.

Yes, I do have two vendors, but old Bob's is just waiting for its old owner to come back. You will never see this vendor open nor on sale. Also, I will try to hurry him on taking it back.

Sorry for the problems it may have caused.
Today Bob appeared. He said he was out for holidays with his halfling mate, so he could not pay the bill. Anyways, he took his vendor back.
As far as I know, I've never seen a thread about this 49000 day bug on the vendors. But then, it's never surprising to see a 'good' bug go unmentioned. :brow:
Wiz said:
neaon said:
Wiz - You know I respect you and I really appreciate what youve done for everyone with this server. But why is it so hard for you to see this thing from our points of view? Obviously a number of people were confused about the way to approach getting their vendors back on a regular pay schedule. Why is it necessary to be so harsh about this?

Why is it hard to understand that they should have lost their vendors long ago because they neglected them?
I've explained my situation twice in this topic with absolutely no recognition by anyone.

In other words, I'm being screwed because I had no idea what was going on, it was quite obvious that no one knew what was going on, YOU GUYS FAILED TO LET US KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON, so you go ahead and stealth nerf our vendors out from under us?

Really, I don't see why the hell I should suffer if I had no idea what was going on (again, I've explained my situation twice already. It's quite valid. I was not taking advantage of a bug and I was not exploting so I see no reason to be punished.)

In short, I lost my vendor for reasons completely out of my control. You might as well go ahead and start taking random pieces of equipment from people, if you support just randomly taking possessions from players that they have invested in.

Especially if it's true that Efficio (who currently owns my vendor location) owns multiple vendors.

If this is to go untouched I think it would be a horrible precedent to set for the server, and would mar a tradition of quite understanding support. I'm not going to say 'customer support' as I understand this is a free service being provided to us, and one (or ten) player's unsatisfaction may not seem important to you (especially if you're SOE...). I still think that when the administration blunders a little they need to be a little more flexible.
It's in the FAQ or somewhere where if you own more than one vendor, the Devs will hate you with the fiery fury of a thousand suns. If you own more than two, they will zap all your vendors.

And, I disagree. In SOE's case they would have gladly allowed someone to get away with whatever they desired if it meant a few more dollars.

Is it really all that much of a shock that if they have to announce "Banfest 2005" that they might be taking a severe approach to penalties?
Wiz said:
neaon said:
Wiz - You know I respect you and I really appreciate what youve done for everyone with this server. But why is it so hard for you to see this thing from our points of view? Obviously a number of people were confused about the way to approach getting their vendors back on a regular pay schedule. Why is it necessary to be so harsh about this?

Why is it hard to understand that they should have lost their vendors long ago because they neglected them?

I specifically said, that if the vendor itself was TRULY neglected, and never reactivated after that long period of time that they were disabled, then yes, they SHOULD lose their vendor. Take the vendor, take their items, I dont care, that is deserved because they were simply wasting the spot.

But we didnt neglect our vendors. We didnt understand or hear proper information about what needed to be done to get them back. And lets face it, we all know that in the past few months there hasnt been much GM presence online. I was logging in every day, checking the time left every single day because I totally expected it to suddenly drop down to 2 or 3 days and I wanted to be able to rebuy it immediately. But thats fine, I understand that you dont want to budge on this so I dont really see the point in beating a dead horse.
neaon said:
And lets face it, we all know that in the past few months there hasnt been much GM presence online.

I'm online every single night in IRC from 4 EST till 3 EST AM, more or less.
Did anyone who lost their vendor petition BEFOREHAND to ask why they were getting all this free time?
rab said:
Did anyone who lost their vendor petition BEFOREHAND to ask why they were getting all this free time?
Like I said, I haven't been very active on SoD besides recently (and that's only an hour here and there). Once I logged on to pay my vendor and I was told that they were being extended due to people still trickling over from "the other game" ... shrug. I never felt the need to petition because people explained the situation to me a couple times in ooc... obviously they were incorrect but I had no other way of knowing since there was no sort of official announcement on the matter.
They said they were extending them... not giving them away indefinitely. To me an extension is a few weeks, a month or two at best; not the 10+ years that people were sporting on their vendors.
Diolas said:
As far as I know, I've never seen a thread about this 49000 day bug on the vendors. But then, it's never surprising to see a 'good' bug go unmentioned.
It sounds like people expect to "own" "their" vendors indefinitely. I would like to see vendors get shuffled now and again. Maybe introduce a time limit on the use of a particular vendor? Will stop situations where people think they have lost something. Also, keep vendors available once in awhile for different people. Why whould a few people get the best spots forever, just because they got there first on one day?
Sounds like a case of mis-communication.

Why not at least return the items and/or money to the people that lost their vendors?
Hmm I just popped here and wanna say a few things :

-first nice batman picture Rab, was good laugh :)

-no one could expect to get away with vendor not being paid just because there was a transition from 'before June' to SoD. I guess you could have wondered why there was a 49000 limit , at least in OOC, at least the info would have been spread and hopefully be posted before the whole drama.

-the banned guy -Klawde it was ?? I'm surprised- was a total jerk , good riddance. Just for his way to behave and talk he deserved it.
For you guys it's a more ambiguous problem, but hey it's just a vendor it's not like you're being totally nerfed. Just make a new start. Vendors are limited, and IMO the sudden wipe was a good opportunity to put some turnover and make people aware of their duties about vendors.
Now you got to see a lot more various items and other people have their chances . BTW keep your eyes opened, indeed there are many people dual or even tri boxing vendors, so wait for them to free up slots (maybe staff could tell the players like Siquros or Naeon that lost a vendor like this before claiming the unlegitimate vendor ?)

And please SMILE :hug: Banfest is still up !!!

A$$ the nerfed :lol:
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